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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Lol! The bloat right now!

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6 years ago

Tell me about it I've been out today and twice kind people have asked me if we'll be having any more. Please STOP asking I know I'm fatter than normal. I will tell you after Friday (fingers crossed all is well )!!!!! I've never been asked so often than in the last few weeks it's awful. o just keep replying "we havent ruled it out yet" And now the sun's out too so I can't wear a coat and scarf to cover me up.
And good luck for next week tryingafteraloss I'm sure you're tests will go great xxx

6 years ago

@Tryingafterloss. I haven't. Are you drinking lots of water? I almost had a start of one roughly tge same time as you. Very uncomfortable and then I guess it went away on its own and didn't need the meds. I would drink plenty of water and cranberry juice.

Tomorrow morning is my doctor's appointment and I'd be lying to say I'm not nervous but I am sure everything is progressing fine. I really hope I can hear the heartbeat this time and I'm sure I would cry with joy when I do. Today, I was rubbing the right side of my stomach and felt something hard that made me flinch. Not sure what it could be; head or the feet. I will let everyone know how it went. Worst case scenario; I'd be deleting my account. So, need to think positive thoughts. Keep you all updated.

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6 years ago

Good morning ladies and Happy Mother's Day. Late last night whilt messaging my girlfriend my baby was moving around a lot. About ten minutes later, I finally feel a little push by my belly button. I found this on Facebook last night and thought I'd share iymt with you first time moms and mom's having their second and so on. Had some weird baby dreams last night and wish I remembered more of it. Tomorrow morning is my doctors appointment to discuss my anxiety but after last night, I think I'm alright but I will still go see him. Have a wonderful day.

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6 years ago • Edited

Bb2018, i have a home doppler and the 1st day i used it, i found the hb aat 8w3d. You may be able to pick it up soon. Just go into knowing it may be too early, and if you do find it that early, you may be off and on til a little farther along.
I am getting a NIPT this coming monday. I can't wait to find out what I'm having. I am actually ok with either one. I feel girl because we all have girls on my moms side, especially my generation and younger. So of coarse i want a boy, but a girl would be convenient cause we already have one for toys and clothes and I've heard sisters are special.
I was freaked too cause i have had a mmc. Lost it at 7w1d. My 1st ultrasound was 7w4d. I had horrible what ifs in my head.
I gained 50 lbs with dd. I went from 120 to 170 at birth to 130 after birth. (Im 5'7") I gained to 150 for a few years and when i found out this time i was 143. I am 10w3d and gained 3 lbs. Hopefully, i can motivate and get back to atleast 130 after. Sorry about the weight class. Lol. After i reread it it a lot of numbers.
My nausea is diminishing. I get a wave in the early am btwn 4-6am and btwn 3-5pm usually. My bbs aren't hurting anymore but they are still full. I have no aversions hardly. I can definately tell the placenta is starting to take over.
Well, i have rambled enough. Have a great day!

6 years ago • Post starter

@BB2018. I will continue to take mine until the 20th week when the placenta fully takes over and then by that time, it should be safe to gradually ween off or stop completely. I will message you the link. Other than that, I'm doing not too bad, thanks for asking. I have started walking to work from downtown and by the time I get close to being at work (takes 15 min) I got a ache by my belly button area so I am not sure if that is the baby or just a cramp as it goes away in a short time. I walked to work when I was pregnant with my daughter and I believe I was a lot farther along. Not sure what to do with that. Maybe walk slower....

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6 years ago

Bb2018 so glad your ultrasound went well too :) so reassuring. It's lovely everyone seems to be progressing well. Hope you get a date for your next one soon :)

Neomasie glad your doing ok after surgery :) I hope best rest isn't driving you too mad.

Dragonfly23 how strange you should mention cramping near your belly button when walking, I get this too, when and all my kids to school, roughly 30mins each way. Very odd, I know it's not baby, as they are much lower xx

6 years ago

Successful u/s! Baby's HB was 133, so @BB2018, just in line with yours too and they were thrilled with that. She measured a few days small, but not enough for them to change the due date or be concerned. I'm so relieved. My Journal entry has picture if you want to see.

Kelleria - I also signed up for the NIPT testing which they'll do next month. It tests for trisomy 13, 18 and 21 (down's) and will give you gender. We didn't find out last time, but definitely finding out this time. I'm signing up for any test that is non-invasive that might give me more information - even if I have to pay for it. The money I'll save this summer on beer alone will cover it lol. (I do like a cold one on the beach...this year it'll be lemonade)

BB - progesterone. I asked the nurse about my little bit of spotting, and she immediately ordered another progesterone level count to see if I needed supplements. I have been using the cream too, but only once a day. I'm hoping they catch it if it's falling now so we can prevent anything going wrong. So happy to hear everyone is doing so well!

6 years ago

Ah thank you Neomasie :) fingers crossed, I keep worrying about it then telling myself off as I can't do anything to control it, and it's worth it in the end anyway xxx

6 years ago

My appointment went well. Heartbeat at 142 and found out where the baby is lying. Feet are to the right and head to the left but he says it changes periodically. He took a swab to make sure there is no infection going on but he says everything is fine. Such a relief.

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6 years ago

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