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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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771 - 780 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

Feeling worried mummys...just about to set off for a scan as I'm measuring above the 90th midwife thinks it's excess fluid rather than a huge baby..... it's nothing serious

5 years ago

Lakarmw, prayers, hun! I know things can be worrisome but hang in there. With my 1st, i measured in the 94%. I was huge but so was my daughter. She is still over the 99% at 2yrs 7m. She is 40 inches tall and weighs 39lbs. Everyone thinks she is 5. Do you have gd? I know a few of the women do. My boyfriend was 13lbs at birth and everything went great. Let us know how the scan goes. I'll be thinking of you today.

5 years ago • Post starter

I have been super tired lately. Work has cut my hours down to about 30 a week but they say it is because I'm slowing down and when you get tired accidents happen. She also said it is because of performance not bc i am pregnant. I told her if i wasnt pregnant i wouldn't be a bit slower. They cant cut hrs bc of pregnancy due to laws. I am ok with it though cause i am so fatigued. I dropped a lot yesterday too. My belly is pointing down rather than out. I was about 34wks with dd when i dropped and almost 32 now. So about on track.

5 years ago • Post starter

Thanks for you prompt reply Kelliria, panic over, just back from the hospital, and baby is measuring fine, they say I have a good amount of fluid but not excessive...and that I just carry it all really really forward, hence the big belly measurement. Still no clue as to the sex. Was amazing to see baby they've grown so much since my last scan at 20weeks.

Sorry to hear about your work, doesn't sound like their being very professional, and not nice to be treated like that. I'd just take extra time though to rest up though, rather than get upset about it. Does sound like your dropping, my baby is head down in the right position but hasn't engaged at all yet hehe xxx

5 years ago

@dragonfly23 i'm so sorry to hear about your H's truck. There's never a good time for these things to happen but this is one of the less ideal times. I hope they recover it, fingers crossed.

@Lakarmw i'm glad everything ended up being ok. And that you got to have an extra peak at the little one.

@Kelliria i'm sorry they cut your hours. Regardless of their reasoning, maybe its a blessing in disguise as it allows you to get some more rest time in.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

5 years ago

@neomasie. Thank you! I hope they do find it but if they do, he doesn't want it back as who knows what they did to it. It just sucks as they have the keys and all they would need to do is fill it up with gas and be smart about driving it so they don't get caught. Still keeping my fingers crossed.

AFM, still nothing. Lost quite a bit of the mucus plug yesterday so hoping something will happen soon as Monday morning is my doctor's appointment and that will be when they start the paperwork for induction.

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5 years ago

Dragonfly, how lucky! My dr wont even consider induction if everything is normal unless i am past 42 wks. A lot of friends asked to be induced about 38 wks and their drs readily agreed. Mine wont unless passed 42 or if something is wrong. I think you will have him within a week or so.

5 years ago • Post starter

@Kelliria. I hope so. My daughter and I were playing "race to the gate". It's where we start at the baby gate in the kitchen and run to the second bedroom. I don't have stairs and only have a 2 bedroom house but if it helps to bring the baby on, so be it lol. Still being safe about it but she has fun. I think our doctors won't let us go passed 41 weeks but will have to see what he says Monday if I don't deliver by then. But I am definately achy and feel close; it's just a matter of when.

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5 years ago • Edited

Aww good luck Dragonfly23 :) not long now.
Kelliria they don't do induction until 42 weeks here either unless there's a problem xxx

5 years ago

Doctor noticed no change since my last visit. Will have induction booked for Saturday; providing I don't go in before then. Last night, I was squating and when I got up, I thought I had some leakage that smelt sweet as it wasn't urine. So doctor also took a look and water didn't break but definately had me a bit on edge and I take back eveeything I said about experiencing having the water break as I didn't know what to do . I'm just anxious and want to get this over with so I can hold him in my arms. Also, an update, truck has been found. Will go take a look at it today to see if there are any damages and where to go from there as I am sure my hubby is dead set on not wanting it back. I hope it teaches him or anyone else to not leave the keys in the vehicle no matter on how stressed a person is.

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5 years ago

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