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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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@sabrinaaababy. Congrats on your first. I pray you have a happy and healthy nine months. When is your first ultrasound?

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6 years ago • Edited

Really pleased your appointment went well neomasie, you must be so relieved to have your staples and stitches out, must feel more comfortable too :)

coelh102 congratulations on your twin boys! How amazing :) My sister's are twins are their bond is amazing, twins are very special. Please keep rested, my best friend had her little boy a week and a half ago at 32 weeks, he's in nicu, he's perfect he can breathe by himself and has no problems at all, but he hasn't yet learned to suck so can't feed by himself yet, so he's got to stay put until he learns it, which he is slowly slowly :) he's doing fantastic, but she is finding it hard being back and forth from hospital as she has 2 other children. So truly keep as rested as possible, tokeep those babies inside for as long as possible:)

Congratulations to you also Sabrinaababy.

I was having lots of movement last night from baby, they must have been having a really active time as I was having definite movement for at least ten minutes :) xxx

6 years ago

Good morning ladies. I hope everyone had a good weekend and doing well. I'm awake half hour before my alarm as I can't sleep. Little one sort of keeps waking me up. Plus today is the day I finally get to see my baby and hopefully find out the gender. A lot of people have been saying boy. However, my hubby still says it's a girl and I'm sloly starting to believe him after all this time of me saying it's a boy. So I'm hoping to finally lay this to rest. My appointment is at 10:20, so I will post pictures when I'm able.

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6 years ago

Hello, ladies! Glad everyone is doing great! It is amazing how I've seen the majority of us get their bfps and now we are going into or are in our 2nd trimesters. It is going by so fast.
I got my results back for my MaterniT21 test. Negative for abnormalities.
D...... IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

6 years ago • Post starter

Hehe oh I'm glad it's not just me looking so so pregnant so early. Everyone I see tells me I look at least 6 months all ready, slightly embarrassing at only 15 weeks. I was back in my normal jeans after 5 days after my last baby, even though i was enormous when he arrived at 41weeks so I'm so so hoping I just drips off again lol.

Sheriskers with my daughter my bump was very round and my son more pointy if that makes sense I'm not sure what I am this time, probably pointy again, so maybe boy but then their hb is always so so fast above 140 which suggests girl , and sounds more like a train which suggests boy. I cannot believe we have decided to have a surprise this time how will I last 25 more weeks when we could find out next week hehe. xxx

6 years ago

Tryingafteraloss congratulations :) must be such a relief to see your baby in there and happy! It's amazing isn't it, i cant wait for my next one xxx

6 years ago

Tryingafteraloss, congrats on the u/s! Glad everything is bouncy and active for you to watch. I cry everytime i see her, so i understand the tears of joy!

6 years ago • Post starter

I got my BFP yesterday!!!

6 years ago

Hi, all! Was catching up with everyone. It's hard renembering what everyone talks about!
Calvingirl, that is awesome about the flutters! I'm 13w3d and i felt a buzzing/vibrating feeling once but that's it. I can't wait.
Lakarmw, i had never heard it called pushchair either but it makes more sense than stroller! I love learning new terms from other places. I like the cream one. It looks very cosy. I am going to get a double stroller i believe. For awhile anyway.
Bb2018, my baby hb is btwn 140-150 and sounds like a train. She is a girl. My dd sounded like a horse. Guess it depends on the baby? I cant wait to hear your results! Good luck. Mine took 8 days and seemed like forever. Total torture. I told fb last week after i got gender results. I was aroung 12+ weeks, not quite 13w. My family i told about 9w.

6 years ago • Post starter

Ok. I was remembering the week difference but now i think the 10th is coming to mind. But we are a day apart so that is neat. Its neat to see the symptoms and how we are different and alike with them. Heres to the 2nd trimester!

6 years ago • Post starter

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