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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Lakarmw- wow almost time for the baby, sorry you feeling sick as well.

Im doing better still waiting for doctor appointment for the level 2 ultrasound. Deep inside i just feel the blood test is wrong. We are still debating on a boys name!!!! Lol so far we have Noah, Ethan, Jeremiah, Elijah all with middle name as Daniel. What do yall think?

5 years ago

Ah thanks everyone hopefully whatever it is will go's just not the time.
@Tryingafterloss not long to go at exciting for you too. I wish I had an end's hard not knowing.
@calvingirl sorry to hear you're feeling rough too...your right these last few weeks do get hard. I've just basically rested all day until picking up my kids from school.
@Beaut1ful38 I like your name choices...very organised. We still don't have names xxx

5 years ago

@Lakarmw - You're bump looks so good! Are you still feeling like baby is dropping more? Since this is my first pregnancy I can only imagine what that feels like. You're in the home stretch though.

@Bautiful38 - Those names are all nice! I think I like Elijah the most. I had a good friend growing up named Jeremiah and you don't meet many of those these days so that's a good choice to go with too. Is Daniel a family name? I'm praying that your guy feeling is right and that the blood test was wrong. It's common for that first one to get it wrong. Are you still waiting on scheduling for your level 2 ultrasound?

AFM - I'm starting to feel more pressure and aches down in my lower abdomen, I guess under my Uterus. Haven't looked it up but I assume it's normal. I've also been getting fatigued in the afternoons more easily then before. They checked my TSH again and it's higher then September but still in the normal range for pregnant women so it's not that. I'm getting anxious about the glucose test coming up... The fatigue is whats making be more anxious. Still loving all the kicks and looking forward to starting the third trimester next week!

5 years ago

@beautiful I'm with Flamingo!! I love Elijah Daniel!! Keep us posted please.

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5 years ago

So I just received my induction date and it’s later than I had thought it would be. Going in for induction on Friday November 30! So she could end up being a Dec baby after all! Lol

5 years ago

Flamingogirl- daniel is just a name i liked. We still deciding though lol. I am still waiting on prenatal specialist to call with an appointment for the level 2 ultrasound. Had a lil hiccup with insurance but got resolved finally.

Rooroo917- thank you thats the one i like too!

Tryingafterloss- how exciting just a few more weeks and you will be holding your baby girl!

5 years ago

@flamingogirl13 thank you, I love my bump but I am looking forward to being able to bend again and having a waist I'm glad to hear your progressing well. And yes unfortunately more aches and tiredness start again in the third trimester...all part of the fun :( I hope all goes well with your glucose test.
@Tryingafterloss wow 30th November....not long to wait at all exciting, I hope baby doesn't take their time and become a December baby.

I'm so hoping my little one decides to be born soon hehe. My cold does seem to be easing now...since my cold started all signs of baby arriving more mucus plug loss etc. I'm booked in for a sweep tomorrow...which I'm really not looking forward to at all :( and i dont feel very positive that it will work either, right now it feels like baby is very comfortable in there. 5 days until due date...come on little one ???? I've been on my birthing ball for at least 3 hours a day too and that seems to do nothing either

5 years ago

Good morning!! How is everyone? I called off work this morning. Kinda got a headache, not feeling it today. I was up til 1130 last night getting stuff ready and i think i over did it a bit. Got off work at 330 and came home and put baby bed together, put dds princess bed up (it took 7.5 hrs to do both), and washed baby clothes. Dd loves her bed. It has a ladder and slide and play house underneath. Going to finish putting clothes away, arranging the room, getting boxes out, vacuum put bedding on.
Been bouncing on the exercise ball, taking epo and raspberry leaf tea to help soften cervix still. If she doesnt come by dec 2nd, that is induction day!

5 years ago • Post starter

This is my latest pic.

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5 years ago • Post starter

To all you ladies right there towards the end of your pregnancy I'm so excited for you guys but you also make me remember the dread of having to wait that long and how miserable you feel at the end :( you poor things. I hope everyone gets their little bundles sooner rather than later!!
@kelliria wow where in the world are you finding the energy for all of that work??!! Must be full blown nesting!! Raspberry leaf tea worked wonders for me hopefully it will do the same for you!!

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5 years ago

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