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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Dragonfly23 I will be 33 weeks on Tuesday so just over 7 weeks to go for me, or 4-9 weeks depending on how keen our little one is ???? I have no induction early or anything scheduled, as i am non complicated and midwife lead....unless something changes in the next few weeks it will just be when baby decides he or she is ready.....what kind of births does everyone plan? I am having a water birth if possible, just gas and air again

@Kelliria Ruthies bed is lovely, my daughter had similar She loves it.

@Neomasie gorgeous pics. I havent seen my baby now since my 20week anomaly scan...seems so long ago...your very lucky xxx

5 years ago • Edited

@Lakarmw. I'm just having a natural birth with epidural. Providing things go well as I too don't have a induction plan as I'm low risk. Unless he decided to come late.

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5 years ago

Hey ladies just checking in on everyone.

Dragonfly- How are you? Any news yet??

5 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. I am doing pretty good to say the least. Can't believe the end is almost near. The anticipation is really starting to get to me as I could go in any time. This weekend is Thanksgiving and I am hoping to go to both suppers (Saturday & Monday) but will handle whatever happens. As of labour, nothing as of yet. Last night, I think more of my mucus plug came out and also noticing a lot more creamy cm; like one gets after ovulation. Last night I had some minor cramping but nothing came of it. Haven't been sleeping very well. Thursday I have a doctors appointment and he is going to do a sweep to see how close I am and heard that could bring on labour in just a couple days. So, I could miss out on both dinners if thats the case. Other than that, how are you?

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5 years ago • Edited

Eeek so exciting Dragonfly23 so glad your feeling well....I hope it all goes smoothly and easily for you...I still can't believe how fast it's all gone...and most of us are still chatting on here. I keep checking for updates xxx

5 years ago

Dragonfly, i am so excited for you! Thanksgiving for you already? Ours is the end of November over in the states. I hope you can eat dinner! My plug came out in spurts over a few wks. My bestie had hers come out at red lobster when we were eating and when we were done we went straight to hospital and she delivered. I had a sweep and it didnt work, still going to do it again. Lol. You are definitely showing the signs on labor being near!

5 years ago • Post starter

Thanks ladies. I think I am officially ready for this to happen. Last night was the worst sleep ever. He kept trying to get comphy with his head and it played havoc on the lady parts. I did however have an amazing dream of my two kids when they are older and he was having two plates of food. He's going to be a big eater. Wish I remembered all of what they looked like but all in due time they will grow older in reality world. I will keep everyone updated as I can.

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5 years ago

Can't wait to see pics. Hope you manage more rest today xxx

5 years ago

So excited for you Dragonfly! Hope your labor goes smoothly and your little guy is in your arms soon.

5 years ago

@CalvinGirl. Thank you!

Doctors appointment went well and said that I should pop in the next few days. He was surpriswd on how low the cervix was and that he was able to find the opening. So, I am really hoping I can make it to at least one of the two Thanksgiving dinners this weekend. I am so ready for this as sleeping is getting harder and it's getting uncomfortable as his head is so ridiculously low. I have been crying for no reason at all and getting very moody. My first delivery I was calm and relaxed. I really hope that this delivery will be the same. Next doctors appointment is Tuesday and he will do another sweep. Will keep everyone posted. My countdown ticker should actually be 39 + 1 with 6 days to go.

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5 years ago • Edited

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