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Group for the BFPs
Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!
1366 Replies • 6 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by informative)
Calvingirl, yes, the bh are real! They are annoying and i didn't have them as much with my daughter. They are in my back too.
Lakarmw, no, you don't seem to be dropping yet. Hopefully very soon! Ik how it is being ready and wanting to meet the baby.
Atm, i am 35+1wks. Have to go to the dr 2xs a week now for stress tests. Dr did mention induction at 39 wks. Idk though. Its up to me. If they will do it on nov 29, i probably will. Babys head is measuring very small in the 5% and 2wks behind. They arent too alarmed because my dds was small, just not that small. Her leg bones are 2wks ahead, arm bone right on. Her weight was ahead at 5lbs 8oz last week. I was 34wks then. She has a headful of hair with extremely long strands the tech said. Glad heartburn is a wives tale. The tech said the heart rate being slower for boys is a wives tale as well. Im starting to get tired st work finally and now they are scheduling my 8hr shifts. I begged for them before and never got them until the last month. Go figure. Im scheduled 8hrs all the way up until birth day. On the schedule 8hrs on due date. Lol.
5 years ago • Post starter
Aww I love all these beautiful baby bumps!! You ladies look great! And @beautiful that pregnancy announcement is too dang cute! I haven't gotten to announce anything yet as I'm only 11weeks on weds and our first ultrasound is on 11-13. But the past 2 days I've had bad cramping and yesterday I had bright red blood a few times so hopefully everything is alright in there. If this bean doesn't stick then we are done and wont be trying any more. Anyone experience some bright red bleeding in the first trimester and have a healthy little one still?
5 years ago
RooRoo, i have. With my 1st, i bled in the 1st trimester some and went to the er. They said i was having a miscarriage. I stressed and she is now going on 3. Hopefully everything is all right in there and you will be in my prayers. Have you called your ob? Maybe they can get you in earlier to check your bean. Take it easy. I would say dont stress but that is hard to do. Was it a lot of blood?
5 years ago • Post starter
Kelliria sorry to hear your having to go for stress tests must not be too much fun, but as long as baby is ok that's all that matters! Sounds like your baby is growing just fine at her own speed. My little brothers (hes 4) head is and always has been 95th percentile...and hes only on the 25th. Hes a clever bright, happy little guy...just has a bigger than average head bless him....everyone is different and unique. Was your other daughter born with lots of hair too? Both my children have been so will be strange if this one has little or no hair lol...I can only imagine a baby with lots again. Hehe I still have no clues if we are team pink or team blue...and we are a bit stuck with names too xxx
5 years ago
@kelliria thank you so much for telling me about your little one, that gives me hope! I put a call in to the OBGYN this morning but I haven't heard back yet. It didn't soak a pad and it was very sporadic so I wouldn't say it was alot. And btw super jealous that your baby has long pretty hair!! My kids were born bald and I had the worst heart burn lol.
5 years ago • Edited
Rooroo917 I went for a scan at 9 weeks due to some bright red spotting, it was spotting and not heavy but they scanned me for reassurance...I had a subchronic hoematoma, which was a small bleed near my babys sack.. and was causing the spotting, it was very scary, but it had dissolved itself by my 12 week scan and everything is still going well. I hope your bleeding is nothing bad...I will keep my fingers crossed for you
5 years ago
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