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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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@neomasie. Sorry about that.
@Lakarmw. It is. I keep asking hubby if it was Monday yet and wish it was here already lol.

Well, this morning was going well. It's pouring here in the city with some lightning and thunder. I have been taking the bus as walking to work from downtown (15min walk) as of all the stomach pains I have been getting so I am thinking it might be round ligament pain or just my stomach muscles stretching and even walking slow irritates it. Anyway, my bus shows up and it's been down pouring for a couple minutes and my bus was late. So, I go speedwalking to get on the bus as it's raining and I'm getting wet. The bus driver managed to shut the door as soon as I was getting on and the handle on the door hit me in the stomach. He says, I'm sorry. And I just told him, I hope my baby is okay. He then told me, ahh, the baby is well cushioned in there. I don't think the handle hit hard but I am trying to stay calm and not go into an anxiety attack worrying if my baby is okay. I know babies can take some sort of a bump but how hard is it safe for a baby to endure? I also have a tmi question . Last night, my daughter passed out early and hubby and I DTD. We don't do it a lot maybe once or twice a week. I plopped a pillow under my butt like I usually do. Anyway, I am the hardest person to cum so I do it while still doing it. I managed to cum and I get this really bad ache on the right side near the pubic bone and then when he finishes and get off the pillow, you can feel a hard lump that is tender to the touch. Do you think it has to do with me being propped up on the pillow and moving the cervix around? I know some orgasims are okay and we don't do it very often and just maybe think I should not use a pillow or just not cum at all. I'm trying not to stress out and just relax as I never had this problem with my first pregnancy as I remember doing it a lot more.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly23 sorry to hear about the bus incident, I would be so angry with him too, idiot. I'm sure you're baby will be fine though, if in doubt get checked, as it's what they are there for :) In my last pregnancy I had loads of cramps after sex, it seemed to set off Braxton hicks, so maybe you could be starting with them as they do start loads early in subsequent pregnancies, I'm not sure about the hard lump, muscle spasm perhaps? I'm sure it's nothing to worry about at all either way xxx

6 years ago

@Lakarmw. Thank you. I'm a genuine a very nice person and me getting mad at someone is just out of the question and he knows that I take the bus in the mornings to go to work but he is an idiot. I guess he was just running late but that's why they have side mirrors to see if people are coming. I'm not too worried about the sex and will have to find some alternative to it or just don't cum the remaining 4 months till baby comes. After this morning, I am now tempted to buy a doppler.

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6 years ago

@Lakarmw I hope the stomach muscles don't give you too much trouble and recede as normal once baby is here.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Dragonfly, with my dd, everytime i got off my stomach would knot up on the right. She stayed on the right side, but my whole side would draw up and get hard for about 5 min or so. It can be completely normal.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kelliria. Thank you! That means a lot to me.

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6 years ago

Back from appt with OB and bub is doing great. Active and moving about a lot. Strong heartbeat. Got my stitches and staples out and feel better already. I couldn't be more relieved

I hope everyone's doing well, especially those who've been quiet for a few weeks and good luck to anyone with upcoming appointments!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

@neomasie. So glad your appointment went well and such a relief to get the stiches and staples out.

Feeling not to bad this morning. Bus driver was really quiet today and just mumbled hello to me. Not sure if he is allowed to talk to me until the investigation is over. I really don't want him to get into too much trouble as accidents happen. This morning is my doctors appointment to make sure things baby is okay. Have been feeling some pushes last night so it's reassuring for me. Before bed as I was lying on my back and I felt the hard ball near my right belly button and on the left side near the belly button, so I am thinking that is the baby. I am so looking for my appointment on Monday so I know exactly where the baby is lying and hope to find out the sex.

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6 years ago

I haven't been around a lot lately but found this so figured I jump in and say hello! I'm Cait, I'm 29, will still be 29 when my twin BOYS arrive hopefully in August. I'm 26w2d with my December FET cycle. I have a 4yr old son that is super proud to be a big brother and I am over the moon to be an all boy mom, honestly my preference lol So many people come to me and ask if I wished for a girl and I honestly did not. I love my boys, this world needs more gentlemen. Anyway, these two boys decided Wednesday night(5/23) to try and come early! I went into preterm labor, drove myself to the hospital and got it stopped. Thank god! All has been quiet since then, we are going to buckle down and finish the nursery this weekend and hoping to have these boys cooking until at least July but I am due 8/29, doc bumped it up to 8/15 due to being twins and 38wks is full term for twins. I will be happy and lucky to make it to 32wks but that's my own goal and I want each baby over 5lbs to avoid NICU time. Otherwise I am very healthy and happy and WAY smaller with these twins than I was with my son.

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6 years ago

@coelh102 welcome and congrats on the two little gentlemen. Please take of yourself and rest. Preterm labor is no joke! Feet up and flat! Direct all the prepping of the nursery from a recliner if you can haha

Glad to hear babies are staying put and you're feeling better.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

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