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Help on ovulation

Hi, all. I should be a pro but im having a hard time deciding when i ovulated. On the 17th i got a peak smiley on CBE at 2pm. I had a dip yesterday with bbt and my spike today, but i took a cheap opk yesterday and it looks like my lh is already going down. The cheapie is negative right? Just trying to guess if i ovulated the 18th or 19th (yesterday).

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  UPDATE   Took opk today and lh down even more. So i either Od 18th or 19th.

15 Answers • 6 years ago



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Well that makes sense - LH would go down since it peaks 24-48 hrs before ovulation. I've had positive LH strips for up to 8 days before, with ovulation confirmed on day 2 though - so the body is a crazy thing. Your temps are probably the best way to go. I'm guessing you probably ovulated yesterday sometime early morning, hence the dip and the spike today. Plus, it's always better to go with later because then you won't test too soon. jmho.

6 years ago

Thanks. I was thinking yesterday but hoping for sat. We've been super sick and didnt get to bd sat or sun. Fri the last bd. Hopefully the little swimmers stayed ok. I never use anything besides CBE opk so after my peak, the smiley doesnt go away. So, i went and bought cheapie to see if its getting lighter in hopes of already ovulating. Ive never used them. Thanks, Calvingirl!

6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

I'd call O on 19th. Don't worry about what ur opk's are doing, u just want the first positive, the rest mean nothing.
Good luck! =))

6 years ago

Thanks, dakotagurrl. I was thinking the same thing.

6 years ago • Post starter

I’m thinking the 19 th as well. They say boy swimmers are faster but the girl swimmers survive longer. So maybe it increases you chances for a girl :). Either way I wouldn’t count yourself out ????

6 years ago

I would be happy with another girl but i would love a boy. Thats why ive been trying to time sex close to ovulation. But, i would be thrilled with either! Here's to fx..

6 years ago • Post starter

I guess thats why i was hoping i o'd on 18th. Its usually cd 14 but this month it was cd16. The crud kept us from bding last few days.

6 years ago • Post starter

I’m probably not much help being that I am just as confused about what my body is doing, however I do believe I ovulated yesterday as well!

6 years ago

Well, here's to our tww. I'll have to keep up with you!

6 years ago • Post starter

Yes absolutely!

6 years ago

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