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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Just got back from the doctors and they won't do another ultrasound. My placenta is anterior so not sure what that means and a heart beat is at 150.

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6 years ago

I got my BFP yesterday!!!

6 years ago

Well I did it. I made a decision got a huge bargain and went for the Icandy Peach. There was a bargain I just couldn't miss, they usually retail at £999 and someone I know was selling theirs, only 4 months old, in perfect condition at £250, as they were struggling to fit it in their car and wanted rid asap. I'm feeling quite lucky now but hoping I haven't jinxed anything by buying before my next scan, but I couldn't miss a bargain like that on the travel system I love. The bassinet (we call them carrycots) seat unit and car seat, all fit on the frame, and the seat unit is parent and world facing :) Am I crazy?

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6 years ago

FlamingoGirl13 OMG CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! So happy for you! How are you feeling?

6 years ago

@Flamingogirl13 congratulations and welcome!! So happy you got your BFP!! It’s nice to see so many girls that were TTC for so long joining this thread!

6 years ago

to @Flamingogirl13! So happy for you! I noticed your positive a couple days ago and see you're over at CMP too.
Hope you are feeling great.

6 years ago

Flamingogirl, i sleep a lot more during pregnancy. It's not per say required, but the fatigue will almost guarentee a nap and eatly bed time at one stage or another. I had the cramps with all of my pregnancies. Not long with this one but 9dpo to about 18dpo. Not bad just knew things were happening. I'm starting to again but they are different. These are round ligament pains. Only occasionally. Congrats and happy to see your bfp! Feel free to ask as many questions as needed!

6 years ago • Post starter

Wooohooo!!! Officially in my 2nd trimester! I’m so happy to have made it this far!! Getting extra excited now for bubs arrival! My MS is gone now so trying to be extra careful what I eat as my appetite is back as well!!

6 years ago

calvingirl :) not long til you find out... How exciting! I use my hone doppler and I have no concerns at all, I think the main advise is not to use them for reassurance instead of regular movement later on, and if you have any concerns to go see the professionals.
My friend had complications and had to be monitored with the doppler by the midwife daily for the last 8 weeks of her pregnancy, so I doubt they could be dangerous. I found our baby with a home doppler around 10 weeks and found it very reassuring xxx

6 years ago

Calvingirl, i love the u/s! I never had a 12w scan. I got one at 7w and that was it. I had 5 u/s with dd. I'm 16w today and just the 1. Kinda a bummer. I would love to compare them with my dds! I really hope you hear the results soon! Makes me anxious like with dragonfly! I groan every time i hear no news! Lol.
Michelle, the nausea is just starting? I hope it doesn't get too bad. Mine was sparce til about 8w. Then for 2w it was bad, then stopped at 10w. Praying it's not bad. Nausea is the worse for me!

6 years ago • Post starter

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