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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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@kelliria. Not that I can think of. Some people who I think won't but that's their choice and I'm living my life.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly, that is me. The only reaction i care about is my parents, his parents, and him. Anyone else can kiss my butt. And if the remaining parents disagree, they will get over it!

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kelliria. I can think of one person that will be upset and that is one of my ex-boyfriends from high school who I can say is still in love with me but he did the worst thing imaginable. Long story short. He slept with his best friend and got her pregnant, then didn't tell me till 18 months later because he was busy. I found out through Facebook of all places. He claims that she didn't know she was pregnant and that the condom broke. And in my own honest opinion, if you tell someone you love them, you don’t go sleeping with someone else. He’s in his own pickle as the mother is very protective and hardly lets him see the baby, and now is starting to regret it. Like they say, not my circus, not my monkey. At one point, I was even considering having a baby with him down the road, but now I don’t even think I want to anymore and even considered him a father figure for my daughter when my husband passes. Please know that I didn’t get pregnant to spite him. Hubby and I wanted another kid long before I found out and he finally told me on Christmas Day. Anyways, like you said, they will get over it.

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6 years ago

Dragonfly - I'm so happy you got a great reaction! What a weight lifted, huh?

We just told hubby's parents and his mom was really happy - said, "I'm so proud of you Lauren!" Like it was something I could control before lol. I said, "Well, I'm should be. This wasn't easy." My parents were really happy too because they know we've been trying for so long. Now I have to tell my sisters and I'm waiting for that second beta number before I do.

We're really close (I have 4 sisters, 1 brother) and the one younger than me lives in AZ and is coming here in three weeks with her fiancé to get married in front of all our family. She's going to take it badly. First off, she had to have a hysterectomy at 30 after her one son was born because of endo and cancer. This new marriage makes that emotionally difficult because she'll never be able to have a new kid with her new husband - she just got a puppy instead, so I know she's feeling the baby fever. Second, she's kind of bridezilla right now and she's going to feel I'm stealing her thunder, and Third, she has all these girls' nights and bachelorette nights and the wedding reception and I won't be able to drink with her at any of them. We only get along when drunk, really, so this is problematic. I'll soften the blow with offering to be the permanent DDriver. I have to tell them all this weekend so it is over and done with before the festivities begin to minimize the thunder stealing.

6 years ago

Yayyyyyy ladies - lots of good news in here!! Dragonfly - so happy your parents are excited for you - I had a feeling they would be - babies are blessings!!

Calvingirl - awesome numbers!!!! Good luck w/your second draw, I'm sure those will be great numbers too!!!

Just had my first blooddraw yesterday - my HCG was 508 and my progesterone was 14.1 (Imagine if I wasn't using progesterone cream 2x a day!!)... I feel like the progesterone number is kinda low -esp cuz I've been using the cream 2x a day for about 14ish days now! I also feel my hcg is high for me... my last two pregnancies my first hcg's were around this same time frame and they were 136 and 80... I know each pregnancy can be different but that's a big diff! Maybe it's twins!!!

6 years ago

@BB2018. Yea, it's funny the stress we put ourselves through when telling people. I'm waiting till the perfect time to do a post on Facebook. Maybe you are having twins but you will know more when you have your first ultrasound. Even my mom said to me last night that I could be having twins and that the other baby is just hiding behind the other one. But you saw my ultrasound pictures, there is only the one there. Guess will have to wait till the May 28 ultrasound to find out again, and hopefully the sex of the baby.

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6 years ago

hey ladies how are we all going?
I'm going good, my teeth have settled down been going through bottles and bottles of milk a week, haven't really had any other symptoms apart from really tired I'm counting myself very lucky in that respect. according to flo app I'm 6 w 3 d, with my dating scan tomorrow afternoon.
my mum, dad and I did the gender old wives tale with the ring and piece of hair over the tum and its looking like a definite boy but will see once it time for the gender scan.
hope all is well with everyone

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6 years ago

@Winnie91. I never tried the ring on the belly thing. I heard there is other ways of predicting, like pee and I think drano. Not sure what else is out there but would be curious to see what the results are. Hope your scan goes well tomorrow and that all is well. Keep us posted. Other than that, think I am coming down with a cold that is slowly lingering. It's starting in the head, and can feel it in the nose and throat. Hope it doesn't get worse from here.

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6 years ago

Hey Ladies! I'm so far behind in catching up on all your news! I'm so glad some of you ladies were brave and told your parents and extended family and got a positive feedback! It gives me a silver of hope. Although I'm not going to get my hopes up. We currently live in a small cabin and hubby still hasn't been able to start on our new house yet due to weather. We're not poor but we def don't have a lot of money with but hubby and I make it work. So that why I'm not holding out as it's definitely not an ideal situation to be pregnant but I still feel so blessed to be this little one's mommy! My kids don't know yet but they have already said they wouldn't care about the age difference. I'll be glad when I do finally feel ready to tell!

I get to have an ultrasound scheduled for next week due to my ongoing pain that I had even before pregnant. I am not sure if the baby will be visible at 6 weeks. But hoping!!!

Talk to you soon!

6 years ago

Dragonfly23 : my favorite is the Chinese gender predictor!

6 years ago

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