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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Well folks.. she's here... I'm so so happy... Very hard delivery but on mend.. Sally Rose McAlinden was born 21/12/2018 @7.12am.. 8lb 9oz... And I'm still in shock but heart is full x

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5 years ago

Neomasie, congrats! I was wondering about you. I have been off radar as well. My Reese is 3wks old.
Congrats on the new pregnancies! I am so glad to see new women with bfps! I am already having pregnancy fever again. Ugh. I am done though. Bf and i have split up and 40 is too old to have another. I will keep up more though.
Rooroo, how are you doing? How far along are you now? i need pregnancy belly pics! From everyone. If im not having more, ill relive through you all! Lol

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5 years ago • Post starter

I think moving slower kicked in for me around that time too! That's when I really started feeling bigger too. Now I'm feeling huge! DH and I are so ready to hold this baby on the outside! Still need to get some baby things in order so hopefully will have all that done by this time next week. If baby comes before that I'm preparing myself not to panic at not having everything the way I want it.

Anyways happy Monday and we are almost in my baby's birth month!

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5 years ago

Here is a picture of me at 36 weeks

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5 years ago

@kelleria I’m so sorry for your loss! prayers for you and your family.

Rylie and Reese have the same birthday so, my LO is also 6m. She has weaned herself from breastfeeding and is fully on solids and formula now. She can sit independently and is now getting up on her knees so crawling won’t be far off now! We are going back to Canada on Monday for the month of July to spend time with my family.

Glad to hear that everyone is doing well! Hope to see pics of your lil one rooroo.

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5 years ago

Hello ladies! So many cute pics of your lil ones!! ????????. Rylie just turned 10 months on October 1st. She started walking unassisted at 9.5 months. I can’t believe how fast the time is going! So glad to see all our babies growing big!
@kellira how is lil Reese?

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5 years ago

Well ladies.....we have had the shock of our lives yesterday. Not got my head around this at all, we didn’t plan to have 4 no idea how it’s happened or how far along I am xxxx

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5 years ago

Omg! How our littles are growing! Lakarmw, congrats! I hope it is a good thing. I wish I could have another but I'll be 41 tomorrow and 3 and 10m is all I can handle I believe. Reese can stand up and walk with a walker but not by herself yet. She is 25lbs and 33 inches. My big baby!

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5 years ago • Post starter

Oh so sweet! Nancy and the new princess! Is that all girls for you Larkarmw or do you have some older boys?

Happy New Year to you all. Annika is starting to take steps and is 11 months old now! It's crazy how fast the time goes. She's really developing a personality and getting into books a lot more. I catch her flipping threw books on her own. So cute! Her grandparents got her a sled for Christmas so we are trying to use that as much as possible. The other day she picked up her snowsuit and walked to the door.

In TTC news for us I just got my first post partum period. Today! I'm not trilled with having a period again but I know if we want another baby I need to have it to be fertile and I can finally start tracking to see if/when I ovulate. I expect since we are still BFing that my cycles will be irregular so I ordered some OPKs to help. I suspect my fertility is coming back because Annika has dropped 1-2 night time feeds sometimes we go 8 or more hours at night without breastfeeding. Wish us luck this time around!

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4 years ago

Oh my! Annika is just precious! What a beauty! I'm totally jealous of her hair. Phoebe is still kinda bald lol. She's taken a few steps but is pretty lazy. She loves to stand and clap, but won't start walking.

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4 years ago

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