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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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@dragonfly23 this has happened to me more than once. Sounds like a fissure from pushing too hard. It's a symptom of constipation. Not fun at all but perfectly normal.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

@neomasie. Thank you. It makes me feel better that I am not the only one. I went and laid down on the couch and felt a push on my belly so I know baby is fine and lots of gurgles.

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6 years ago

Hi everyone, how is everyone getting on?

I'm now 14 weeks and finally seem to be feeling great :) my bump is getting very noticeable in a good way as there's no doubt I'm pregnant and not just chunky. Nausea seems to have subsided, I'm less tired than before, although still more tired than usual, I'm back to walking loads, which is making me feel healthier again. I've started for feel slight movement going on in my tummy, I think it's baby moving :) i can't be 100 percent just yet as it's still quite subtle, but I'm sure it'll get more noticeable and definite soon. I also listened to baby with my doppler and could feel the movement where the hb was.

Did you manage to sort the constipation Dragonfly23?

Neomasie I'm glad the pain seems to be easing for you a little. I hope all goes well with having the staples out.

Congratulations Amberelaine :) image no idea when it comes to hcg levels as I didn't have any taken that I'm aware of, but I hope all is progressing well xx

6 years ago

Thank you @Lakarmw every day is getting more bearable! I have an apt to hopefully get staples out Friday and see how baby is doing. Fx

Glad to hear the second tri is treating you much better! Im right behind you at 12+3. I'm slowly feeling an ease of symptoms too. However I've developed nausea and headaches right before bed which is weird.. But I read it's normal and could be due to my eating habits. Sometimes I think I feel baby slushing around too, but I can't decipher if it's the numbing going down or actual baby movements.

I hope everyone is doing well, especially the mommies who are finishing off the rough first tri!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Lakarmw, so happy to hear your progression! Im starting to show even though my weight is 5 lbs behind starting weight. Im sure it was from starting work and now i can eat better so the weight will prolly come back 2 fold now. I'm glad your feeling baby. That is how mine started. Little tickling, water gurgles. I described it like farting in a bath tub. Lol.????. Sorry if tmi!
Neomasie, im glad you are starting to feel better. Once you get staples out, the soreness gies away and hear baby, you will feel much better.
Dragonfly, i have felt the belly button pulls. It is like the baby is grabbing my navel cord and giving it a slight tug. I now remember it in my last pregnancy but at about 16w. It has happened about 5xs but only when i am lifting something a bit heavier like a box at work or my dd.
I have been doing good. Had my monthly appt at 11w1d yesterday. Hb good and had my NIPT maternit21 test. Only downfall is it takes 2w for results. The harmony test took 4 days. I have a different dr than last pregnancy though, so different test. It will close to when i could see on an u/s. I get chromosome results too so i went ahead with it.
These are new symptoms or ones that are gone. Nausea starting to subside. I dont get queasy near as much and i only get sick about 2xs a week. Boobs are back to normal plus a little bigger, vericose veins getting very painful, slight cramping but i remember from last time from growing uterus, belly getting hard right above pelvis, energy back to normal, bloat completely gone at about 9.5wks, because i walk so much and lift a lot, my pelvic bone feels like i got kicked in the crotch. Every step i put down feels like it is bruised and it is getting pushed. But i feel great!!!

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kelliria. I have felt them too but not as much. Not sure what that means but hope the baby is just saying to relax and take your time walking.

Well, I am in a better mood than yesterday but feeling really tired as I woke up just before 5 as I was having a really bad dream and didn't want to be asleep through. Not sure if you ladies like horror movies but when you dream of the Saw Series then there is an issue lol. I woke up and figured I would just rest my hand on the right side of my tummy and I can definitely feel movement in there like he or she is waking up or just tossing and turning. It was great to feel. Last night, I got my hubby to put his hand on my right side as that is where I seem to feel the most activity and I had my hand on my left side and he says he couldn’t feel anything. I just told him that he is probably playing hide and seek on you. So, I have been feeling some more activity which is reassuring for me. The constipation part is slowly working. I take a Metamucil maybe once a day and that seems to help with everything. Less than a week, I finally get to see my baby at my 20 week ultrasound appointment and praying that I get news of having a boy and that everything is progressing well. If I remember correctly, my daughter was on my left side but I can’t be too sure anymore as that was a couple years ago. I do have a video when I was admitted in December for Braxton Hicks so I will take a look to see if I can see what side she was on by the movement. Hard part is, her head was down for many months so I don’t know how accurate that would be. Hope everyone else is doing well.

