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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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1181 - 1190 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

@kelliria OMG I love that pic!!! So adorable:) afm I'm 18weeks now and sorry I dont do belly pics so you'll have to get some from the other ladies lol. We have finally narrowed it down to 2 names so thats exciting! I'm glad your doing well:)

@lindsay that is a cute way to tell him!! How did he react?

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5 years ago

@confuzed what a cute little bump!!!

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5 years ago

Rooroo, cant wait to hear your name! It's ok bout belly pic. I understand how they can be. With my 1st, i gained 80lbs. Lost all but 20. This time i gained 7. Big difference. I didnt post many pics 1st go around.
Confused, i love it! So tiny right now. I bet you pop out in the end! Congrats!

5 years ago • Post starter

Dh was so shocked, he thought I had thrown in the towel because I had stopped obsessing about testing lol.

5 years ago

Lindasy, it was a very cute reveal. Congrats!
Beaut1ful, i am glad you are ok with everything and just focusing on a healthy baby and pregnancy and delivery. It has to be challenging but it will all work out. I cant believe you have hit the halfway mark!

5 years ago • Post starter

Dh was so shocked, he thought I had thrown in the towel because I had stopped obsessing about testing lol.

5 years ago

Thank you @Rooroo917 she’s very easy on the eyes which makes those late night feeds and sleepless nights more tolerable. Congrats on hitting 18 weeks, you’re getting so close and almost over night it seems!

Thank you @Kelliria it’s been a rollercoaster of a few weeks but I. So glad we are on the other side with our little ones. Your Reece is adorable and your girls together is just precious!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

5 years ago

Congratulations Neomasie - she's so beautiful!
I've been offline a lot too. Phoebe is still so small and wiggly - hard to learn to nurse. After two weeks, it's just starting to not hurt so much and even then, we're still having to supplement at least 2x in a 24 hr period. I've ordered some goat's rue and some fenugreek to take to increase my supply. Hopefully we'll be able to phase out those two bottles. She's so cute though. I'm SOO in love, I don't even mind the no-sleeping barely at all thing. I'm sure it'll be tougher when I get closer to actually going back to work.
Congrats to the new moms and new moms-to-be! This has been such a great group. I'm looking forward to the next batch of babies.
@beautiful - I'm sure the TS21 diagnosis is difficult, but I'm sure you are going to love your cute little bundle so much.

5 years ago

Hi @calvingirl! Congrats on the arrival of Phoebe. Trying to go bald and catch up on all posts and pics, but if you could nudge me in the right direction of a pic of little phoebe, I’d appreciate it.

Yeah breastfeeding is hard work. We’re 7 weeks in and have a pretty good grasp on it, but some days I’m still ready to throw in the towel and just move to pumping exclusively. I’m still trying to learn her queues and understand when she’s really done and not just taking a break or when she’s still hungry VS just wanting to suck or is tired. She has her moments, especially during night feeds where she’s just fussing at the breast and I’m not sure what she wants. But the moments in between when we’ve got it all down and figured out, I love breastfeeding so much.

Hang in there and good luck. You’re doing your best. That plus ensuring she’s fed regardless of the method, is all that matters. Have you tried power pumping to increase supply? Apologies if I missed something

Lil 10/28/17 User image

5 years ago

I love that all you mommies with new bundles are still checking in on here. It really warms my heart. It also reminds me of all the things I forgot since my last one was born 10years ago. I'm so excited for this! I already feel more prepared now than I ever have been before just hearing about how you ladies are doing. Thank you for that!

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5 years ago

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