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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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@Lakarmw I have the same muscle type pain spasm under my bump that started about 2 days ago, on and off. However, mine might be a result of my TAC wound healing because it also feels similar to the pain i felt on that side post surgery. but i'm not entirely sure. I'm 16 weeks this coming saturday, so not far behind you.

Have you felt little one's movements yet? I felt like I felt a lot more flutters around week 13/14 (and 'A LOT' being relative to now, not that I felt consistent movement). But I havent felt much, if any, in the last 2 weeks or so. But i'm fully aware its still very early.

I have my next appointment next week and will start the dreaded cervical checks. But looking forward to seeing baby!

Congrats to all those with new BFPS @mrsjr96 @Ramenia and whomever else I may have missed. So truly happy your blessings are on their way!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago • Edited

Hi Neomasie, my spasm seems to have eased off now it was very strange, I'm sure more aches and pains are to come over the weeks..... but im still not 100 percent what it was. How are you feeling now? Are you still on bed rest?
Yes I've been feeling lots of movement, usually of an eveing when I'm watching tv relaxed, seems a little wriggler in there, it's very reassuring, it's only really been daily these last 4/5 days, before that it was more every few days I'd feel something :) Good luck for your next appointment, it's good they're keeping a very close eye on your cervix so ensure all is well, as annoying as it may be having the extra checks xxx

6 years ago

Thanks @Lakarmw I'm feeling ok, i guess. Just a bit run down due to work trips and long working hours. I ended bedrest about a week and a half ago and am back to business as usual. but I am trying to take it easy when i can.I'm battling crazy constipation and just started taking magnesium citrate to try and combat it. Its so bad i've developed either a prolapse or a hemorrhoid or quite possibly, both!

I feel a lot further along then I am!

How exciting that your little one is already jumping and bopping about. I swear that is the best part of pregnancy! I'm glad your spasms have dissipated. Maybe they were just 'growing pains'.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Hi, all! Just figured I'd check in and read up on everyone.
Neomasie, sorry your so constipated. Luckily, I haven't had any this go around. With my 1st pregnancy, I didn't go for over 2 weeks. I prolapsed and got hemorrhoids. It was horrible. I hear magnisium works. I never knew that then. I was showing a lot more with dd because i was constipated the whole time. At 14w, i am still under my starting weight. I'm chalking it up to being regular. It almost worries me cause don't you become constipated so your body can get all the nutrients out of food for baby? Hope she is getting enough. (The things that worry us being pregnant! Lol)
Calvingirl, i used my doppler a lot with dd. Twice a day. I have used it about 10xs with this one. Heard hb at 8w3d. I am not as uptight this pregnancy. With dd, she followed a mmc so i worried so much with her.
Dragonfly, i tried a lot with dd. Did the gender test where you pee in cup and if it stays light, means girl. If it turns dark, means boy. It stayed dark and i figured boy. I just knew she was a boy by feelings but turned out a girl, which is what i wanted. This time, i knew deep down girl but wanted boy. It is so weird how they are so different in pregnancy! I also did the ring test and got NIPT with both. So, I think if you want to do it, go for it! I had a friend do NIPT and they said 99% boy and she had a girl. They bought all boy stuff and when she went a 32wk ultrasound they said definately not a boy, a girl. They had washed all the clothes and took tags off of everything so couldnt take most stuff back. But that is a rare occurance.

6 years ago • Post starter

@Kelliria. My aunt had a amnioscentesis done. Test came back and said it was a girl. But she really was having a boy. I know deep down I'm having a boy so I really hope that is the case. I plan on posting the gender on Fathers Day. I hate to post another saying letting them know it's a girl. Guess I will have to see how the rest of the pregnancy goes. I should just be thankful that my baby is healthy and moving around and be happy with what I am blessed with. Hope you are doing well.

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6 years ago • Edited

Omg ladies. I'm just filled with joy and holding back tears. The joys of working in the hospital. Was in the cafeteria and grabbing a snack and I was taking the elevator up to the second floor and a lady was on the elevator with me. She says to me, are you having a boy? I said, yes, how'd you know? She then tells me, because you are pointy. I can look at women and just know. I proceeded to tell her that I am freaking out about this whole gender thing and she tells me not to freak out. Such a relief that someone else noticed me and said something.

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6 years ago

I got my 2-3 on the digital today . That's one milestone reached - last time all I got was 1-2. Still cautiously happy though, anything can happen...

6 years ago

Congratulations Ramenia! I've been watching your progression and your test lines are getting super dark! What is your EDD?

6 years ago

@Kelliria I just went out and got Magnesium Citrate because ive been hearing its good for constipation. I'm going to start making green juice smoothies tomorrow because I heard that may help too. I didnt have this with my first till about 19 weeks, but was so regular up until then. I've been backed up since i got my BFP. fingers crossed one or both of them work! Thanks for the suggestion.

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

Sorry to hear about your constipation Neomasie hope you find something that works to ease it :( Glad you're feeling more back to normal now, and definitely take it easy, best to do that then end up on bed rest again.
I have a feeling I'm having a girl, I was looking at my others children's ultrasound pics and looking at nub theory and I think girl lol, I don t know why I'm looking when we aren't finding out hehe xxx

6 years ago

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