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Group for the BFPs
Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!
1366 Replies • 6 years ago
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Replies (sorted by likes)
Photomama- omg 3 babies what a blessing!!!!
lakarmw- Such a cute precious baby girl!!!
AFM: Its a countdown now!!! I am getting ready. My cousin is planning the baby shower for April.
The baby moves a lot and now instead of little kicks I am getting jabs and feel him rolling across my tummy. He likes to move alot and not let me sleep. Having insomnia. 3rd trimester I 'm getting the early pregnancy symptoms again. Which is normal, plus ooooohh how my breast hurt again and now the nipple/breasts itchiness is coming on stronger. Matter of fact my whole body. Enjoying it while it last. I have my doctors appointment tomorrow. I believe I start to see her every 2 weeks now until I am 36 then every week. March 29th I have my ultrasound with specialist.
5 years ago
Well I was told I have gestational diabetes. I left doctors office with the machine that checks sugar levels. I have to do it 4x a day. Right when I wake up and then 2 hrs after every meal. March 29 is my ultrasound they will measure baby. I just want to know if this means baby will be bigger and will I have him early and c- section or vaginally???
5 years ago
Beaut1ful38 - I had gestational diabetes too, and no, it doesn't mean baby will be too big. My Phoebe was only 5lbs, 13 oz at 37 weeks and that's small for gestational age. What it means is that they will monitor you closely, nag you if your sugars go up, and will have to test the baby every couple of hours with a heel prick after he/she is born for 24 hrs. If baby drops, then they want to keep you more - ugh! So, either BF ALOT after baby comes out - like have her attached as much as possible, or consent to some formula feeding to keep her blood sugar up so they don't keep you there too long. I don't know if you are planning on bf'ing or not. I was going to exclusively bf, but life had other plans and Phoebe gets formula bottles during the day since I can't pump enough to feed her. I found the GD diet they put you on is pretty reasonable - you usually can control your sugars by just avoiding desserts and crappy food. I let them get in my head about it, and I tested obsessively and was so freaked out about it that I was afraid to eat and fainted once. Don't let that happen. Big picture - you and baby are going to be just fine. You are so close to the end anyway, it's not a big deal. Bonus, I kept pretty close to the diet they wanted me on and I didn't gain much pregnancy weight at all - and I felt great. Every time I'd cheat and my sugars would go up, I'd feel like crap - tired and nauseous with a headache. You'll find it's nice to know how to control your energy levels that way. Good luck! Feel free to message me if you have any questions. I was diagnoses at 24 wks, so had it for a looonnnngg time. Felt like forever I was pricking myself.
5 years ago
Lakarmw - she's so gorgeous! Look at that face! I love it. Phoebe is 15 wks tomorrow, and although she likes to be held up so she can see what's going on, she's no where near sitting up. Still a little wee thing. About 11.5lbs now - I'll weigh her tomorrow again and hopefully she'll be up to 12.
Beautiful - So happy for you. Ultra sound is exciting. Make sure and give an update. I think youre the next one.
AFM, I am having a bit of a scare lol. DH and I have not had sex much at all since baby, as you can imagine - too tired and hard to find an opportunity. We finally managed to get some "us" time about 3 days ago. Which was great, but I didn't think about the fact that it was right before ovulation time after my first period (I got that "friend" back last month) and we were...enthusiastically not careful. lol.
So....I'm almost 44, and Phoebe had to be conceived with Femara fertility drugs and BD'ing 6-12 times in the fertile window, so I HIGHLY doubt that we'd get pregnant from that ONE time, but wouldn't that just be a kicker? lol. I'd freak. Definitely don't want any more babies, but I can't take any hormone-based BC because it'll affect my milk supply which sucks anyway. I'm allergic to condoms and we hate them. So we're just gonna try to pay better attention to the calendar for the next year or two till menopause kicks in and I don't have to worry about this anymore. Until then...I'll be holding my breath for the next two weeks. :)
5 years ago
Beaut1ful38, you should be next! I cant wait to see him! I loved the 3rd trimester but i got sad b/c i knew it was almost over.
Lakarmw, she is so cute! So tiny! Are you loving it?
Calvingirl, wouldn't that be something!? I miss being pregnant but am done as well. I haven't had sex since i conceived march 17 of last yr!
I am currently at the dr. My 3yo and 3mo started daycare almost 2m ago and they have had colds since. Now, ruthie has thr flu and the baby has a fever so im betting she does too. Will know shortly. Reese will be 4m on the 1st. She is 27 inches and the 17lbs.
5 years ago • Post starter
@kelleria I’m sorry to hear your kiddies are unwell! I hope they feel better soon! She’s sooo cute! Isn’t it funny we had our girls on the same day?! Rylie & Reese
@calvingirl. Ohhh girl I’ll say a prayer for you!! Lol. I’m turning 40 this year and I am Done! Especially after the traumatic hemorrhage surgery after Rylie was born the idea of being pregnant again actually terrifies me. ( I seriously am still traumatised). Hubby went for a vasectomy on Jan 2 so we don’t conceive again cause he was terrified he almost lost me. But she’s just so cute and worth every moment of hell! Lol Here’s my lil angel.
5 years ago
Oh ladies me too! We are so so done...3 kids is tiring, Nancy has a cough and cold and isn't sleeping well at all! My husband keeps saying he's booking in for a vasectomy but hasn't done it yet....ok on no birth control either as they just don't agree with me! Every single month is making me paranoid though....oooh I can't have another, we don't have the space for 4! Currently expecting my period in a few days and she can hurry up! I've had loads of stretchy so for about 2 weeks so that's was making me panicked lol....hoping it's just my hormones settling back down lol. Oh those baby pics are all beautiful! Such sweet girls. Nancy is now 18 weeks, she's rolling now too! Slow down baby girl xxxx
5 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
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