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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Kelliria I just went out and got Magnesium Citrate because ive been hearing its good for constipation. I'm going to start making green juice smoothies tomorrow because I heard that may help too. I didnt have this with my first till about 19 weeks, but was so regular up until then. I've been backed up since i got my BFP. fingers crossed one or both of them work! Thanks for the suggestion.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Sorry to hear about your constipation Neomasie hope you find something that works to ease it :( Glad you're feeling more back to normal now, and definitely take it easy, best to do that then end up on bed rest again.
I have a feeling I'm having a girl, I was looking at my others children's ultrasound pics and looking at nub theory and I think girl lol, I don t know why I'm looking when we aren't finding out hehe xxx

6 years ago

FlamingoGirl13: somewhere between Feb 16th and 19th (online calculators vs. my local maternity clinic's calculation), so very close to yours! Time is crawling by, should get an US for the first week of July to see if there's "anyone there"...

6 years ago

@Lakarmw I'm also strongly leaning towards not finding out however i've done the chinese predictor test twice and i'm planning on doing the baking soda test and i'm symptom comparing with my first, like crazy, lolol. I decided I will decide at each US/ appointment whether I want to know gender.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

I got my NIPT results back today and they were invalid because of low fetal fraction. I had to go back in this morning and get two more vials of blood taken. Could be nothing, but it increases my risk for chromosome problem. They said it could be because they took the test too early, but they took it at 10 wks and it's supposed to work from 9 wks on - plus, look at me. I'm twice the size I was with Oscar and I've felt movement for the past week, which is crazy early. If anything, next week at my 12 wk scan, I want them to look carefully for a hidden twin. The Dr. said they'll try to rush the results, but I'm looking at another 7 days of limbo. I'm a bit crushed.
PS - I took this picture last night before I got the disappointing news.

user submitted image

6 years ago

@Calvingirl. Love the belly picture. Sorry to hear about your test being invalid. I hope the next tests will be accurate enough and you get the gender. Have you tried Googling on belly shape and doing the nub test? After my encounter with the lady yesterday, I'm still Googling on gender even though I'm convinced it's a boy lol.

How is everyone else feeling today? Last night, I had pain on the left side near my belly button whenever I breathed and it had me in tears. I sure hope it was not Braxton Hicks as I remember the pain being greater than that. Today, pain is gone and still feeling him move around. Hard to believe that in a few months I will be holding him in my arms and all this will be so worth it.

User image[/url]

6 years ago

@calvingirl how frustrating that your NIPT came back invalid. I hope they can rush the new test results to some extent. Please try to keep positive thoughts that baby is fine. 10 weeks is a bit early, even though they say you can do the test from 9 weeks. I heard there's more accuracy from 12/13 weeks onwards. I hope these next 7 days move fast for you.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

hey ladies,
Got my first hcg at 105 at 14dpo and 48 hour repeat came back at 315 (yesterday 16DPO).
@ramenia I think we must be pretty close I think I’m due 19th feb based on calculators and what not. How are you feeling about everything ?

6 years ago

Rameina and mrsjr96, im so happy for you! It seems so long ago i got my bfp at 9dpo and was petrified. I still get nervous about it and im almost 15w. I cant wait to hear your all's and flamingogirls progression!
Calvingirl, im sorry to hear about the test. My dr said she could have gave me the test at 9w but waited til 11w cause she said it would be more accurate then. You are showing a lot for only being 11 wks! I thought i was but not like you. I was bigger with my 1st than second so far at this stage. I got the bloat for 3wks early on then my stomach flattened back out for awhile. Im still down a few lbs since i found out. 147 start to 142 at 14w6d. I started working again about the time i got my bfp so that probably helped with my weight. Keep us updated on everything!

6 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies! I've been MIA for a long time , I know! I read back through every ones posts and it sounds like everyone is doing really well and moving along!!!

Congratulations to the newcomers!

For those that remember my background story, ( living in a cabin while trying to build a house which actually is still a tough going and still no foundation yet) I finally broke the baby news to my parents with a baby poem and a photo if the first sonogram and our family picture. Unfortunately, no one in my family is happy and no one has acknowledged by baby. ( Although finally after 2 weeks grandmother asked how I am feeling) but other than that, my parents, aunts, uncle , cousins etc have not even said anything or liked any of my fb posts about the baby. :(

On the other hand, my hubby's family, who I actually do not care for as much, are all happy for us. My stepson's mom is super happy for us and my church family have all been super supportive which is so nice especially when I told them the circumstances if our living situation.

On a happy note, I am 12 weeks and 3 days. My 3 oldest children came with me to my ultrasound appt and we got to see Baby and hear the heartbeat! Let me tell you 4D sonograms are the best thing ever! I loved that I could see my little baby's whole body in perfect form instead of just the outline. Heartbeat is a strong 158bpm! I so cannot wait till the next one in 6 weeks!

Hope everyone is doing well!

6 years ago

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