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Group for the BFPs
Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!
1366 Replies • 6 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by likes)
Congratulations Tryingafterloss and Kelliria :) I soooo am getting antsy now to find out too, next ultrasound is 2 weeks on Friday when I can, my husband's adamant he still wants a surprise though.
So pleased your check went ok Neomasie :) must be such a relief it's doing it's job!
Dragonfly23 is 28 weeks when they do the glucose tests here but only if you need them they don't test everyone xx
6 years ago
Neomasie, it's so hard wanting to know isn't it. I don't think I really have any preference at all, which is why we decided to have a surprise, but I can't help but wonder if there's a baby boy or girl in there. My gut is saying baby girl, but I have no idea why, I know I felt more poorly carrying my son than my daughter but it could have been because i had a 1 year old to care for and she wasn't a great sleeper. It's such a mystery. How about you do you have a preference or any kind of inkling? xx
6 years ago
Lakrmw its getting harder and harder lol! I really really want a girl. But I have a feeling this one's a boy. I, too, feel differently than I did when I was carrying my daughter-so it leads me to believe this one is a boy. But part of me feels im feeling differently only because of 1)the surgery and 2) i conceived less than 6 months after losing my daughter so my body was still pumping with hormones.
Ring test said Boy. Chinese gender predictor said boy. Haven't done the baking soda test this time around.
the guessing game is killing me!
but from what I've heard, mom's usually have a gut feeling thats rarely wrong, so lets see if we're right!
6 years ago
@neomasie. I believe in the gut feeling. Do you believe in in carrying high or low, oryour belly feeling round or oval? I haven't any tests like that; well the baking soda test I did but I think I did it wrong so I don't think it worked. The Chinese predictor test said girl and the date of conception plus your age said boy. My hands feel a lot drier than they did in the first and that led to boy. Will you find out at your ultrasound on the gender?
6 years ago
It’s been a while since I’ve logged in here – so sorry, but now I’m all caught up and glad to see everyone doing so well!! I apologize for the long post – but I wanted to comment on everyones posts I’ve missed.
Dragonfly23 – You have such a cute bump!!! I think you look amazing! Yay for running into the woman in the elevator & making you feel better!
Mrsjr96 – CONGRATS on your BFP! So exciting! When is your due date? How are you feeling?
Kelliria – CONGRATS on entering the 2nd trimester! That’s great you’re feeling good! Sometimes I forget I’m pregnant too. My baby tends to stay in the same spot – on the right side of my belly – that’s where I always find the heartbeat LOL… a few times I felt like I felt something going on right in that same spot – could it be the baby? Idk…. I can’t wait to feel and see kicks! When does that usually start up? And OMG about your friend that had NIPT and they said boy and it was a girl… I don’t want to buy any boy stuff until I KNOW for sure – as in see his peesh on the ultrasound lol. Your baby bump is adorable! You look great for 15w!!
Tryingafterloss – CONGRATS on being in your 2nd trimester! I always thought that started at 12w1d, but now I know it doesn’t start til 14w1d… I can’t wait to get there! So happy you found the baby’s heartbeat with the Doppler – best sound ever!! And congrats on finding out the gender! Baby girls are so fun to shop for and dress up! Yay!
