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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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341 - 350 of 1366 Replies | Last Page

Tryingafteraloss congratulations :) must be such a relief to see your baby in there and happy! It's amazing isn't it, i cant wait for my next one xxx

6 years ago

Calvingirl, it is a relief to tell your boss. I just hope it goes well with the new boss. I have been on my job at costco for less than a month. I am 12w4d. I was afraid because of the 90 day period but he was happy for me. He has 3 daughters and is younger than me so i was more comfortable. I didnt tell him the due date yet. He said to just try and wait til after christmas. He was joking but i held back she is due dec 9.
I cried so hard when i found out gender. The hormones got me. I was hoping for a boy since i have a girl, but girl are all in my family. Like 98% of all the kids born since the 50s have been girls on my moms side. I have my brother and uncle only. Lol. Ik the male determins but...... I am thrilled with a girl because she is healthy. My dd will have a little sister to grow up with. I dont have to get much stuff. I know how to care for girls. The list goes on. Now i can name hunt. Janice and teresa and on top right now. My mothers name is teresa and my only aunt, janice, died at 13 of cancer. My dd is named after my grandma, Ruthie. When i was younger, i would have never chose any of those names cause they sound old. I am beyond that now. They are special names just like my children are special.

6 years ago • Post starter

Tryingafteraloss, congrats on the u/s! Glad everything is bouncy and active for you to watch. I cry everytime i see her, so i understand the tears of joy!

6 years ago • Post starter

Neomasie, if i had a boy and a girl already, i would have let it be a surprise. I think the suspense would have been invigorating. I wanted to know asap bucause i had a mmc at 13w and it passed at 7w1d. I never knew if it was a boy or a girl to name him/her. I just call him/her Charlie. That is a family name and is gender neutral. I wanted to know so if something did happen again, i would know so i could name properly. That is provably the biggest wonder in my life.

6 years ago • Post starter

dragonfly - I didn't circumcise my son (he's 21 now) and it was the best decision I ever made. There's no special care specifically in the beginning. Boys pull the foreskin back themselves naturally as they play with it, and before that, it's locked sort of - the skin is tight and doesn't retract. This is GOOD and you should NOT pull it back or let a doctor/nurse do so. It's the boy's version of a hymen and keeps bacteria out. Once it's been pulled back (anytime from 3 yrs old to 12 yrs old, and boys are so proud, they usually show you lol) then you just teach your son to pull it back in the shower and rinse. Until then, baths are awesome. You have to watch for (just like a girl) yeast infections. My son got an infection once as a toddler, and it was gross, but some hydrogen peroxide and a qtip and it cleared right up. Really, caring for girl parts is way more complicated.

Oh, and remember to tuck it down when diapering. If penis is placed wrong, they pee right out a leg hole, or up and soak their shirt lol.
I love boys. I don't know baby girls...that makes me nervous. I only know my nieces, so I've heard stories of multiple yeast infections and itchy private parts, or allergic reactions to bubble bath, etc. We're so complicated!

6 years ago

@calvingirl. Thank you so much for thr information.

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6 years ago

ladies, does anyone else feel like all their organs are already squished to the max? Every time i eat even a medium-sized meal, I feel like im going to explode and I need to lie down almost immediately! I'm only 14 weeks! And I wonder if I feel like this now, God help me once I get to 37/38 weeks.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

@ neomasie me! I’m 13 weeks today and have been feeling like this for a week! Can’t eat a full meal! Also, the dreaded round ligament pain has set in and I can only stand/walk for a short time before needing a sit down! Been getting dizzy spells since end of 11th week. Thankfully my nausea is waning now! Bring on trimester two!! Lol

6 years ago

Only 10 wks here and always hungry, but never can eat enough because my stomach is too small. Then when I do eat, I feel sick afterwards. No dizzy spells yet though, but the fatigue has set in and every morning I wake up feeling hungover with a huge headache and sour stomach. I drink plenty, but I feel like crap till I drink and eat something in the morning.

6 years ago

I seem to do okay. Eating lots and still feel fine. No nausea. I've been blessed this pregnancy minus the ability to not walk far as it aches in my belly. Been feeling little kicks here and there but good otherwise.Just at my doctor's appointment to discuss my ultrasound and maybe hoping to sneak in one final ultrasound but I have a feeling that I won't which is fine.

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6 years ago

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