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Group for the BFPs

Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hi, tryingafteraloss! Glad you found us! I am loving that a lot of us are a little older! Makes me feel a little less crazy for wanting another baby. All my friends have kids that average in high school and here i am, just starting! Lol. Austrailia! It is 5:14 am here. Yes, i am there with you on sleep problems. I wake up nauseaus and having to pee and can never go back to sleep.

6 years ago • Post starter


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6 years ago

Hehe it's hard not to find out, we did with the last two and we have a girl and a boy all ready, so as this is our last baby we thought a surprise would be the icing on the cake xxx

6 years ago

Just got word that I can go home. Such a relief. No restricted work duties since I sit at my desk all the time.

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5 years ago

Hey ladies! I’ll join you here! I’m 38 will be 39 when baby is born! EDD Dec 2. I have 1 DD who is turning 18 next month! ????. She is from a previous relationship so this is DH’s first baby. I am 7w6d and feeling nauseous, bloated (can’t fit in my pants already!) sore BBs and sleep issues!! I keep waiting to feel emotional but all I’m getting is cranky off & on! I am from Canada but am living in Australia so I’m on a different time zone ????

6 years ago

Only had digital test left so I took apart tests to see the second line. Top test is from 4/20 at 2am and bottom is from 4/21 at 2:50pm (like 1 he hold). I’m waiting on my tests to be delivered on Monday but I may go to cvs to get more before they show. I have a need to see line get darker and it does look darker today so that makes me very happy!!

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6 years ago

@BB2018. Yea, it's funny the stress we put ourselves through when telling people. I'm waiting till the perfect time to do a post on Facebook. Maybe you are having twins but you will know more when you have your first ultrasound. Even my mom said to me last night that I could be having twins and that the other baby is just hiding behind the other one. But you saw my ultrasound pictures, there is only the one there. Guess will have to wait till the May 28 ultrasound to find out again, and hopefully the sex of the baby.

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6 years ago

hey ladies how are we all going?
I'm going good, my teeth have settled down been going through bottles and bottles of milk a week, haven't really had any other symptoms apart from really tired I'm counting myself very lucky in that respect. according to flo app I'm 6 w 3 d, with my dating scan tomorrow afternoon.
my mum, dad and I did the gender old wives tale with the ring and piece of hair over the tum and its looking like a definite boy but will see once it time for the gender scan.
hope all is well with everyone

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6 years ago

I have not tried the Chinese Predictor. Will do that now.
ETA- It says I'm having a girl. Guess I will find out on May 28.

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6 years ago • Edited

Hi, all! I did the chinese gender and it says boy. Crossing my fingers!! Ill be happy wither way though. As long as it is healthy and i deliver it without any complications, i will be elated!

6 years ago • Post starter

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