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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Dragonfly23 hopefully someone will be along soon to explain everything to you in a little more detail so you aren't left worrying yourself sick until your next scan. My basic understanding about valves, only from someone I know who far far older, is that valve issues aren't the worst problems there can be and can usually be corrected with medication or surgery if necessary, but I think they can also correct themselves too, which I guess is why they're going to rescan you later and possible after he is born. I hope a doctor comes along to explain everything to you properly when you're in a mindset where you can digest the information. Big hugs xxx

6 years ago


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6 years ago

So glad you were released home drangonfly23 and the heart problem doesn't sound too serious :) How's all the mama's getting on? I'm officially 28 weeks today. Starting to get rather uncomfortable now. Baby is kicking away like a crazy one, I have my next midwife appointment on Friday, which is the first since my 20 week anomaly scan, as apparently third time round they leave you pretty much to it, if you're a normal uncomplicated pregnancy, which fingers crossed, so far I am xxx

6 years ago

Hehe sounds like you're doing amazing Kelliria, I agree with keeping busy to keep fluid, now schools restarted I'm back to my 20000 steps per day now ???? and I do feel much better for it, just hoping I can keep at it for the next 10 weeks too.
Neomasie, he had a brilliant first and second day at school, and has loved it all, so couldn't ask for better xx

6 years ago

Hi Ladies. Been a while. Good to see everyone doing well. I'm doing fine. 25 weeks tomorrow and had my appt today. Did the glucose screening, which I'm sure will be fine. I'm more worried about my iron levels. Baby girl is doing great. Hips are improving now that I'm not working at the office with all the walking. Only two more weeks before 3rd trimester!! I can't wait. I've now been officially assigned kick counts, so that's been a little nerve wracking. Headaches are still bad but I'm working from home now so I can sit in my armchair with my work computer and put a cold compress on my neck and it's bearable. Here's my 24+6 wk bump. I've only gained 13 lbs so far - even if it looks like 10 of them are in my upper arms lol. I think it's just an awkward position.

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6 years ago

@Calvingirl. I was diagnosed last Thursday with gestational diabetes I’ve been eating healthy and following the guidelines but my levels are still borderline so I’m worried about being put on insulin. Baby girl is measuring right on track. Here’s hoping we both can be diet controlled.

6 years ago

Hehe I agree I think the struggle is real, at this point, it usually hits me come the evening, and I just go all stiff and uncomfortable, then also the regular waking up with painful ribs from the weight of my tummy crushing them .
I'm trying my best to stay as active and organised as possible now to keep busy and Neomasie we are allowed to be whiny we are very very pregnant now.
I am still trying my best to enjoy it though as being my last baby I know I won't experience any of this again xx

6 years ago

AFM - I'm 30 wks today and weird update on my gestational diabetes. It really does matter what monitor you use. The specialist prescribed me a different monitor than what I had been using, saying the new one was more accurate. I've been using it for the last week = ALL my numbers are perfect. All about 20-30pts LESS than they were before. I'm able to eat normal again (just without blatant sugar like ice cream or donuts, although I can put sugar in my coffee) and discovered that I feel so much better! I think the whole meltdown and the feeling awful and weakness was actually LOW blood sugar. I was starving myself for a week trying to avoid carbs that would raise my blood sugar, when in fact, I was probably sending it way too low due to a bad monitor. I had a breakfast sandwich today!! With a croissant! You have no idea how happy this makes me lol. Once I started eating again normal, my bump came back. I actually went to my sister's costume party and it was a big hit. It's a little dark, but it matches my sense of humor. Plus unicorns have represented both my TTC journey and this pregnancy so I thought it was fitting.

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5 years ago

Great pregnancy announcement beaut1ful38...very in keeping with the day
Good luck with your growth scan Calvingirl I hope it all does well. I had lots of braxton hicks all the time with my second....very very annoying.

38 weeks tomorrow for me, I had a crappy week last week with head aches...probably because my children were off school for a week started feeling better this weekend though, and ok again today, managed the 3 mile round trip to school and home this morning...I do drive but I'm trying to keep as active as I can. I'm so ready to Meet our little one now xxx

5 years ago • Edited

Oh it's a lovely stage to be at flamingogirl13 I loved having a lovely reasonable size bump, it's only these last few weeks it starts to be so heavy and in the way. Not long at all until your on the final count down too! Unfortunately my other two children didn't make an early daughter's waters broke on her due date and I didn't go into labour so they induced me with a drip and she arrived 2 days later. My son was born 7 days late it's not likely our little one will arrive early, but I'd love it if they surprised me...even by just beinging on time. But obviously the most important thing is they arrive healthy

5 years ago

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