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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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1311 - 1320 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

Congratulations Dragonfly!! That's a great bfp! Happy and healthy 9 months to you and an easy pregnancy. Look at all of you... This makes me want another one, despite the long odds. I turn 45 this year so probably not in the cards for me. We don't prevent though. I have the side effects of pills and I'm allergic to most condoms so I say screw it...I have like a 2% chance anyway of getting preggers at my age. We weren't paying attention to the calendar and just BD last night, and I think I'm ovulating today. I actually got ovulation cramps and I haven't gotten those since before Phoebe was born, so maybe I'll beat the odds! I'd be happy, but I think my dh would freak! Between us, we already have 6 kids living. 1 out of the house and a 2nd leaving next month, and another is trying to move out by next year. So I figure we have room for more! Phoebe is a joy every day. I look forward to watching you all get your baby bumps and your beautiful newborns. Yay! Love babies!

4 years ago

@Flamingogirl. I believe I would be due the end of January. Can't believe I'm saying this again lol and I haven't even told my husband yet. Hoping your dh will say yes to a third when the time is right.

@Calvingirl. Thank you. Hope you can catch the egg and add another bundle of joy to your growing family.

The only reason that made me test is my temp was still above the coverline. Even though my last two pregnancies I stopped temping at roughly 6dpo as my anxiety got the best of me. This time, I kept going; guess that made me stronger this time. Then last night we BD and hubby said I felt tight near the cervix and still slightly hot. I'm a nervous wreck as my meds aren't safe and can't see my doctors until Monday (in person/over the phone). I tested two days ago with an expired test strip and thought I saw something faint but didn't accept it as it could give a false negative/positive.

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4 years ago

Good morning ladies. Today is 16DPO and I tested this morning and below is my outcome. Right now I am sitting at my doxlctor's office to get the paperwork started and to find out my est DD which could be the end of January beginning of February. I told my husband a few days ago that he has to come to my ultrasound appointments as he never came to any of mine with my last two. I also told him that I don't want to find out about the gender and to keep it a surprise. I tested last Thurs and got a strong positive; then I tested again Friday to showing a faint line; which I believed was because I didn't do the test right. So I held out until today and tested. I'm excited but scared at the same time as we still live in a two bedroom house.

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4 years ago

Huge congratulations @dragonfly23 how exciting! Hope you’re feeling well. Have you told your husband now?

I’m now 39+2 waiting for baby to arrive still xxxx

4 years ago

Congratulations Dragonfly! That's a great line. Looks like a sticky bean! Lakarmw, good luck and wish you an easy, quick, safe delivery. Post pics when you can! So exciting! You guys are giving me mad baby fever lol.

4 years ago

@Lakarmw. I told my husband at 12DPO and he seems pretty excited. So far I'm feeling okay. Was very emotional yesterday and did something I'm not proud of (will not go in detail but it was more of a reaction as I didn't know until it already happened). Good luck with delivery and yes, send pictures.

@calvingirl. Are you guys planning on having anoher one soon or are you guys done?

AFM. I got my first ultrasound booked on June 22 in the afternoon. It seems so far away and wish it was here already. Having some minor cramping but that is about it and hope everything is okay in there. I worry a lot about my kids playimg rough with me and kick/hit me in the stomach. My husband keeps reassuring me that babies are tougher than you think. But are they really? Never thought this time around I would have a lack of appetite.

On a side note, I remember stalking this thread when I had my son and cheering all of you on. The one person that really stuck out is photomama. Last I read she was blessed with triplets. That was such a long time ago and I was wondering on how she made out as she was really concerned for the babies. Has anyone talked to her. If you don't want to share, then that is totally fine with me.

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4 years ago

I think we're done. We're certainly not going to be trying for any more. I only have two living biological children, the first one is 23, but I have 4!! step kids (20, 18, 16, 10), so we're at 6 together and that's a full house. We're not preventing though , and if it happens naturally, I'll be happy. But at 44, it's a slim chance. I had to use fertility drugs to get Phoebe, so I don't even know if I ovulate naturally anymore. But then again, sometimes having a kid jump starts your body. As you can see, I'm conflicted lol.

4 years ago

Congratulations dragonfly!! So happy for you! As I knew you wanted 3rd.

@lakarmw- how exciting new baby coming soon!!

How are you feeling Flamingogirl?

Can’t wait to see pictures of newborns!! You ladies are making me want another one!!!!

AFM: Just celebrated our 20 year mark together. So we took off for the weekend (ocean view scenery hotel) it was my week before ovulation day so Don’t think we got close to getting pregnant. We did discuss it before we left. So maybe this weekend it shall happen.
I did get my Down syndrome tattoo with Elijah name finally!!

Elijah is 13months. He is on a roll! DS babies usually don’t walk till 18mths- 2 yrs is see in my group, but this little one is standing trying to walk side to side across couch. So I say soon he will be walking. Specialist put him only behind 3 months. Omg he is the light of my life. I have a big family so they spoil him. My cousin always says she has a room for him at her house. LOL!

4 years ago

@Beaut1ful38. Thank you. My husband was so on the fence and kept pulling out on previous cycles; as he wanted to wait a few more years before having another one but then our 4yr anniversary came up and it was so close to my ovulation and I left it totally up to him to decide (pull out or risk the chance of getting me pregnant. We also BD on what could have been my ovulation as he says I was "hot" inside but he couldn't finiah. Next night he says I wasn't as hot but managed to finish. So, I have no idea when I ovulated. Oh my gosh he is growing up fast. I had no idea he has down syndrome. Do any of your other kids have it? Hope you guys catch the egg and not have to wait so long to conceive.

@calvingirl. I think if it happens, it happens. Who knows what the future holds. You may get lucky. Are you tracking for ovulation or just winging it?

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4 years ago

Beautiful38, aww...I bet Elijah is so cute! You should post a picture. That's wonderful that he's doing so well. Good luck on catching the next egg if you guys are trying.

Dragonfly, I'm tracking ovulation so I'm aware if we BD during the window. I've been doing it so long, it's a long standing habit. Plus, that way I know when I'll be super cranky PMSing and when I'll want SexyTime and plan for it. :) With a toddler who co-sleeps and a bunch of nosy teenagers, you have to carefully plan BDs lol.

4 years ago

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