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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Tryingafterloss. I hear you about waiting. My ultrasound is on May 28 and I too hope for a healthy baby. I am sure our scans will go great. Just have to get through Monday morning till my doctor's appointment which will have me nervous too.

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6 years ago

Yep, my clothes are officially getting uncomfortably tight and I have a pooch already. When I suck in my stomach it still bulges out right where our Jelly Bean will be but it's definitely still too squishy to be her. I'm guessing my uterus is shoving all my other organs up there already!

Hubs and I have decided we're not going to tell his parents about the pregnancy this week... They live in FL, us in OH, and we're both just so peeved that she pulled hubs away last time to ask that we don't even want to tell her anymore. I decided I'm probably going to wear my maternity shirts when we're there and maybe even some elastic banded pants but unless she notices and says something, we won't. Lol ugh, you'd think someone who had 4 kids and some miscarries would have the decency to not outright ask. MIL's... Ugh. Lol this is going to be a long week!

My next appointment is at 13 weeks on May 30... I SO hope they try to find baby's heartbeat on doppler so we can start telling other important people! Thank God you ladies exist to vent to

6 years ago

Yayyyy dragonfly23 - that's GREAT news!!! So happy for you! You must've been so relieved hearing the heartbeat!

midnightrose - I'm sure your spotting was nothing, could be for so many diff reasons, our bodies go through crazy stuff creating a little human!

Tryingafterloss - I would def get second opinion, taking antibiotics for entire pregnancy doesn't seem like it would be the norm.

Water is a struggle for me too, but I try to drink a minimum of half my body weight in oz a day... living in the bathroom though! lol

I have my first ultrasound this Friday and I'm starting to get nervous about it! I just want this baby to be okay and to hear/see a heartbeat. Everyone always tells me to relax and what's meant to be will be. That is not reassuring and it doesn't help, it actually makes me wanna punch them in the face, sorry not sorry... am I the only one that feels like that? People who haven't suffered a MC just don't get it I feel like and I feel like the people I personally know are not very sympathetic. Please God let her/him be okay and growing on schedule. I still don't have many symptoms... bbs are super sore, especially when I take my bra off, gonna need to get bigger bras asap! Anyone know a reasonable place to buy some? I don't want to spend a ton, but want them to be comfy. I also need to get some new clothes because my work pants do NOT fit me at all :(

6 years ago

Hello, I am 14 dpo today, just went thru 2 chemicals these last 2 months, I’m a bit worried with my hcg betas, first one at 7 dpo 4.1. Today at 14 dpo 865, this seems very abnormal to me compared to all the charts. I keep thinking the worst, anyone have this rapid of a rise, in one week? & everything end up normal? I don’t talk to doctor till next wk. I will be 37 next month, I’m also nursing my 1yr old.

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6 years ago • Edited

Hi, amberelaine! Congrats! Well, you can definitely rule out chemical. It does seem a bit high but there could be a lot of reasons. I have not experienced this but you could have twins. They tend to run more in us "older" women. I would not worry yet. If your doctor doesn't seem worried, just see what happens then. If you cramp bad and/or bleed i would call them. I know hcg levels can be a bit wacky at first. I have heard of them rising fast in the first few days then leveling out. I will pray for you and that your mind eases.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kelliria. Thank you! That means a lot to me.

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6 years ago

Back from appt with OB and bub is doing great. Active and moving about a lot. Strong heartbeat. Got my stitches and staples out and feel better already. I couldn't be more relieved

I hope everyone's doing well, especially those who've been quiet for a few weeks and good luck to anyone with upcoming appointments!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

@neomasie. So glad your appointment went well and such a relief to get the stiches and staples out.

Feeling not to bad this morning. Bus driver was really quiet today and just mumbled hello to me. Not sure if he is allowed to talk to me until the investigation is over. I really don't want him to get into too much trouble as accidents happen. This morning is my doctors appointment to make sure things baby is okay. Have been feeling some pushes last night so it's reassuring for me. Before bed as I was lying on my back and I felt the hard ball near my right belly button and on the left side near the belly button, so I am thinking that is the baby. I am so looking for my appointment on Monday so I know exactly where the baby is lying and hope to find out the sex.

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6 years ago

@calvingirl. Thank you so much for thr information.

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6 years ago

@ neomasie me! I’m 13 weeks today and have been feeling like this for a week! Can’t eat a full meal! Also, the dreaded round ligament pain has set in and I can only stand/walk for a short time before needing a sit down! Been getting dizzy spells since end of 11th week. Thankfully my nausea is waning now! Bring on trimester two!! Lol

6 years ago

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