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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Just got back! Heart rate between 150 & 160 she said!! Oh goodness I loved hearing it and knowing he/she's still alive and well in there! The midwife felt for my uterus and it's waaay above my public bone already. No wonder I look so pregnant and don't actually have a bump. Lol Your body really does just "assume position" the 2nd+ go around. My next appointment will be July 2 and it's the gender scan! Eeeeee!

6 years ago

@SheRiskers. I'm glad the appointment went well and you heard the heartbeat. I know tge gender scan is ways away but it will be here before you know it. I think that the baby moved up so quickly that it will be a girl. Is your stomach more round or oval? I remember with my daughter that I couldn't lie on my stomach as it was awkard and my belly was round. This time, my belly is more oval shaped.

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6 years ago

Hello, ladies! Glad everyone is doing great! It is amazing how I've seen the majority of us get their bfps and now we are going into or are in our 2nd trimesters. It is going by so fast.
I got my results back for my MaterniT21 test. Negative for abnormalities.
D...... IT'S A GIRL!!!!!

6 years ago • Post starter

Hehe oh I'm glad it's not just me looking so so pregnant so early. Everyone I see tells me I look at least 6 months all ready, slightly embarrassing at only 15 weeks. I was back in my normal jeans after 5 days after my last baby, even though i was enormous when he arrived at 41weeks so I'm so so hoping I just drips off again lol.

Sheriskers with my daughter my bump was very round and my son more pointy if that makes sense I'm not sure what I am this time, probably pointy again, so maybe boy but then their hb is always so so fast above 140 which suggests girl , and sounds more like a train which suggests boy. I cannot believe we have decided to have a surprise this time how will I last 25 more weeks when we could find out next week hehe. xxx

6 years ago

Eeek congratulations Kelliria how exciting and yes it's amazing how we have all gone from those 2 little lines, to seeing the babies on the screen, hearing the heartbeats, finding out sex etc :) xxx

6 years ago

Sheriskers, i am glad you got to hear the heartbeat and everything is good. Hopefully, you get to gind out next time you get a u/s!

6 years ago • Post starter

Kelliria - CONGRATS!! I'm so excited for you! I want a girl badly. Have a house full of boys right now :) I get my blood taken next week for my panorama test (same genetic test, different brand) and we've chosen to find out gender this time too. I should know by my 12 wk apt on June 21.

Dragonfly23 - I hope that round vs. oval belly thing is real, because I'm totally round so far, and showing way more than I did with my son. I'm glad though - I want a big 8lber. Oscar was only 4lbs, 14oz full term because my placenta sucked and I didn't eat enough. I actually lost 10 lbs and I'm not an overally chubby woman. My goal is to grow a big baby this time!! So Fat it is.

SheRiskers - Congrats on a wonderful 13 wk apt! So excited for you.

AFM - I told my supervisor today. I needed to this early because right now, we're planning for proposals that will come out when I'm on maternity leave and they need to know I won't be available. Plus, I'm showing and it's getting harder to hide.

She was supportive, but she's leaving in two weeks for another position, so now in about 30 minutes, I have to go tell the big boss who will be my new supervisor. Hopefully she's as supportive. I asked in an email for 15 minutes of her time today and I think she thinks I'm going to quit lol. (I'm totally not. I love my job.) Anyway, I have an office job with flexibility to work from home if doc says I have to, so it should be fine. I'm still nervous though because it's a primarily male environment (although the boss is a woman) and not sure how my blue collar co-worker guys are going to handle it. It takes a lot to get any respect here and I was just starting to earn it.

6 years ago

Yay yay on the little girl @Kelliria so happy for you! And thrilled that your tests came back great!

I want a little girl so bad! But I'm not sure we'll find out gender this time around. Part of me really wants to but part of me is trying to avoid getting attached in case something goes wrong again. womp womp

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Hey ladies!! I had my 12w2d ultrasound appointment! I’ve posted a pic on my profile! Baby was very active bouncing around in there! I cried a bit when I saw him/her moving around. Heartbeat of 158bpm. Now I can’t wait for my next appointment! Lol. Hoping we can see the gender at the next ultrasound!
I hope everyone is doing well! @dragonfly23 congrats on having a lil boy! I’m kinda hoping for the same!
@ Kelliria congrats on having a girl! ??

6 years ago

@Kelliria. Congrats on finding out the gender; it's amazing.

I too can't believe how far we have come and seeing those two lines and then seeing our babies on the screen. I'm still getting over the fact that it is a boy and in a slight panick mode as i have no idea how to care for a boy (man parts ) and hope there are sessions on videos I can look at at how to care. We will not be circumcising him. So, the ladies here who have boys, did you circumcise or no and if not, how to care for it. At this point, I'm loving the little pokes and kicks and think I felt him hiccup last night.

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6 years ago

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