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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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401 - 410 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

Hi Ramenia, welcome and congratulations :) really sorry to hear about your losses, we will keep everything crossed for you this time around, try and stay positive as hard as it is. I didn't start to get real noticeable symptoms until around 7/8 weeks and then I had terrible nausea from then until 12 weeks xxx

6 years ago

Hi, Ramenia! I went to your page and it is a definite positive! Congratulations! I know how hard it can be after a loss. All the what ifs. You got this though!
Tryingafteraloss, did your due date get changed? I was 14w yesterday (sun) and thought for sure i was a little ahead but we are together now! Are we dd buddies? Dec 9th is mine.

6 years ago • Post starter

@kelliria my due date is now Dec 10. Was originally Dec 2. We’re within a day of each other! ????????

6 years ago

Ok. I was remembering the week difference but now i think the 10th is coming to mind. But we are a day apart so that is neat. Its neat to see the symptoms and how we are different and alike with them. Heres to the 2nd trimester!

6 years ago • Post starter

Hi guys,

So I'm 17 weeks now and getting a strange pain at the bottom of my bump, feels like a muscle is all tensed up and won't relax, my bump has also gotten very hard too, is this round ligament pain? It's hard to remember from 5 years ago with my last one. Thanks :) xxx

6 years ago

Lakarmw, sounds like braxton hicks. Your body can have them throughout most of the second half, earlier with second. Round ligament is usually sharper, stabbing pains. I get tgrm if i stretch to hard or turn wrong or cough/sneeze. I got braxton hicks some with dd.

6 years ago • Post starter

Thanks Kelliria they did cross my mind as I had them regularly from around 28 weeks with my second but 17 weeks seems a little early, still a little achy now but nothing like last night xx

6 years ago

I had braxton hicks with my first and had to be admitted for a week to stop the contractions. Hoping it won't be the case for me in this pregnancy.

Havw any of you ladies heard of Sneak Peek tests. It tests for gender of the baby after 9 weeks. If so, have you tried them or know someone that did and what did you/they think? Were they correct on the gender?

Last night, while sleeping I woke up and just managed to straightened my left leg and had my leg muscles tighten so bad. It's like when you point your toes towards you and the calf muscles tighten. The muscles aren't too bad this morning but man did it hurt. Is there a way to stop it from happening?

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6 years ago • Edited

Never heard of sneak peek tests are they the ones you buy from a pharmacy?....hehe have you not all ready found out it's a boy?
I had Braxton hicks a lot worse with my second, so I'm also hoping they don't get worse still third time around.
It sounds like your tensing your muscle whilst you're sleeping, I do this at times, pregnant or not, usually if I've had a busy dream, I don't think you can stop what you do whilst your asleep I'm afraid, I find stretching and massaging the muscle helps afterwards :)

6 years ago

@Lakarmw. No, it's a test you buy online. They send you instructions, send it back and they will tell you if you are having a boy or girl. I did find out but looking for a second opinion. I would just do it for fun and see what the results are.

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6 years ago

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