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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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451 - 460 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

It certainly does make it easier to plan, we found out the other two at 20 weeks. I do love my doppler I like to check in on baby to make sure they are still there, I'm sure I won't the same once I feel definite movement going on. I'm lucky and I can usually find baby pretty quickly now. I'm thinking boy as the sound is like a train, whereas girls are supposed to sound like galloping horses hehe xxx

6 years ago

Lakarmw, i have never heard that. Come to think of it, my dd sounded like a galloping horse. That's exactly how i described it. It sounds different this time but i figure i didnt start listening to dd until 18w so this is way earlier. I picked it up at 8w3d this time. I thought maybe it was bc the heart is still developing.
Getting nauseaus still. It has been getting worse the last week. I was hoping it would start to diminish now. Never had much til 9w, but the last 3 days have been puking stomach bile. Sorry if tmi.

6 years ago • Post starter

Hi Ladies – sorry I’ve been a bit MIA for a few days. I had my first ultrasound on May 11th and the heartbeat looked good 126-131 and we saw the heartbeat and I measured 7w0d. My first appt with the dr is scheduled for next Wednesday, May 23rd and Idk when my next ultrasound will be, but I’m super anxious to see the baby bigger and see the heartbeat still going! We’ll be getting the NIPT test that will also tell us the gender in a couple more weeks! Because of my “advanced maternal age” I can find out the sex with that text anytime between 10-12 weeks so we are going to asap! lol

Dragonfly – I hope you get the boy you’ve been dreaming about and yearning for! Thank you for sharing that about feeling the baby! I have only made it as far as 8w5d in my previous pregnancies so I’m looking forward to feeling kicks and everything else that comes later in pregnancy this time, God willing!!

Lakarmw – yayyyyy!! So glad your ultrasound went so well! You must be so relieved and excited!! CONGRATS and I’m so happy everyone was so excited for you too! Thanks for the tip re: Doppler sounds! That’s super interesting to me and I have a home Doppler I plan to use once I’m further along. I know it will give me the reassurance I’ll need!

Midnightrose3 – So happy for you that the spotting stopped and all is well!! We are about the same as far as how far along we are! Today I am 7w4d and my due date is Dec 28th… so I’m not too far behind you! Also, I have felt short-winded the past couple weeks – when I walk upstairs, etc. that has never happened to me before this pregnancy…

Calvingirl – I think some spotting is okay in early pregnancy as long as it’s not bright red, but I would call just to be extra cautious. I feel a bit crampy today – in my lower right abdomen and it’s been steady for the past half hour-hour or so, no spotting, but def some lights cramps – I’m guessing my insides are stretching bigger or something? Only one more day until your ultrasound! Fingers crossed for you and your baby!!

SheRiskers – I forget if I had a pap smear my last pregnancy, but I would prefer not to have one while pregnant if I have a choice… thank you for the info/tip. So happy your in law’s were happy for you! Must have been a relief ?

Kelliria – So sorry you haven’t been feeling well… what do you do when you feel the nausea? I heard ginger helps? If not ginger ale I think they make some ginger throat lozenges you can suck on?

I felt so nauseous on the way to work today that I thought I was gonna toss my cookies in the car, but I didn’t thankfully, but felt it was right there in my throat… I feel like the only thing that helps me is eating carbs and I feel like that is making me gain weight ? I really don’t want to gain a lot of weight being pregnant because I know it’ll just make it harder for me to take off after and it’ll be a healthier pregnancy if I have less weight on me and it’ll be better for my back – I have a metal rod in my back for having scoliosis and when I have extra weight on me it makes the pain worse.

I wish I had another ultrasound booked so I knew when I'd get to see the baby again... it's going to feel like forever to me. Last time I was pregnant the baby's heart stopped around 8w5d and when I went in at 10 weeks and told them I had loss of symptoms they sent me for u/s and there was no heartbeat, so as much as I'm trying to stay positive I still have that in my head and my first appt with the doctor to go over all the future appts, etc. is on May 23rd and I'll be 8w5d at that appt... weird how certain things like that will forever stick in your head.

6 years ago

Glad to hear all the us this week went well and both mommies and babies are doing well! I love hearing everyone is progressing so well and I can't wait till we can all share our newborn pics in a few short months!

I'm 4 days out from my TAC and so far, it's been ok. Abdominal surgery at 11 weeks was never supposed to be easy, but I'm just relieved the stitche is in and will hold tight until c section day! 3.5 more weeks of bed rest and hopefull you illl be back to 'normal activity'. I got to see bub in the day I was discharged and he/she is doing goo with a hr of 161 bpm! We thank God!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Kelliria – I forget – what else do they test for with the NIPT? Are you old enough to also find out the gender with it? They do it where I live if you’re over 35, not sure where you’re from? How can you tell placenta is starting to take over? What are the signs that that is happening? I had low progesterone my first two pregnancies so this time I took it into my own hands and I’ve been using progesterone cream the whole time – 2x a day and my progesterone has been the best it ever has! It was 14.1 my first draw, then 14.5 my second draw and 20.2 my third draw. I’m so anxious to get into my 2nd trimester. I know that doesn’t technically mean I’ll be safe and carry baby to term, but I know it’ll make me feel a heck of a lot better! Yay for your nausea going away! I get waves of it before I eat usually, if I graze all day I feel I get it much less.

