Community post
Group for the BFPs
Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!
1366 Replies • 6 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by hugs)
@Kelliria. Happy Birthday. Hope it's an amazing one for you.
@neomasie. Thank you for the comment kn the A535. My aunt who is a RN told me not to worry about it; and I never did since that night my hubby put it on.
AFM. Nothing to report. He's still perkolating. I did dream that my water broke so maybe thats a sign I'm pretty close. Will keep everyone updated on my appointment and what the doctor finds. Wish me luck.
6 years ago
Hey Ladies!!
@dragonfly23 I hope everything goes well and you get to experience the labour you are hoping for soon!
@kelliria Happy Birthday!!
AFM - I have been deemed high risk now because of the gestational diabetes and have been transferred to a new hospital for when I deliver. Spent the last 4 hours there meeting the Obstetrics team and diabetes team. I have just been told I will be induced at 38 weeks so that will make her a November baby instead of December now. (Just like her mummy!)
6 years ago
Happy Birthday @Kelliria! this is a really big year for you!
@dragonfly23 hoping some action happens this weekend before monday! fingers crossed for you.
@tryingafterloss Mine will be a Nov baby, too, due to a scheduled c-section at 38 weeks (original due date 1st Dec)! good luck with the GD and the rest of your pregnancy. Glad to hear you and your team are being proactive about course of action.
6 years ago
Dragonfly23 i hope you go naturally as you wish :)
tryingafteraloss sorry to hear your high risk...November baby :) I so so Hope we have a November baby too, I'm due 20th but my son was very late so I'm hoping not to make December sounds like you and neomasie coukd actually end up having your babies before me xxx
6 years ago
Flamingogirl, dont stalk, we wanna hear your progression as well! How are you feeling? It's funny cause 2 more girls are now having their inductions before my date and i was always a bit ahead. I want to be induced a wk and a half early on nov 29th, but my doc wants her to come naturally. That is my moms bday and I'm naming her after my mom. I can wait an extra week and a half though... When in feb is your date? A lot of my family and friends are feb babies.
6 years ago • Post starter
@Kelliria - My due date is February 12th! My youngest niece turns 2 on Valentines day so their birthdays will be right next to each other. I've been feeling baby move for almost three weeks now and I am loving it! I have an anterior placenta so it took a little bit longer to feel the baby moving. Our anatomy scan was at 18 weeks 1 day and everything looks great and right on track for growth. We are waiting to find out the gender of the baby until birth day! We have boys name and girls names all ready so we don't have to worry about that. We've actually had our top names chosen since before we got married! Lol! My oldest niece is about to be 3 and keeps asking lots of questions about baby cousin. She is super excited about helping and holding and having a little cousin.
6 years ago
Hi ladies. Thank you very much for your lovely comments. It really means a lot to me. Will keep everyone posted.
@Tryingafterloss. So truely sorry to hear that you are now high risk. I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smooth with no problems. Can you explain what gestational diabeties is? Does that mean your baby will be type 1 diabetic? If so, that is sad. My ex husband is a type 1 and I watched him poke himself every time he eats; not very fun at all.
@FlamingoGirl13. Your neice will be giddy when your baby comes and can't wait to see him or her. That's awesome that you are waiting till the end to know the sex and that you have names picked out.
6 years ago
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