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Group for the BFPs
Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!
1366 Replies • 6 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by hugs)
Hi, all! Beaut1ful, i am glad it is only the 1 soft marker and everything else is ok. I hope the amnio goes well for you. You will have your answers soon.
I had my sweep yesterday am and had contraction all day. They have subsided since i woke up. I also bled quite a bit since i woke up. Bloody show im guessing but the sweep probably brought it on. Just for fun, i went and done acupuncture last night. I'm hoping it will jumpstart labor even more.
5 years ago • Post starter
@rooroo917 - Congrats on a girl! Definitely the year of the Woman! When I was pregnant with Oscar, everyone was having a boy, and now I'm pregnant with (probably Phoebe), we've had a lot of girls in the group. Don't get me wrong, I love boys! However, this will be my first girl and I'm very excited.
@kelliria - So glad everything has gone well so far and the fact we've had no updates today, I'm hoping means you are giving birth as I type! Smooth sailing wishes to you!
@Beautiful38 - Did you get the NIPT test? I can't remember. Sometimes insurance doesn't cover it - mine didn't, but they gave me a non-insurance price of only a couple hundred and it's less risky than the amnio if you are really nervous. I have a feeling baby is just fine! Two of my sisters had soft markers for their sons and neither ended up with Downs or any other genetic problems. Good luck!
AFM, I'm 35+2wks and feel the basics. Super tired. Struggling with blood sugar, which makes me more tired. Cranky. Bitchy. No patience with my stepkids - I feel so bad about it, I hide half the time in the bedroom so I don't freak out about non-important my 17 yr old stepdaughter who (no matter how often I tell her) puts the dishes away in the wrong place and doesn't wipe down the counters and leaves random dirty silverware all over the place - not checking for them before starting the washer. I should (and normally am) just grateful she does her chore uncomplainingly every night and unloads and loads the dishwasher after dinner. I usually go behind her and do the little things that make me feel the kitchen is clean, you know? Now I'm too tired to do it and she's not used to doing all the extra stuff, so I just get angry - but I'm more angry at myself that I don't have any energy and I'm a control freak. DH is helping cook more often, but he's such a messy cook! He leaves food and crap everywhere!! Never puts anything away. I'm trying to learn to step away from my controlling/nesting urges and appreciate my family trying to help me rest. It'll be easier when I have a baby in arms to distract me, but right now, I'm just a blimp that can't move lol.
5 years ago
@calvingirl thank you very much!!! Little girls are so much fun, your gonna love it!!!
@trying OMG is it friday already???!!! Today is the day!!! Yay!!! I'm wishing you all the best and a happy and healthy arrival for your little one! Let us know how it goes and I look forward to seeing your little one if you choose to post a picture!!!
5 years ago
Thank you all ladies. The nervousness of the test is what is worrying me. Do they let you look at the screen as needle going in? O dont think i could look bc if i see them gettingclose do to baby moves i might tense up. My DH wants to watch though just incase.
Tryingafterloss- wow i cant belive its time. Prayers for a blessed non stressful birth. Cant wait to see a picture.
Calvingirl- i am doing the amino test and that is what my insurance covers. I hope you start to feel better. I understand woth the older kids and going back behind them. I had to step back as well as i would come home screams saying nobody can clean up or help out. Since then they have. Lol
Afm i am sooo sick i dont know if i have a cold or allergies or what. And i have sciatica nerve on my left buttock check. Which somtimes hurts so bad cant walk or bend over. Have to do
exercises and take Tylenol only. But i have been feeling my baby move!!!!
5 years ago • Edited
Tryingafteraloss, i cant wait to see your pics! I bet baby is already here!
Skellynet, has it sunk in yet that after so long you are about to hold your little one?
Currently, having contractions averaging every 4 minutes and about 30 sec long. Went for NST this morning and all was well. My check showed 3.5cm and completely effaced. He said he would be surprised if i made it through the night. He did another sweep and the contractions started then. Been regular since 9am. Trying to wait it out as long as possible. I'd say she will be a dec 1 baby! Hoping so cause i don't want the induction or the pain to be another 3+ days!
5 years ago • Post starter
Early pregnancy symptoms by day past ovulation
What signs and symptoms are most common on each day past ovulation?
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