Neomasie – what is TAC? I’m glad all went well with your stitch! Was it painful to get? Wow, that’s agreat heart rate!! My babies heart rate was 126-131 when I went last Friday – which kinda makes me a little nervous where the last time I was pregnant the baby’s heart stopped beating and that’s how we lost her.

Dragonfly - how are you going? I have a quick question about progesterone - how long should I take it up until? I forget and I'm wondering if I should order some more.

6 years ago

@Lakarmw. Thank you for that and knowing that I am not the only one. I'm fine now and the doctor told me Monday that baby is below the belly button and not on the side. I also mentioned twins to him and he says that there is no way the ultrasound could miss it. Can it lol? I enjoy pregnancy minus the sore boobs that feel like I have breast implants which I don't and the abundance of cm. I can manage the sore boobs but this cm thing is driving me bonkers and sort makes me worried that when I wipe that I will find more than just cm (blood). Another is the constipation and the inability to poop (sorry tmi) without having to strain. I went to see my one girlfriend at work who is also pregnant and having a girl in the next couple months. Found out that doctor started her on mat leave early and didn't even get a chance to say bye. So, I left my cell number in the hopes that she will text me. It's sad, as I don't even know her name.

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6 years ago

Hi Ladies, just a quick pop up to say Hi! I do have a question for you guys. Well a few questions. Lol. 1) are any of you exercising and if yes, what are you doing? I'm having issues with my weight and being so short-winded. I don't want to lose weight because of my body but because health wise I need to for sake of myself and my baby. My dr said to try not to lose more than fifteen but she said she will gladly monitor this.

2 question, Is anybody else experiencing cramping? I don't know if it's because I am older this time around, but I feel immense cramping and feel like I can't eat or drink much without already feeling full. Its down right awful. I was doing well but my pregnancy is hitting me hard this week and do not remember these feelings with the others.

6 years ago

Midnight- I'm not exercising, but probably should be. Once the pool opens, I'll be in there every chance I get. That's nice and low impact. I've been crampy too and I have good days and bad. It's the pressure that's killing me. I'm always hungry but already can't easy much because I feel so bloated and full all the time. Plus, I feel like if I sneeze, baby will shoot out. It's crazy feeling that way this early, and my cervix measured fine today so it's not that. So yeah, I hear you. You are not alone.

6 years ago

@midnightrose3. I am cramping a bit. This is my second pregnancy and I heard that you will cramp sooner as things will stretch quickly if you already been pregnant before. The only exercise I do is walking but I have been finding that a 15 minute walk to work has got me sore in the stomach.

My evening has been horendous. I ended up calling the health line because I was having really bad left side and stomach pains plus some lower cramping. It almost got me having an anxiety thinking there is something wrong with my baby. However, I thought I felt a little push at my belly button so it calmed me down a bit and still hearing some girgling but not a lot. I remembered with my first pregnancy on how constipated I was and the inability to poop very well as I suffer from IBS. The nurse says I can take metamucil 3x a day so I will pick some up while I am at work tomorrow. I also asked the health nurse about my walking pains and she says that I could be walking too fast, which could be a possibility as I am a fast walker and she also says that my body might not be set for the long walks. We will see what tge morning brings. I too have a couple questions. 1. With me being this constipated, will it be a cause for not feeling the kicks as well as I should and would the baby run out of room? All I want is to feel the kicks to set my mind at ease. 2. I have been thinking of getting a fetal doppler for awhile. Will it be worth to invest in one (last baby) to check the heart beat every now and then or would it cause more stress and anxiety should I not find him one day because he is playing hide and seek on mommy? If so, which one would you suggest (pictures)? I appreciate any kind of feedback.

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6 years ago • Edited

Calvingirl, yea! I have been thinking of you for a few days. I was stressed before my u/s and didnt get on here much. There is a certain sigh of relief when you hear the hb.
Midnightrose, i exercise but not regular exercise. I am on my feet for 8hr continuously walking. I lift 10-40 lb boxes, and stir cold/frozen foods with upper body from 4ft mixing bowls, ect. Then on days off, i clean house grocery shop for another 8 hrs. So i am always busy. I get crampy sometimes but it is from overdoing it. I dont eat mear as much this pregnancy bc i feel full all the time. Haven't gained but a few lbs.

6 years ago • Post starter

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