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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Ladies, I started a forum discussion on CountdownMyPregnancy (the other site) called * Holiday (Oct-Dec) 2018 Babies *. Here is the link - just remove the spaces in the beginning. That's so the BB won't block it.
h t t p : / /

Anyway, CMP is not very active right now in the discussion groups, but it was in 2015 because I found an amazing group of women who shared the time with me. I think this group is a great idea, but as one woman in another group pointed out, AF got her and it caused her pain to scroll past this group's title. Maybe we should move over to CMP altogether and then we won't inadvertently be causing anyone pain? What does everyone think?

If you are over at CMP (and I'm on both and will be), my username there is the same - Calvingirl. "Follow" me.

6 years ago

Calvingirl, i will look into it. I felt bad as well when i read it. I created the group discussion so i wouldnt be talking about it in case others that didnt want to see the stuff didnt have to, but i think that is a good idea to move on. Ill have to find it. I was trying to help but guess i didnt. Like you, i love the women i have met here and want to keep in touch but i dont want to make this site that i needed dearly ttc uncomfortable for those still trying. This site is for ttc so i think i better step back. Im looking there now.

6 years ago • Edited • Post starter

midnightrose and dragonfly - I'm so sorry you both feel that way about telling your family. I know when I tell my dad he probably won't even care, he never calls or texts me and we pretty much have zero relationship cuz he lives with my sister who I dont' speak with who is 40, married and lives in his house with her 2 kids (18 and 1) and her hubs and they give my dad ZERO money a month - to me that's just scummy but anywho, that's not why we are here... I say if they don't like it, bless and release! They don't have to like it. If you're happy, that's all that matters :) take care of you and that growing baby inside you with love for yourself and for him/her!!

Kellira - funny you say that because I have had such awful insomnia the past 3 nights! Like BAD! I haven't even had coffee today because I'm scare that'll make it even worse! I never had this my other two times I was pregnant. Not fun! I'll be 4 weeks tomorrow - I hope I don't have this my entire pregnancy! I am feeling wicked nauseous too :( Almost tossed my cookies but then ate some potatoes and then felt okay. Now I'm starting to feel nauseous again - gonna eat and hopefully that helps! I'm thinking happy, positive thoughts for you for your u/s on Friday! Everything will be okay! You're going to see your little bean!!!!

I called my doctors office today and I'm going for bloodwork to check my HCG & progesterone levels tomorrow then again on Thursday! I am hoping my numbers will at least double! Praying so hard that this is it, this time I get to take this baby home with us!!!!

When is everyones due date? My EDD for now is 12-30-18! I'm hoping I'll have baby before Christmas! Wouldn't that be a miracle!!! Trying to think of cute ways to announce it, I'll be 13 weeks on June 20th ... so maybe announce on July 4th? Have any of you thought how you'll announce yours?

Also - how do I make a pregnancy ticker that I can use on this site? I need one :) lol

6 years ago • Edited

Kelleria - not your fault at all, and you tried to mitigate it well. I like having this group, but yeah, her comment made me feel guilty because I know how jealous I got as I watched my online friends come and go with their BFPs and I still didn't have one.

BB2018 - I just called to get my ultrasound apt for May, and omg, they want me to come in at 230 for beta levels and progesterone tests too - today and Wed. I'm so nervous. My tests look great, but what if it doesn't double??? My goodness, it's already a roller coaster of emotions.

6 years ago

@tryingafterloss Love the pic! I'm so anxious for my own!

@Kelliria I still think it was a great idea to split off from the Dec. Babies group... But I will look for everyone on the other site too. I made an account shortly after my BFP but haven't really messed with it much. Also, I'm in Ohio too!

The doc has my EDD as 12/6 for now but if I measure closer to when I actually O'd it'll probably be the 8th or 9th. Countdown to dating scan is less than 9 days!

6 years ago

Due date is Dec 1st but with a scheduled c-section, i'll probably deliver bub at the end of November! I cant wait fro my next US!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Neomasie, i want my baby to come on nov 29th, my moms bday. Im crossing my fingers. (I also wanted dd to come on feb 29th, leap year, 2016 but she came march 6, her original due date from the start. Lol)
Sheriskers, i am in westerville, an outskirt of columbus but originally from Lawrence County down on the tip by ky and wv. And my dd is dec 9 or 10. There are a couple of us dd buddies!
Calvingirl, did you go for your 1st betas yesterday? Let us know how your results turn out. Praying you and BB2018 get good numbers and dbling.
Bb2018, hope your bloodwork comes back good as well! I was super stressed, especially when she asked me to come back for a 3rd draw. It was great though. July 4th sounds like a good time to tell if you can keep it secret that long. I am 7w+2 and my belly is a lot bigger. Ik it's bloat but last pg the bloat turned right into belly at 11w. I was told you cant show before 12w but i noticibly did to where everyone knew.
Currently, i woke up at 5a. Not as early as yesterday but still freakin early. No sore boobs, no nausea. Yesterday, it was not horrible but both were worst I've had yet. I am a bit hungry but other symptoms gone. I did drink homemade ginger lemon tea before bed so hopefully it is that helping.

6 years ago • Post starter

I may be freaking out bc when i had my mmc the baby stopped growing at 7w1d. Then i woke up today, 7w2d, and my boobs dont hurt and no nausea. I cant wait for my scan Fri! I hate this worrying. Sorry to sound like a worry wart but i think ill feel a little better after i see the scan and made it passed the mmc mark.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kelliria. I am sure the baby is fine and growing nicely. Try not to worry and Friday will be here before you know it. I hope the ultrasound goes well. This morning I woke up crampy so I am trying not to think the worse and hoping it is just everything stretching. Last night, my boobs were just killing me and I felt a couple flutters so I am sure everything is fine. Next doctor’s appointment is May 7 and hope it comes sooner rather than later and my next ultrasound is May 28 so I will probably be stressing out a bit but I am hoping at my doctor’s appointment I will finally be able to actually hear the heartbeat. Let us know how the appointment goes Friday.

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6 years ago

Yesterday, I hit an all-time low and have been very emotional and depressed but today I seem to be a lot better mood, just a little crampy so hoping it is everything just stretching and trying not to think the worst. Last night, I was messaging my daddy and we were just chatting about general stuff and he then asked me if I was sitting down. So, here’s me thinking that something is wrong with him or mom. He asked me if I was pregnant. I think it took me a few minutes to answer and I just told him that I was fine and healthy. We set up a time today to meet after work at the park by his place. I am so nervous and anxious and thinking up all sorts of scenarios in my head, good ones and bad ones. It’s time to start telling people because I can’t keep this up much longer and the stress is getting to me. My only biggest fear is facing my (step)mom because of what she said the first time when I was pregnant with my daughter. I hope everyone else is doing well and that their pregnancy is going smoothly with no morning sickness and whatever else comes with this lovely time.

User image[/url]

6 years ago

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