Ramenia – CONGRATS on your BFP!! So happy and excited for you! When is your due date? How are you feeling? I’m so sorry to hear about your losses – I completely understand – I’ve had 2 missed miscarriages – one in May 2015 at 6 weeks & one Dec 2017 at 10 weeks. I’m now 12w6d w/ a healthy growing baby… stay positive and I will pray that this is your rainbow baby too!!! Xo
Lakarmw – Sorry to hear about your strange pain – glad they’ve eased off for you and I hope they stay away. I can’t believe you aren’t finding out the sex lol… I’m so OCD I had to know as soon as possible haha. Try not to stress too much about the anomaly scan … all scans/etc have come back great so far, right? Concentrate on that! :)
Calvingirl – I have restless legs too – and it’s def worse with pregnancy – are you still taking medication for it now? Anything else you do naturally that helps it? I am having SUCH trouble staying asleep! As far as dopplers – I use mine once a day and have been since I was 9 weeks – I usually do it right when I get home from work before I eat dinner. My bf thinks I’m crazy but he understand why I do it. It eases my anxiousness so much, if I didn’t use it I’d personally be a nervous wreck in between scans – especially because right now I can’t feel the baby moving around, etc. Sorry your NIPT came back invalid… maybe you were just too early for the tests to pick up what they need to? Sending positive vibes your way mama! And you look beautiful!!! Hang in there and you’ll have the results any day now! Xo GOOD LUCK with your NT scan & counseling today! Xo
neomasie I’ve had bad constipation as well and I’ve never had a problem in that area my whole life. I find taking Colace every other day seems to really help me – that’s what my dr said I should try and I like it. I feel further along too! December seems so far away LOL. How have you been liking the magnesium citrate? I hope it’s working well for you! I think counseling is always a good thing – it’s healthy to get your emotions and feelings out and if it makes you feel better, why not!! It’s worth a try at least! Xo Congrats on your cervical check going well!!
midnightrose3 I’m so sorry about not getting the feedback from your family that you were hoping for xoxo… sending you huge hugs and lots of love. Baby’s are blessings and I’m sure they’ll come around at some point! We are right around the same timeframe too – I’m due Dec 28th – when are you due? That is so nice you had your kiddos with you for the ultrasound – were they amazed or what?
6 years ago
AFM – I’m currently 12w6d and I’m feeling really good (knock on wood) but I also feel HUGE – my belly is starting to get firmer now too and it’s more round – looks like a bump and not just bloat – lol, YAY! My dr said I’m showing sooner because this is my 3rd pregnancy and my last MC was just 3 months before I got pregnant again.
I shared the news on my FB page – it felt SO GOOD to have it be in the open finally!! The post got so much love on it too, over 750 “likes” and over 300 comments - which made me feel incredibly loved and supported!!
Baby is strong, healthy and growing like a weed! Got to see HIM on the 12 week ultrasound last Friday – yup, I got my NIPT results and found out we’re having a BOY! I really REALLY wanted a girl (I think in part because the baby I lost last Dec was a girl and maybe I was feeling if this baby was a girl it would kind of ease the pain from losing her even though this baby would never replace that baby in my heart) and I actually bawled my eyes out when I first found out it was a boy, then I felt so bad for crying about it that I cried even more. But, as the days go on I’m more and more okay and focusing on the fact that he is healthy and growing and I know I’m going to love him to pieces!
My NIPT came back negative on all the trisomy tests and the NT u/s showed not much liquid behind his neck so all looks GREAT so far!! VERY EXCITED and can’t wait to see him on u/s again at the anatomy scan on Aug 1st – feels so far away! Wish I had another u/s in between now and then lol. I posted my u/s pic on my page – if anyone wants to see it! His heart rate was 171bpm and he has long limbs and was very active in there! SO CRAZY to see him like that and not feel it yet.
My feet hurt and I feel I need a really good pair of flip flops to walk in – I walk about a mile to and from work and I’m going to Disney in August – I know, I’m going to be SO HOT at 20 weeks pregnant lol, we booked this before we found out I was pregnant so we are going! Any tips/advice for me
6 years ago • Edited
BB2018 - Wow what an update! I'm glad to see your pregnancy is progressing so well and that you have such a healthy little boy. Have symptoms like nausea gone away for you at this point? As for your trip to Disney I'm probably going to say what you already know. lol! Remember to be easy on yourself and drink lots of fluid and eat lots of protein. It's good to see you are doing well.
6 years ago
Bb2018, don't feel bad, i cried pretty hard too when I found out I was having another girl. I am not having any more so I wanted a boy this go around. I am ok with it because i already have girl stuff and she can have a sister bond, but we haven't had a boy on my moms side for so long. I felt bad and ungrateful for crying. I am super happy she is healthy and all is well though. Im getting excited to see their similarities and differences!
6 years ago • Post starter
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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