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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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1331 - 1340 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

I think we're done. We're certainly not going to be trying for any more. I only have two living biological children, the first one is 23, but I have 4!! step kids (20, 18, 16, 10), so we're at 6 together and that's a full house. We're not preventing though , and if it happens naturally, I'll be happy. But at 44, it's a slim chance. I had to use fertility drugs to get Phoebe, so I don't even know if I ovulate naturally anymore. But then again, sometimes having a kid jump starts your body. As you can see, I'm conflicted lol.

4 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Thank you. My husband was so on the fence and kept pulling out on previous cycles; as he wanted to wait a few more years before having another one but then our 4yr anniversary came up and it was so close to my ovulation and I left it totally up to him to decide (pull out or risk the chance of getting me pregnant. We also BD on what could have been my ovulation as he says I was "hot" inside but he couldn't finiah. Next night he says I wasn't as hot but managed to finish. So, I have no idea when I ovulated. Oh my gosh he is growing up fast. I had no idea he has down syndrome. Do any of your other kids have it? Hope you guys catch the egg and not have to wait so long to conceive.

@calvingirl. I think if it happens, it happens. Who knows what the future holds. You may get lucky. Are you tracking for ovulation or just winging it?

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4 years ago

Beautiful38, aww...I bet Elijah is so cute! You should post a picture. That's wonderful that he's doing so well. Good luck on catching the next egg if you guys are trying.

Dragonfly, I'm tracking ovulation so I'm aware if we BD during the window. I've been doing it so long, it's a long standing habit. Plus, that way I know when I'll be super cranky PMSing and when I'll want SexyTime and plan for it. :) With a toddler who co-sleeps and a bunch of nosy teenagers, you have to carefully plan BDs lol.

4 years ago

@Beautiful38 - I'm so glad to see Elijah is on a roll! He would love a little sibling if it's in the cards. I know he would! I'm feeling much better these past few weeks. Now that I'm in the second trimester the nausea has subsided and I don't feel crampy anymore. I am starting to get into that always hungry phase and I think it's worse this time because I still breastfeed Annika some. If I don't eat then I feel pretty crappy...

I had an ultrasound on May 11th and baby looked great. Was measuring behind a tad (as I expected) but not enough for them to move my due date so November 24th still. I have the morphology ultrasound on July 6th, which is my Moms birthday! Unfortunately because of covid-19 my husband still can't come with me to the ultrasound so he's very bummed about that. My sister-in-law had her third baby last week and the first boy in the family. She is hoping ours is a boy so they will have a built in cousin playmate! I am hoping for a boy too but would be thrilled with a sister for Annika. I had a gut feeling that I was looking at my son when I held the 12week ultrasound so we'll see if I am right! Didn't have any feelings one way or the other when I was pregnant with our daughter.

@Kelliria - She is adorable! I think two girls is perfect!

Calvingirl - I like your plan!

4 years ago

@calvingirl. I remember those days when we were trying for our second child and my daughter has refused to take naps.

@Kelliria. Phoebe looks so adorable. Sorry things didn't work out with her dad and I hope he still gets to see her and spend time with her.

@Flamingogirl13. Glad to see that you are progressing well and the ultrasounds are good. Sad that your husband can't come with you because of COVID. I hope my husband can as he hasn't been to any of my previous ones and I am making him go this time as this will be our last baby. I'm still a bit crampy and achy and hope those are good signs as again, I am stressed about the "unknown" until I have my ultrasound on June 22.

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4 years ago

@Lakamrw. Awe. Congrats girl. She is beautiful. I can't wait to hold mine soon but I have a long way to go.

AFM. Found out early this week that my girlfriend is pregnant (3 weeks). I always dreamt we would be pregnant together. She doesn't know that I am pregnant too. I think she will be very happy once she finds out. We aren't telling anyone till after the first trimester but I feel my parents should should know first and their wedding anniversary is coming up on July 24. I hope my parents will be happy as my step mom wanted one of ua to get snipped so I assume she doesn't want us to have any more. Well after this baby(ies) that I will be. FYI, my daughter seems adament that I am having twins "one of each she says". So will see on June 22 on how many buns are in the oven and I hope my hisband can join me. Hope everyone elae is doing well.

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4 years ago • Edited

@Lakarmw - What a wonderful update! She is so precious! Congratulations! How does Nancy like being a big sister? How far apart are they? Mine will be 22 months apart.

4 years ago

@lakarmw - She's so beautiful! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the name! So pretty! Congratulations!

4 years ago

@larkrmw- OMG she is beautiful!! Congratulations!

4 years ago

Dragonfly23, that's so sad. Especially with her wedding annviersary coming up this week. If you haven't told her you're pregnant, I'd hold it in a while longer so she'll have time to grieve her loss without adding to it. I had to watch my friend and my sister grow babies that would've been peers to my loss, and it was hard. I'm sure you'll be super sensitive - you seem like a great friend.
As for you, yeah, that's some bloating! I had a lot of bloating with Phoebe too, but your evening picture is wild! You look 5 months along already! So happy for you!

4 years ago

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