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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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@lakarmw i agree with Calvingirl love her name!!

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5 years ago

Thank you everyone...We are all so in love...had 2 nights home now. Nancy has slotted right in and so far seems very content, she slept 6hours last night so feeling good today. Her brother and sister both love her very very much.

How are all of you other mummies doing? Any more signs of pending arrivals? xxx

5 years ago

@Lakarmw - Congratulations! She is a beauty! I bet her siblings love her a ton! How old are her siblings? DH and I are trying to decided how close/far apart we want our kids.

AFM - I'm in the third trimester and loving all the activity! Sleeping is getting harder but I knew that would happen. Sometimes baby is super active and I'm definitely feeling hiccups now. I have my next OB appointment next week and I'm doing the Glucose test and more blood work this week. I'm nervous about the Glucose test but I know I just have to get it over with.

I've had a lot of pelvic pressure/pain since 27 weeks. I called the OB's and they think it's baby's position at this point. It hurts when I stand up/sit down and feels like my bones down there are sore. The worst is when I try and apply pressure to something with my feet. Like I can't take my shoes off with my feet by stepping on the heals becasue it sends a sharp pain into my pelvis The nurse I talked to said this will probably be my "new normal", so I'm trying to get used to it. They said if it's not excruciating then to just wait for my next OB appointment. I can still function normally, just slower so in my head it's not excruciating just yet. It's worse at work and I think it's because of how much I get up and down and the position I sit in at my desk.

5 years ago

@lakarmw I'm so happy things are going well at home with that pretty little girl!!!

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5 years ago

Rooroo, how are you doing? Any new update?
I go in for my sweep this morning at 830 and for another stress test and to see if i am dialated more. Later this afternoon, i go get acupuncture to help bring on labor. I am so hoping to have her on the 29th still. If not, monday at 8am is the day. Kinda scared cause i am getting dropped off. I have no family here and my inlaws have to work, sil is keeping my daughter and boyfriend has to work. I am going to call when it gets closer to time and sil and daughter will come to the hospital but i may have to deliver alone and definitely the 1st stages of labor alone.

5 years ago • Post starter

@kelliria wow your so close!!! I still have my fingers crossed for you to have her on the 29th!! My mom passed away in 2013 so My doc has agreed to induce me on my mom's bday because it's just 9 days earlier than my due date..if I can make it that long. So I really really hope you have her the 29th because that would be really special. I hope you don't have to labor alone :( that is when you should be with loved ones and friends. Please let me know how things go this morning for you.
As for me we found out I'm having a little girl!!! We have the big scan on dec 10th and they will probably do the amniocentesis then as well. So far so good with everything. Thank you for asking :)

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5 years ago • Edited

Hey ladies!! Today is my appointment with the Perinatal specialist, trying to keep positive and keep my Faith everything well be ok.
Rooroo917 - on the news of a Baby Girl!!!

5 years ago

@Beaut1ful38 - I hope your appointment goes well! Is there another ultrasound involved.

5 years ago

@beautiful thanks girl :) I've got ya in my prayers! Let us know how it goes please!

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5 years ago

Well they measured spine, bladder, saw heart and all 4 chambers, measured head, leg and arm bones. All was good. Then we came to the foot and it shows “sandalfoot” and he said that is a sign on DS, (soft maker) that is all he saw. Baby is 5oz and measuring 15weeks 6 days he said a little big but right on point. What do yall think? DH and i have decided to do the amino test which will be monday Dec 3rd. Scared but i feel like if that is all he saw then just maybe baby is healthy. What do you think???

5 years ago

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