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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Calvingirl, I have so much domperidone! It is illegal here in the US but I ordered it online with both my girls. I have tubular breasts and my supply was so low. It was the only thing that helped. I had to quit before I finished the packages and have about 300 pills in bubble pop packages. It was my life saver!

4 years ago • Post starter

Kelliria, totally - I'm in the US too and I ordered it online too after much research. Ridiculous that it's not available here. Completely safe. It's my life saver as well. If I miss a day, I notice the difference. Phoebe is still nursing a lot, and I still pump at work, so I still take it. Did you have a problem with your cycle on it? I'm on day 75 now.

4 years ago

I'm 24 fiance is 22 and I have a son from a different relationship he's 5 and I'm 23 weeks pregnant

God Bless

4 years ago

@ Tryingafterloss - She is so cute! I love that happy smile!!

@Dragonfly23 - I was wondering if you'd be looking to try for baby #3 some day! Isiah looks like such a little kid already. I'm glad to hear his surgery went well and I hope your husbands does too. I'll update here if I get a BFP! With continued breastfeeding I don't expect to ovulate regularly so we'll see how it all goes this winter and spring.

@AGamersWife - Congrats! Looks like you are due the same time as Lrkarmw!

4 years ago

@Flamingogirl13. Thank you! I hope all goes well with his surgery and nothing serious happens. With the loss of his brother, I worry that something bad might happen to my husband and miss the opportunity to try for #3 so I would like to start sooner rather than later and then be done with having kids as three is my max. If things don't work out, then I will be happy with having one of each. We had one pregnancy scare where I was two days late and was having lots of signs so I bought tests. The next day, my period came and I was devastated as we were all prepared for the baby and talking like if I was actually pregnant and getting a bigger house before actually finding out. I miss all the kicks, pokes that comes with being pregnant. I had one dream where Isaiah was a bigger boy and we were sitting in the doctor's office and then I found out that I was having twins. So, we shall see what happens. I hope when the time comes, it won't take as long to conceive. I hope you get yours soon as well.

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4 years ago

Beaut1ful38 - I'm so glad that Elijah is doing well, and congrats on being a stay at home mom - the hardest and greatest job ever. Two out of the nest!! I"m jealous! I only have one, my oldest. I still have my oldest stepkids 20 and 18 dragging their feet. The 18 yr old is going to college next year, but she wants to move in with her birth mom and since we don't get along great, I'm ok with that. The 20 yr old son is a bit of a failure to launch. He works full time, but plays video games and spends his money on stupid crap the rest of it. Unfortunately, being a stepmom limits my ability to kick him in the ass to start life. But my hubby is starting to get annoyed with him, so hopefully he'll help him make some progress soon. Step-relationships are very difficult, especially with older children, no matter how long I've been in their lives.
Still have baby fever!! Wow! Well get on it, girl! Give Elijah a little brother :)

4 years ago

Congratulations Alana_may! What a wonderful birthday present that will be!

4 years ago

Hi ladies! Just wanted to give you all an update.

We are pregnant with our second baby! My cycles were all over the place and this past one I gave up on OPKs around CD17 so I'm not positive when I ovulated. It doesn't matter though because I got my first faint positive last monday! The have been getting increasingly dark and I'm feeling my early pregnancy symptoms. Mainly light cramping almost everyday and fatigue. I've made a call to the midwives and have my first visit on the phone tomorrow morning. With all the covid-19 happening they are trying to have as little office visits as possible. I wanted an early appointment to set up bloodwork to check my thyroid. I'm hypothyroid and last time my thyroid tanked early around 6-7 weeks. I want to catch that this time and have them adjust my does sooner.

Tomorrow is the last day I think I will test and I'll post a picture of my progression on here. EED is November 24th based of my LMP, but i think I ovulated a week later then that so I'd put be somewhere in the early December range. We are over the moon excited and can't believe it happened so quick for us this time! Annika will be 22 months old when she gains a sibling!!

Miss you lades and hope you all are doing well in these uncertain times.

4 years ago

@flamingogirl13. again. Will you guys be finding out the sex on this baby? I agree, it is best to get your thyroid checked out before things progress. This pandemic is going to change everyones lives forever and it's scary. Keep us posted girl. #staysafe

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4 years ago

@beaut1ful38. It's amazing on how fast time flies by. I posted a picture on the previous page. I wish I had everyone on the group on FB and see all the cute pictures of them getting bigger.

AFM. I posted on the November/December group (below) but thought I would post it here too for anyone that still follows the group.

Cycle day 1. AF showed her ugly head this morning (2 days early). I was holding on to hope as I was eating peanut butter again (earlier it made me gag to even smell it, and I devoured a piece of my daughter's chocolate birthday cake (I don't eat sweets) last night. So, my husband surprised me when we DTD on CD12 with possible ovulation on CD15 but I am thinking I ovulated on either CD16/17. We DTD on CD16 but he pulled out . With my last pregnancy, I used progesterone cream this cycle as it helped me the last time to conceive my DS; but it didn't. I took a pregnancy test yesterday and it was a BFN. Please note that I did use an expired test and I know that using expired tests may lead to either a false negative or a false positive but I have 4 FRERs and I didn't want to use them if I wasn't pregnant. I was planning on taking Maca capsules to see if that helps to regulate my cycles and temps as it worked wonders the last time. I still have one full tube of progesterone cream and I am thinking of ordering more in case I do get pregnant. I'm not even sad as my temps are very erradic since the birth of my DS a year and a half ago. With everything that's going on (COVID-19, and living in a small 2 bedroom house) that we should wait until everything settles down and we find a house. However, if my husband surprises me again then I will start the process over but not until I have more cream. Good luck and baby dust to everyone. #staysafe

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4 years ago

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