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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Kelliria! Found the group! Hi all. I'm 37, will be 38 when bugaboo is born, this is our second, but will hopefully be our first baby we bring home. I'm 8 weeks tomorrow. This was a good idea, Kelliria. I also felt a bit bad continuing to talk about pregnancy symptoms when so many are still waiting for their precious BFPs.

I'm a firm supporter of waiting to share the news of a BFP. Especially in those very early days. I've only told my spouse and my mom. At first I thought it'd be hard to keep a secret, but it's gotten easier and to be honest I really really love bug being our little secret, and the element of surprise.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

@neomasie. I'm 15 weeks and still haven't told my family. Just a couple close friends and work. I wanted to wait till after the second ultrasound to start telling. I kind of wish I told them (family) sooner at Easter dinner but it never happened. I also feel that talking about the pregnancy with others who are still ttc is hard as I feel for them when their period starts and has to wait another month. I love your ticker by the way. It's cute.

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6 years ago • Edited

neomaise: I hear you. This time, DH & I are not telling anyone till I hit 12 weeks. I'm hoping I can hide it till then.

Winnie91: your fiancée mother is very fortunate to have you to at least understand where she is coming from. I'm preparing for that reaction from my own parents. At 35 , they still make me feel 15 so I'm not sure what the reaction will be but mentally preparing myself. Continue to show support and understanding. Your fiancée and mother in law will love you for it!

Kelliria: Our family situation is unique! SO and I had our three children, split up a few years later, he had another child and somehow we managed to reconcile a few years after that and now we are expecting again, 10 years after our last one! It boggles my mind but I'm so happy and excited!

6 years ago

I'm so thrilled that I'm able to join this group after almost 3 years and countless pills, jabs, exercises, spells, adjustments, and emotional rollercoaster coasters I've been on. I'm 42. I'll be 43 when the one is born. Dh is 40 and has four kids (18, 16, 14, 8) which we have custody of, so pretty much my kids too. I have one of my own who turns 21 next month and moved out last summer. He's training to be a cop. As most of you know, me and DH had our son, Oscar about 6 months after our wedding in 2014 and he died during birth due to a number of factors that aren't likely to happen again. Since then, we've had unexplained infertility besides just the age thing. I just got my official digital "Pregnant" and I can't stop staring at it... EDD 1/1/2019... Only about 3wks and 3 days along. Haven't even hit my AF due date yet. :)

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6 years ago • Edited

I love the idea of a separate thread! I feel exactly the same way talking about my BFP in the TTC forum.

I'll be 31 when our jelly bean is born. Hubs will be 33. Our son is turning 2 in two days! I'm 7w1d today and still have symptoms going on. Mostly intense food aversions, definitely some nausea, fatigue is slightly improving, boobs are staying pretty sore, and this bloat is insane! Fortunately they're staying consistent and not getting worse. They're already kind of hard to manage when no one but me and the hubs know! Ugh, side note... The MIL is in town from FL for my son's birthday and keeps trying to peek at my belly. They've been here for like 6 hrs and already pulled my DH away to ask if I'm pregnant yet. They were kind of annoying to tell when I was pregnant with DS so I haven't been looking forward to doing it again as it is and that just made it even worse. I just know she'll play the "I knew it!" card all over again. I'm gonna spend the next few days throwing them off the best I can hehehehe
My first scan is May 2 when I'll be 8w6d. I'm so excited and so nervous!

6 years ago

Sheriskers, my bloat is horrible! I look like i did when i was 14w last pregnancy and I'm right behind you. Definately showing earlier this time. My abs are not as tight and my bloat baby is really poking out. I live with my inlaws and am hoping to keep it secret til 12w. I dont know if i can! Im nervous for my scan next Friday. My mmc stopped growing at 7w1d and I'll be a few days over. I wont breathe good til 12w, and I'll still be nervous. I'll at least wait til after scan to tell everyone.
Do you think you will tell them before they leave? I don't know if i would just get it over with or wait and tell them on the phone after they're gone! Lol. Im kinda feeling the "i knew it" thing. My mil has dreams that come true. She thinks she really has a gift. Before i was pg with dd she had a dream about a little boy and girl at the top of their stairs. I didn't think i would have 1, let alone 2. Then, she told me about a month ago i needed to have another one soon so Ruthie has someone to play with. I know the "i knew it" is on the way.

6 years ago • Post starter

Hey ladies! I’ll join you here! I’m 38 will be 39 when baby is born! EDD Dec 2. I have 1 DD who is turning 18 next month! ????. She is from a previous relationship so this is DH’s first baby. I am 7w6d and feeling nauseous, bloated (can’t fit in my pants already!) sore BBs and sleep issues!! I keep waiting to feel emotional but all I’m getting is cranky off & on! I am from Canada but am living in Australia so I’m on a different time zone ????

6 years ago

Omg the bloat and gas is brutal. I don't recall it being this bad this early with my first. Some days I feel like I'm letting out one giant, long marathon fart from the moment i wake up till I go to bed. I'm a hot air balloon. And farting is the only thing that bring relief, all be it temporary. My doc gave me some natural tricks/tips on how to manage it but said that if it gets worse and the tips don't ring relief, he'll prescribe medication. The only thing that's managed to let up is the constipation by getting serious about adding fiber.

@midnightrose3 you do have a unique family situation! It's also very cool! A family is a family, no matter how it's made up. Love it!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Hi, tryingafteraloss! Glad you found us! I am loving that a lot of us are a little older! Makes me feel a little less crazy for wanting another baby. All my friends have kids that average in high school and here i am, just starting! Lol. Austrailia! It is 5:14 am here. Yes, i am there with you on sleep problems. I wake up nauseaus and having to pee and can never go back to sleep.

6 years ago • Post starter

Omgosh I'm so glad it's at least not just me with the bloat! I did the hair tie around the top button trick yesterday and by the end of the day even that popped off lol I'm waking up sometimes multiple times to pee at night and have an awful time getting back to sleep.
@Kelliria no, we won't tell before they leave. My parents don't even know and they were the first ones we told last time. We have to go down to FL for my SIL's wedding in 2 weeks and I'll be facing it all over again. By then I'll have had my first scan so I'm not against telling them then but part of me still wants to hold off to lower their expectations even more Hahah plus, I don't want to steal SIL's wedding thunder. Agh. I don't know! I just want to make it to the 12 week mark quickly!
@neomasie hot air balloon!

6 years ago

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