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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Calvingirl the waiting must be terrible :) fingers crossed it's not much longer.

Dragonfly23 do you take them after food, I find I feel sicky of I don't eat first before taking mine.
Oh I'm very very hot and head achy today, we are having a heatwave here, not good when you are so much bigger than normal xxx

6 years ago • Edited

@Lakarmw. I take it a couple minhtes before I eat. During the work week I take it before I leave for work. I sort of remember having that issue with my last pregnancy. I hear you when it comes to the heat. It's been pretty hot here lately and can definately use some rain to cool it off. I hope your headache goes away soon.

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6 years ago

Thanks :) I'm ok indoors it's just when I have to go outside, like collecting my daughter from school, I just get an awful headache for the rest of the day.
Hope you manage to alleviate the nausea, nothing worse xxx

6 years ago

Lakarmw – Thank you :) Your bump is so cute!! I’m gonna guess boy for you, but that’s a complete guess… to me you look like you’re all belly, but you do have black sweater on so hard to truly tell.

calvingirl – thank you for the RLS trigger info, that’s good to know and I’ll try to follow that and see if it helps me. I just wish I could sleep at least 4-5 hours in a row and feel rested when I wake up in the am. Every night I wake up 3-5 times and in the am I feel like I hardly slept at all! Your u/s pic is SO CUTE!!!! Fingers crossed you have your NIPT results any second now!!! I didn’t get mine for about 10 or 11 days… try calling the dr office today! You never know! And my dr hadn’t received them in the mail, but they were able to look it up and see them on the online system! Worst that can happen is they say they don’t have them….

Mrsjr96 – So glad to hear your numbers are where they should be! Good luck with your scan today … can’t wait to hear how it goes!! Sorry about the nausea, that’s no fun at all… when I feel nausea, having a mint seems to really help it go away or if it’s the morning, I’m usually just hungry and once I eat that feeling goes away… I know everyone is diff, but maybe that would help you too? Thank you for the congrats! I’m 13w4d today and I feel really good. I actually don’t feel pregnant and sometimes forget besides my stomach being bigger lol. And once I take my bra off it’s like ouch for a few minutes but then it’s fine LOL. I feel like I’m starting to get more energy than I had the first trimester too… hopefully I’ll stay like this til the end!

Kelliria – where are you from? I’m curious why your dr wouldn’t give you a 12 week scan? I thought those were pretty standard to have in pregnancy? But also, I never made it this far in my previous pregnancies, so what do I technically know… I live in Massachusetts and here everyone I know has had one at 12 weeks, my next one is at 18 weeks for anomaly scan. When is your next u/s scheduled for? You must be dying to see you baby!!

Dragonfly – my prenatals made me SO SICK at first, my dr told me to take them before bed and ever since I started that I’m 100% fine – maybe try that?

I'm just kinda waiting around at this point - next up I have my monthly appt w/my dr at her office on July 20th (I'll be 17 weeks) and then I have the anomaly scan on August 1st... I so wish there was another ultrasound scheduled in between now and then! If it wasn't for my at home doppler, I'd be going CRAZY because I can't feel the baby moving inside yet... when does that usually start? I have felt like flutters I'm pretty sure - or it was just in my head, but when I've felt it 2-3 times it's right where the baby has been when I've found his heartbeat....

6 years ago

@BB2018. Thank you. I will give that a try. I woke up late today as my daughter decided it was nice to play with my alarm clock so I took it during eating so I was fine. I wish I was having another ultrasound just to see how big he was getting and to see if I'm still breached as he is not sitting sideways.

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6 years ago

Update on my NIPT results. I'm 13w,1day. Got the results yesterday - no result again. Low Fetal Fraction again. They want me to come in and take it for a THIRD time. I've had to cancel our gender reveal party on the 4th, and I haven't decided if I'm going to get the third one done. It's not going to cost me anything but 3 vials of my precious blood that is busy growing my baby, but my goodness, that hurts and I feel like a pin cushion for as much blood as they've taken from me. At this point, after a good 12 wk scan that lowered the chances of downs or other trisomies, I might just wait for my anatomy scan at 19 wks to find out gender like a normal person. It might be that I'm part of the 1% that this test just doesn't work on, and further tries would be pointless.

My DH said something that isn't very scientific, but made me feel better anyway. He said that they probably can't get enough baby DNA from my blood because I'm growing my clone, a little girl, and they just can't separate us - our DNA is too similar. I'm not sure that's how it works, but it made me feel better and feels good to me. So maybe this is a sign that I don't need to know for a few weeks and I should just not stress about it.

6 years ago

Oh, and on a positive note, my other test - the Horizon 27 carrier test that looks for genetic problems in MY blood all came out negative. So I'm not a carrier for most of the big nasty genetic diseases.

6 years ago

@calvingirl i fully believe that your Horizon results, your H's assessment and your gut feeling are accurate. That is the positive feeling, thinking and energy you need to carry you through to the 19 week anomaly scan. Praying everything comes out clear!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Hey ladies!! I hope you are all doing well! I’ve not been on here for awhile! I’m now 16+5 weeks. Things have been tracking along pretty well. Tonight though I’ve had a sore back and mild menstrual type pains. I’ve read it can be normal and it’s just stretching pains, as long as there is no bleeding it should be ok. I can handle anything but the menstrual pains kinda freak me out! Keep checking now to make sure there’s no bleeding! :(
@calvingirl. That is frustrating not to get your results more than once! Fingers crossed you’ll find out at your scan.

6 years ago

@tryingafterloss I had the menstrual cramps like pain last week and a.bit this also freaked me out but I was told its normal as long as it's not rhythmic or in intervals and no bleeding.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

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