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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hey ladies! I just got diagnosed with gestational diabetes! I’m a little scared. I didn’t have it with DD1 but that was 18 yrs ago! I can’t get an appt with the diabetes clinic until next Thursday. Anyone else had GD? The whole link to stillbirth is freaking me right out.

6 years ago

Kelliria I will say a prayer for your friend and her family She must be so scared! And you're right men a definitely like toddlers. I actually feel ok about him going at the moment as im feeling better again now :)
All these 3d scan pictures are great, I'm not sure if to have one or have to pay around £100 for the here so I'm not sure if it's worth it, as that money could be put to far better use I didn't have one with the other two kids.
Tryingafterloss sorry to hear you got gd. I haven't had it but my best friend did who I was pregnant with my first with had it, she was just advised what she could and couldn't eat, and to check her blood sugars after eating etc, she was lucky and managed to control it with diet, she had a lot closer monitoring than I did and extra scans to check babys size, and they induced her at 38 weeks so her baby didn't get too big, as it turned out she wasn't big at all really, and weighed less than my daughter Who was only 7lb1 but they'll monitor you closely now they know you have it xxx

6 years ago

Tryingafteraloss, I'm surprised my baby was still enough to take pics. I had just downed the orange drink cause i was having the glucose test, a u/s, and seeing dr all in one visit. Took the drink before u/s and she really got to moving around. Your daughter is adorable. It is amazing how u/s pics have changed! I am worried about gd as well. I should have my results by tomorrow. With dd, i failed the 1st and barely passed the 2nd one. I eat way less with this pregnancy and barely sweets, so crossing my fingers.
Lakarmw, the 3d scans were at my ob office. They had to do an extra scan to check my placenta. I no longer am classified as previa but the head and placenta are even. This dr always gives me a 3d pic when i get a u/s. She does both kind but sends the 3d to my phone and gives me a print out. I will have another scan at 36wks to see if it moved farther up.
I swear, i am so clumsy. I was at work yesterday morning at 7am cutting a package of chicken open and cut my finger with the knife. It bled so bad i knew i needed stitches. I changed the bandages every 45 min til i got off at 130 then went to the er. Yep, 4 stitches and a tetnus shot. The numbing shots hurt cause it was around the tip of my index finger starting at the bottom of fingernail and around. Lots of nerves and not much meat. After the numbing meds kicked in, i was good! Lol.

6 years ago • Post starter

I love all these 3D pics. You ladies make some adorable little ones! I'm still on the fence as to whether I'll get one. My regular doc doesn't do them and I'm already seeing him bi weekly, I'm so lazy to go to another place, ha!
@Lakarmw I'm glad you're feeling better and your comfortable H is taking his trip. As long as you're at peace with it, that's all that matters. Hoping you have a pleasant weekend.
@kelliria I'm sorry your H isn't engaged during pregnancy. I'm sure you've heard it a million times, that sometimes men just can't connect since there's no real tangibility for them until baby is here. Mine has been a bit standoffish during this pregnancy too, but I think it's mostly because of the loss and he doesn't want to get too attached. It makes things lonely at time and I was resentful towards him for some time but like you came to accept that we're all different and deal differently and I know he's coming from a good place, and is secretly smitten. And she will come into this world embraced with so much love.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Well ladies I was so nervous but had blood work done Wednesday...numbers were 388...then had blood work done yesterday...and my numbers are 762!!! 1st ultrasound Sept 26th!! I’m excited keep growing my rainbow baby!

6 years ago

Tryingafteraloss, i just found out i failed my 1st test. Going mon for my 3hr. I barely passed the 3 hr with my dd so i wouldn't be surprised if i failed the next one.
Beaut1ful38, i am so glad your numbers are rising so well. Congrats!

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kelliria. I failed the first test with my daughter so had to do thr 3hr after that. It was a long day. With this pregnancy, they automatically did the 3hr. Good thing i did that while I was at work.

@Beaut1ful38. Hoping the ultrasound goes well and that your numbers keep raising.

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6 years ago

Good luck at your us @beaut1ful38 !

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

@calvingirl. That's an awesome picture and love the shirt. I'm sure your glucose test will come out fine. Did you do the two hour or the three hour? They put me straight on three as I failed the first pregnancy one. Plus the drink is awesome anyways. Glad you are working from home, wish that was the case for me but the computer system isn't built that way yet. When is your next ultrasound or is that it for you?

@Beaut1ful38. How have you been feeling? Hope your ultrasound goes well and doesn't leave you with any amxieties or worrys.

As for me, some things to report. My 34th birthday is on Thursday so maybe () he will come on my birthday and make an awesome present for me. I'm almost in the nesting stage as we are going to rearrange my bedroom to accommodate the crib and that way he will be closer to me. Will start to pack my bag and get that ready as one never knows when the time will come. Saturday night I had some pretty bad braxton hicks (menstrual type cramps) on the lower right that were roughly 5-7 minutes apart that some took my breath away but then it stopped during the night. I'm pretty sure it's my body getting ready to start labour but it's just a question as to when. Doctor told me that his head is super low so that explains why walking/standing is so unbearable at times as when I'm sitting, I can feel him shift around at my pelvic bone area. Tomorrow morning is my ultrasound to check on his one heart valve to see if it has closed off and is working like the rest of them. I am a bit nervous as I'm praying that all is well and won't need an ultrasound when he is born. I will keep everyone updated as I get my results after lunch. My one girlfriend who is almost 18 weeks told me today that there is a ton of fluid around the baby, stomach, and I think the heart. He or she has extra chromosomes so it's a possibility that it could be Trisomy 18 and either the baby will pass in the womb on it's own or take a few breaths of life and then pass. Either or it still breaks my heart. Also, the baby may have dwarfism as the length isn't where it should be at for the gestational age. They were going to test the fluid for Down syndrome to rule out all the bad things first but the bone or something didn't close. Not sure what she means by that so they will try again on Wednesday. Other than all that the baby has all of his/her fingers and toes. Will keep everyone posted on that as I find out. I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying every movement he/she does inside.

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6 years ago • Edited

@dragonfly - you're so close! So exciting. Happy early Birthday too! What a great birthday present if you have him soon.

AFM - I just got the results. I failed the 1hr screening test so next week I have to do the 3 hr GD tolerance test. I'm also low on iron (11), so have to go on supplements - which have made me very nauseous in the past, so not thrilled about either of those things. The good thing is I only failed by 4 pts (143) which could be attributed by the fact I ate breakfast (my test was at 130pm) and I'm on baby aspirin which apparently affects the test too. The nurse said I'd definitely pass the second one, but I have to go through with it.

6 years ago

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