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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Congratulations 4thBaby! Welcome.

@BB2018 - I have my ultrasound on the 16th, and I can't wait. Your baby bump is identical to mine, unfortunately I haven't taken a pic yet. But bloated completely, and upper stomach pushing out a lot. I didn't get very big with Oscar in 2015, but he was underweight, so I'm hoping to be huge this time! I want a healthy big baby!

I agree with you, BB2018, that every pregnancy is a life that should be cherished from the moment we love it, so I tell anyone I want when I want. I'll probably tell my employer after my 8wk scan to give them notice for planning when I'm out on leave. I'll wait till June/July for the facebook announcement, but that'll really only be for people I'm not close to anyway.

I've told parents and sisters so far, but I'll be telling my kids on the 12th. I have one son who turns 21 on Saturday, and we're going to a concert/beer fest and he's going to wonder why I'm D-Driver when I love beer. So I have to tell him that day. My husband and I have custody of his four kids (my stepkids), ages 18, 16, 14, and 8 - and they have been bugging me about when I'm going to grow them a new brother or sister again, so I'm very excited to tell them. But still scared, because if something happens, they'll take it hard. This still gives me a few weeks though. If I have any bad signs, I'll reevaluate.

6 years ago

I love all your baby bumps! I can't wait to get mine started... Here is my 17 wk one from Oscar's pregnancy in 2015.

user submitted image

6 years ago

Hi ladies. I got all my pictures in. It starts on page 4. All you ladies who posted pictures, you look awesome.

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6 years ago

I just got back from my dating ultrasound!!! Baby looks great and had a heart rate of 172! I should be measuring about 8.5 weeks but measured right at 9 weeks! My due date is teetering between Dec. 5 or 6 haha. My son was 154 @ 8 weeks so I'm hoping with that higher heart rate theory that this one is a girl!!
Whew I'm so relieved to see that everything is in the right place! I was a little nervous yesterday when my nausea dissipated for most of the day but then I threw up this morning haha funny how that works. The gender scan is booked for July 2! It feels so far away.

6 years ago

@SheRiskers. So glad that everything is going along smoothly. That is a high heart rate. Maybe you are right and you are having a girl. Yeah, it does seem like eternity but I am sure it will be here before you know it. I am counting down the days till my ultrasound; 26 more days lol. I am a bit nervous about my doctor's appointment on Monday and whether or not he can find the heartbeat. I assume he will be able to find it as I would be 17 weeks and 4 days by then. I honestly still think it is a boy because they sit lower in the belly.

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6 years ago

So glad you saw baby and daw the heart beat sheriskers it's amazing to see isn't it.
Dragonfly23 I'm sure they'll have no problem finding the heartbeat don't forget you're feeling flutters now too :) even if they can't don't panic, they could find my second at 17 weeks,

6 years ago

Oops I pressed submit too soon.

he was hiding, they sent me for an ultrasound and he was perfect :) xxxx

6 years ago

@Lakarmw. Thank you for the reassurance. I feel pulses down below and my belly is still hard. So, in your opinion since you had a boy, could that be why they can't find mine or is it still different for everyone? I honestly think I would cry (of joy) if it turns out I am having a boy as then I would have one of each.

So, every day I ask my hubby if he has told anyone and he keeps telling me no he hasn't; just his brother but he has a tendency to have a big mouth. So, I just asked, can I post my comment on Facebook and he says go ahead. So, I'm still procrastinating. Was going to post it tomorrow as then I would be exactly 17 weeks. Then I thought, should I wait till after my gender ultrasound to change the wording to a he or she or should I just post it tomorrow and then I can let people know after the ultrasound the gender. Thought came to me lol, I think I will post it tomorrow and then when it comes time then I can repost it and change it to a he or she and then change the ultrasound picture. What do you ladies think? I am so nervous about posting it and I can't decide which picture to use. Full body or just the face? (sigh)

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6 years ago

I wouldn't like to say.... it was definitely my experience, they never had a problem find my daughter's. Maybe as I'm finding this babys easily it's a girls too who knows hehe.

I think you should go ahead and post it! I think it'll feel like a relief when you do :) xxx

6 years ago

@Lakarmw. Thank you! I will try not to worry about it and just wait till Monday. They found my daughters too pretty easy as well so it makes me think otherwise. I honestly think I would feel better if I send it out earlier rather than later. I had my first bout of dizzyness. Was sitting downstairs with my coworker on coffee break and it hit me. Most weird feeling ever. Good thing I wasn't walking or I might have fainted.

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6 years ago

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