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6 years ago

Everyone sounds like they are doing so well! I'm jealous of the movement - I have a few more weeks to wait as I'm only at 8wks today.
Lakarmw - 14 wks, that's wonderful! Glad everything is going ok.
Neomasie - glad the pain is going down, and you get to see baby on Friday - that's exciting! I have 4 more weeks to wait till my next scan.
Dragonfly - I'm on magnesium malate supplement from my sleep doctor to help with the severe restless leg syndrome I have, and it seems to have a side effect of lessening the constipation. I still have bad days, but most of the time, I'm ok. I have had it bad in the past as I have IBS too, and that has totally happened to me (the blood) before. Freaked me out too!
Amberelaine - Congratulations!
Kelliria - Glad to hear when the bloat started to go away. I feel like it's starting to this week. I look skinnier than I did last week, and my weight is down about a lb. I certainly feel better. I haven't told work yet, so I'm ok with the bump holding off for a few weeks, but that bloat sucked!! I couldn't fit into anything.

AFM, I've been incredibly lucky this pregnancy so far and have had no nausea, no significant headaches and no smell aversions so far. I'm a bloodhound, but none of it is making me nauseous. My last pregnancy with my angel, I was sick from 4 wks on. This one is so different. I still feel baby, and I have stretching cramps and what feels like mild Braxton hicks contractions in the afternoon. I hate to call it that because I read it's the uterus contracting to stretch, and most people don't notice, but I'm hyper aware of what that feels like because of my history. Fatigue is pretty bad, as well as acne and heartburn, but on the whole, this is a pretty smooth 1st trimester so far. I'm hungry all the time, but can only eat a little at a time. I'm being monitored by both my OB and our Maternal Fetal Medicine clinic as high risk, so I get my NIPT genetic testing draw in two weeks, and then genetic counseling and my next ultrasound two weeks after that. I could literally know the gender in just a month!! that's crazy to me. Last time I was pregnant, they didn't have that option. They said after 20 wks, I'll get almost weekly scans to make sure my cervix is holding up and baby is growing on schedule (stillborn had interuterine growth retardation, so they want to make sure this baby doesn't.) I'm going to love seeing baby so often, but almost worry it's too many scans and they're gonna kill brain cells or something. Anyone else high risk?

6 years ago

@calvingirl. So glad that I am not alone with the IBS department as it really sucks. I don't have much in a way of restless leg but knock on wood. I too have been blessed this pregnancy with no nausea or vomitting or food adversions so it almost makes me think I am having another girl and I will be happy with either or at this point as this is our last pregnancy. If it turns out to be a girl, I will most likely be sad but will get over it real quickly as my daughter will have a little sister to play with; not saying she can't play with a boy either. I will love him or her no matter what. That is exciting that you get to know the gender in less than a month. What are you hoping to get?

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6 years ago

@calvingirl I'm high risk due to previous pregnancy. I'll find out Friday when we start biweekly cervix checks, but I'm hoping it'll be this week.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Dragonfly - I'm the oldest of 5 sisters and 1 baby brother, and I love having my sisters - so you having a girl would not be a bad thing. It's a special relationship. I've only given birth to boys. One living who just turned 21 (I was 21 when I had him) and then Oscar stillborn 3 yrs ago. Both of those pregnancies, I was nauseous with lots of food aversions, Oscar being the worst. I'm hoping my lack of sickness means girl because that's what DH and I would prefer. We just blended families four years ago, and between the two of us, we have 4 boys and 1 girl, mostly teens - and we'd really like to counteract the testosterone in the house lol.

Neomasie - They said they'd start me on the cervix checks at 20 wks, but I get my next ultrasound at 12 wks. Who knows. I'm under the care of both the regular OB and the specialty MFM clinic, so I have double appts. That's because if my regular OB turns me over to the clinic completely, I can't give birth in the hospital that's just down the street from me, because the MFM clinic's hospital in in Norfolk, about 40 min away on a good day. Seems stupid to travel that far when I could literally walk to the hospital here. So....two sets of appts. Thank goodness there isn't co-pays with each, I'd be broke.

6 years ago

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