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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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581 - 590 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

@smoseman - Congratulations! That's a nice strong line this early. Hopefully baby is holding on tight! @Nissa - over 9k for your HCG? Very good numbers. You'll probably see a HB on your scan.

@dragonfly - whew! That must've been stressful. So glad it all came out fine.

6 years ago

@ calvingirl. It was a bit stressful. I was admitted with my daughter for Braxton Hicks and I spent too long in the hospital. It's bad enough that I work in one but at least I won't have to go very far in case something happens.

@smoseman. Have you had your progesterone levels checked? I know with the birth of my daughter my levels never went back to normal and I had loss after month after month. Did some Googling and had pretty much the same symptoms so I took a chance and bought creame off Amazon and got pregnant the first try and here we are today. Worth a try to ask your doctor.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly23, we usually do betas and my progesterone does fluctuate that my dr has mentioned supplements but I never have a pregnancy get to that point.

I’m foregoing betas this time because they cause me so much stress. What was the cream you use? Maybe I could do that to be proactive?

6 years ago

@dragonfly23 using some of your days to rest leading up to due date is a great idea. That's my game plan. I plan on stopping work 1 week before my scheduled c-section just to rest and prep for the massive change!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

@smoseman. I bought the Emerita Pro-gest cream. I just used a tiny bit once in the morning and once before bed. Once you get your BFP then keep using it until it is safe to go off. If you stop right after the BFP it could make the levels drop then a miscarriage can happen. If not a successful month then you can stop using the cream right away and try again next month.

@neomasie. Yes, I definately think it's a good idea. Sitting is getting so uncomfortable that I need a lounger. That's good you are stopping a week before our c-section. I hope I won't need one but will have to see.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly - since I already have a BFP could I start it now? Does it hurt to use if your natural progesterone is ok?

6 years ago

@smoseman. I don't see why not. To be honest, I still use the cream but not all the time.

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6 years ago • Edited

Thanks all!!!! I am just five weeks n having over 9k beta was a bit shocking.... But am happy with that n hope everything goes well tomo.....

@smoseman congratulations on your BFP, looks like our EDD will be nearer....

N hope everyone else is doing great

6 years ago

Nissa congrats on the amazing Betas!

My EDD is April 1, how about you?

6 years ago

So I am super early still but I did end up having betas done and everything looks good!

I’m about 3 1/2 weeks and my progesterone is 18.5 and my hcg is 20. My dr is very happy with these considering how early I am.

However, are any of you ladies experiencing dizziness or did you early on? My dr said it’s normal with the hormone fluctuations but I yet feel exhausted like I could fall over and sleep at any moment and then get random 15-30 second bouts of dizziness that suck!

6 years ago

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