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Group for the BFPs
Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!
1366 Replies • 6 years ago
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Replies (sorted by hugs)
Dragonfly, you have a beautiful bump! All you skinny minnies look sooo cute pregnant! My weight gain is still under 10lbs, so I'm happy - pic below at 20 wk mark. Not getting super big, but feeling more round ligament pain and it's harder to walk now.
I've had a rough couple of days that only resolved itself this morning. I had my OB appt. and he basically said he was going to turf me completely to the MFM doctors because i was so high risk, and I would have to give birth in the same hospital where my Oscar died. I can't walk in there again. The doctors were awful last time and instead of finding some sensitive way to tell me, she just said, "Your baby is dead" and walked out of the room to let the nurses deal with the delivery. I'll never forget or forgive that. I can't go back there. So when he told me that, I flipped the &*^% out and started hysterically crying, DH got all mad and tried to explain to him what that means to us. Baby's safety is the most important, yes, and we know the Norfolk hospital is right next to the children's hospital and the best NICU in the state Apparently I scared him enough and made the argument that Baby girl is doing JUST FINE right now, and how about we not switch me till there ACTUALLY is a problem. He said he'd think about it and talk to his colleagues and I got a call this morning that they've decided to keep me. They got her anatomy scan results which were great, and they put off the non-stress tests and the growth scans till 32 weeks (they had me scheduled to start those at 24 wks - which is ridiculous). So I'm breathing easier, and hoping baby girl keeps growing well so we can have a normal birth and I don't have to walk into that death trap of a hospital again.
Oh and btw, Phoebe might become Juniper - It's a winter name for a Christmas baby and we can call her June, which is the month my Oscar was born in, and the connection makes it feel right to me. DH still likes Phoebe, so we'll see what we end up with.
6 years ago
@calvingirl. I'm so glad they decided to keep you. That must have been very stressful having to wait to hear back from them. That nurse wasn't very nice when she told you he passed and then walk put the room like that. I had a nurse who wasn't very nice as I wasn't grasping breastfeeding and basically said that I couldn't leave the hospital until I caught on. With that being said, I developed really bad post partum depression and ended up quitting after a few months. So, before I go off on vacation then mat leave leave the middle of September (due October 10), I am going to talk to the manager and ask that the nurse not to come in my room. Hopefully they will allow that. I love the name Juniper and maybe the name could be Juniper Phoebe and can have the best of both worlds. I'm sure you two will figure out a really nice name for her. Thank you for the comment on the baby bump and yours looks cute too.
Oh, I forgot to mention, I am having bi-weekly check ups and so far all is good. He even said that I may even get one more ultrasound to see where the baby's head is lying so that makes me really excited as I so want to see him again and I know the tech said boy but I just want to make sure before I buy more boy things. Tomorrow, I have a hair appointment and I feel it's time I get pampered so I am trimming, color and streaking my hair. Other than that, I have some pain and tightening and I don't know if it is Braxton Hicks or just him pushing his legs out near my belly button and on the side. I was admitted for Braxton Hicks with my daughter Dec '15 and she was born March '16 so I am hoping it doesn't happen early again. Next doctor's appointment is Aug 30.
6 years ago
@ Neomasie. Oh my goodness, I didn't see this message till now. I can't believe how fast the time goes....
Sadly, I am writing this in the hospital. Got admitted to labour and birth for contraction like symptoms. I will keep everyone posted. Other than that baby is moving a lot and going strong.
Update: I have been admitted to the hospital for early labour. Not what I wanted to hear but have to do what's best for my baby. Will keep everyone updated soon.
6 years ago • Edited
@Kelliria. Thank you! Bit tired and a little crampy a bit, but not as crampy as before. It started off as period type pains like before af but the pain was persistent that came every 2-3 minutes and a heavy feeling like the water was about to break. It happened with my first pregnancy so I was really hoping it wasn't going to happen with this one. I will do my best in not worrying but being a mother, I miss my daughter but I do need a break. Been stressed lately with work and house renos; so I need some me time but not in this situation. Will keep everyone posted.
6 years ago
@Kelliria. That's very sweet of you; thank you. I'm pretty sure he will cook a little longer. I was one or two weeks late with my DD and was admitted for Braxton Hicks the last time. It's 2:50am here and haven't slept yet. My eyes and brain just doesn't want to sleep. Don't sleep well in hospitals; especially when you work in one. Little man moving a bit now. Going to try and rest.
6 years ago
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