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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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1001 - 1010 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

Tryingafteraloss, i cant wait to see your pics! I bet baby is already here!
Skellynet, has it sunk in yet that after so long you are about to hold your little one?
Currently, having contractions averaging every 4 minutes and about 30 sec long. Went for NST this morning and all was well. My check showed 3.5cm and completely effaced. He said he would be surprised if i made it through the night. He did another sweep and the contractions started then. Been regular since 9am. Trying to wait it out as long as possible. I'd say she will be a dec 1 baby! Hoping so cause i don't want the induction or the pain to be another 3+ days!

5 years ago • Post starter

Awhh that's awesome to hear kelliria... Is four mins apart not really close? I hope u get some rest over night.. but wishing u all the best wishes ????... Good luck ????

5 years ago

Kelliria- oh my!!! Another baby soon!!!

5 years ago

Hello ladies! Just a quick update, Rylie May arrived at 3:10pm, Saturday Dec 1. Weighing 7lbs 2oz or 3.29kgs. She is doing great, so beautiful and perfect! however I lost a lot of blood and had to go into surgery am now recovering in ICU! I’ve only gotten to see her briefly for some skin to skin contact! But they are bringing her to me in the next hour for a feed! I will update again with pictures of my new lil love!

5 years ago • Edited

Tryingafterloss huge congratulations! Well done! Sorry I haven't been on for a with a new born and mum of 3 is kinda still hectic. I hope your surgery goes ok and your on the road to recovery very soon.

All still well here. Nancy is doing fabulous feeding well too. Hope everyone else is doing ok....?xxx

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5 years ago

Congrats to all the new Mamas! Kelleria, good luck!

5 years ago

Congrats, tryingafteraloss! I am in l&d right now. 5cm just got epidural. They are breaking my water in 10 minutes. Hopefully another dec 1 baby today!!

5 years ago • Post starter

@trying Wow!!! Huge congrats and I hope you have a quick recovery. Can't wait to see that little one!!!

@ lakarmw 1 week already!! So beautiful:):)

@kelliria wish you the best for your big day!!! Cant wait to see the LO!!

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5 years ago

Eeek Kelliria so so excited for you :) hope all is going well...good luck xxxx

5 years ago

OMG!! Great news from everyone!
@kelliria - Good luck and hope baby is in your arms now!
@tryingforloss - Congratulations!! So happy baby made it safe and I hope you recover quickly. ICU is a bit scary - hope its a precaution and they move you soon.
@lakarmaw - She's so beautiful!

AFM, I have my last big growth scan on Monday but last appt on Friday, baby is still transverse and seems to be stubbornly stuck there - I'm going to be scheduled for a csection on Dec 18th at 38 wks. She didn't do well on the last NST and my blood sugar numbers are going up daily. Sooo....Monday will tell a lot and I hope she flips head down before the 18th, cuz if she does, they'll let me try an induction instead. Either way, baby girl will be coming in the next 2 1/2 weeks!! I'm so freaked out...not ready.

5 years ago

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