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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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It says a girl. I edited my last comment. Sorry.

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6 years ago

Just checking in and catching up!
@Kelliria sooo glad your scan went well!! 4 days now until mine!

My nausea, fatigue, food aversions, and sore boobs are still alive and well. Uuugh. I'm ready for the 2nd trimester already. Lol I'm 8w2d according to LMP. I went to a naturopath doctor the other day to see how I can avoid a repeat of cholestasis like I had my first pregnancy. He says it's totally doable so I'm pretty happy about that! I'm starting some supplements today to help boost my liver and not get that awful complication again. He also did a strange test for the strength of my uterus and said it's very strong and everything he can tell says my pregnancy is going great! I sure hope he's right. I have no reason to think otherwise.

I also told my parents yesterday... I knew they'd be happy so it feels SO good to have them in the loop when I see them almost every day.

6 years ago

oh I really do agree ladies roll on the second trimester! I am counting down the days, a cousin of mine has just announced she's 12 weeks this weekend. Since I've found out that's 3 friends and 2 relatives, there must be something in the water, I'm dying to get to the safer stage so we can announce xx

6 years ago

@BB2018. Here is the post I used. Some of the words are cut off but I am sure you can find the whole poem somewhere.

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6 years ago

Aww thank you ladies!! Having you all here really helps me make it through the days!! THANK YOU!!

dragonfly23 - I love that poem - super cute!!

I swear I already have a bloated belly - it happened right away last time too... like I can't button my pants and I used an elastic today...yup, and I'm only 5 weeks, I'm in trouble! I heard you can bloat in beginning, then it can go down, then it can come back? idk how much truth there is to that because I have only made it as far as 8w5d.

Here is my belly from last week

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6 years ago

@BB2018. I believe in the bloating of it happening and then going away. Like after I eat, I look like I am 6 months pregnant. I will show you a picture of my belly that I took the other night. Sorry it's bare but didn't see another way around it lol

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6 years ago

Hi, all! It has been awhile! It is good to read up on all of you. I have been feeling good lately and my energy is back so i have been taking the time to clean, do errands and play outside with my daughter and take her for walks. It was 81 yesterday and sunny and such a nice day finally.
Midnightrose, i think it's neat about your cabin. Compost toilets are great. I am an outdoor, camping, hiking, hippy, nature girl and would love to live off grid. My bf doesn't like bugs or outside so i dont get to enjoy much except tge rare moments i sneak off to Hocking Hills, Ohio to relax.
Can't wait to see all the ultrasounds coming up! They,help me with my impatience waiting on mine!
The baby bumps are lovely! Mine has really came since I'm heavier than my dd. Ill try to find a few. I was bloated at 5w with dd and showing at 11w. She is big. 9lbs, 23in at birth. Now at 2 (3/6/16) she is in a size 4 and 5, size 9 shoe. 38lbs, 40 inches. Her daddy is 6'10". I am guessing this baby will be huge as well. Lol.

6 years ago • Post starter

dragonfly, i have also heard narrow for boy and if you carry wide a girl. Lol. Oh, the suspense! If it is true about stomach muscles, im gonna carry super low. I am definately not in shape like i used to be!
Tryingafteraloss, we're about the same. I am ok for the most part now. I have only got sick maybe 4xs but i am nauseous a lot. I have phenegren. I didnt need it really but i asked the dr last appt just in case i do. She prescribed something first that was basically unisom and b6 but insurance wouldn't cover it. Said i had to use those otc meds together first. So i got something else. I take a b complex everyday and my dr said that is probably curbing my nausea a lot.

6 years ago • Post starter

@tryingafterloss I'm in the same boat! It's been 10 and half years for me! This feels very much like a first time again but I love it! I do get very short winded much more than I ever did but sadly it's because I weigh the most I've ever been . I honestly am going to ask the dr if I can safely lose weight while pregnant. I worry very much about preeclampsia ( which I had in my other pregnancies) and definitely don't want gestational diabetes. Don't feel alone!

In other news, I'm super excited because I get my ultrasound and ob/gyn appt on the same day next Wednesday! I will be 7 weeks and 1 day!

Hope all of you ladies are doing well! I love reading everyone's posts! It truly helps even if I don't respond to each individual person.

6 years ago

Thanks @Lakarmw good luck to you too and @tryingafteraloss

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

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