Community post
Group for the BFPs
Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!
1366 Replies • 6 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by hugs)
@FlamingoGirl13: First of all: how are you doing? February 12th is here (your due date) and I am wondering if there's any news yet (well - I think we are all wondering! :)). Keeping fingers crossed for you, for your baby and for the easy delivery! Please keep us posted when you get a chance! It's so exciting! You'll be finally meeting your baby soon - unless you already have! LOL
And thank you!
@Rooroo917: Thank you!!
Hi Shanta 77! :) A lot of pregnant friends here indeed! LOL
@Beaut1ful38: how are you doing??
UPDATE from me: we got the results of the genetic testing!! They were all negative so that's great. And the gender was reveled there, too. I was nervous to look at all the results and I told my hubby that the results are in. So he said: where are they? I said - in my email, but I didn't look cause I'm afraid to! LOL So he wanted to see them and he started looking and grinning at which point I knew what it meant (I knew what gender he thought it would be). He said that everything looked fine (so I was relieved) and asked if I wanted to know the gender. Since he already knew, I didn't want to be left behind haha LOL so he told me. We are having another boy around August 9th! My first boy will be 1 year old on July 26th so it's gonna be a busy summer! LOL
5 years ago
Hope4rainbowbaby- i am doing great. I have another ultrasound tomorrow or say 2. One is to check baby heart. everything is ok. The second will be just a follow up and measuring of baby again. I’m hoping he will sleep so they can see him clearly.
How exciting a mom of boys!! House full of boys!
5 years ago
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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