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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hi ladies - so happy to hear all great things from each of you!

Dragonfly - I agree babies are a blessing and most everyone feels that way! I thought I remembered reading you usually don't feel kicks til around 18-20 weeks... so hopefully you feel the kicks soon! That must be one of the weirdest feelings! I cannot wait to feel that! I have a long way to go! lol. I honestly just can't wait to be in 2nd trimester!

Kellira - congrats on your u/s going so well!! Must've been such a relief to see the heartbeat and that's a great number too! Good luck with your interview at Costco! I love Costco - usually go 2-3 times a month lol. I live in New England so they're all over the place!

As for my cravings - I want ALL the chocolate lol. I'm trying to be good and eat fruits, raw unsalted nuts, lean proteins, etc. but it's hard. I even stopped drinking coffee and I'm a HUGE coffee drinker usually, but I know that could possibly be a factor in miscarriage. I know they say you can have up to 200mg of caffeine/coffee a day, but I figure I might as well just omit it if I can and take one more factor off my brain as to what could possibly cause another MC. I know that probably sounds negative and awful, but I've surprisingly been pretty calm this pregnancy so far, although I did just find out only a week ago.

6 years ago

@BB2018. Well, 18-20 isn't that far away. You will get to feel the little kicks and pokes soon; it's an amazing feeling. It was one thing I enjoyed about my previous pregnancy. I know this may sound crazy but I honestly think you are having a girl because of all the sweets you are wanting and how calm you are as I was super calm with my daughter. Remember, chocolate has caffeine in it so you will have to limit your intake on that. I drink a medium coffee at work in the morning and that's it and then I'm on to water. On the weekend, I only have one cup (standard size- 2 cup) and that's it. I sometimes but rarely treat myself to pop; besides ginger ale. I don't think you cutting it out all together is negative as you do what's best for you and your baby.

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6 years ago

Reading all your cravings make me crave them too ????And another thing... Look what I found. i couldn't resist!

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Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago • Edited

Dragonfly - so good to hear the u/s went so well. Congrats on your little baby heartbeat. Can't wait to see it myself. I'm going to have the genetic tests done too and find out the gender and the RH factor (I'm negative). We didn't find out last time with Oscar as I wasn't high risk last time - perfect pregnancy at 38. But this time I'm high risk, so we'll have to have a lot more scans and figured we'd probably accidentally find out anyway, so we're going to know this time. I normally like to be surprised, but considering my history - I prefer NO surprises this time around :)

6 years ago

dragonfly23 - 18-20 feels like a lifetime away for me, maybe because I have never gotten past the first trimester? Thank you for the reminder about chocolate - I did know it has caffeine in it, but I'm not sure how much. I will definitely limit it though! I sure hope you're right about you thinking my sweet tooth means its a girl! Yes please! lol.

neomasie - OMG I love love love that onesie! Where did you get it?

Calvingirl - I'll be finding out the sex at 10 weeks and I cannot wait lol. I want to have the room all done up before the baby gets here! And if it's a girl I want it all pink and glitzed up haha.

6 years ago

@calvingirl. I think your post is meant for someone else. It's all good. I'm waiting patiently for my next ultrasound
@neomasie. I love that onsie. It is so cute. Where did you get it?
@BB2018. Let's hope the 10 week can give you the gender of the baby.

My coworker at work brought veggies and low and behold there was radishes. I asked her if she would be offended if I stole one and stole the salt too. So good lol.

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6 years ago

I got it from a department store in South Africa

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago • Edited

Hey ladies little update had first scan and my original date stick 18th dec due date I’m currently 6w4d now saw our lil peanuts heart beating strong, still no symptoms apart from fatigue. I’m counting myself lucky... all it going good.
Hope everyone else is going well as well

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6 years ago

So many different due dates going on.... Who is the furthest a long? I'm currently 10 weeks and 1 day :) I'm very jelous of everyone in their 2nd trimester, I simply can't wait to be out of the risky zone and feel confident enough to buy little presents for baby etc.
We have decided this time around we aren't going to find out the sex of baby, we did with the last two, but since we have a boy and a girl all ready and thought we were done, and gave away all our baby clothes, we are going to have a surprise, as with having one of each we really don't mind at all xx

6 years ago

@dragonfly23 is definitely the furthest along, she's having a October/November baby if I'm correct. The majority of us are having December babies. I'm right behind you @Lakarmw at 9 weeks exactly.
I'm really leaning towards not finding out the sex either! We don't plan on buying stuff or setting up nursery until the 3rd trimester anyway,so I figured at that stage we might as well wait a few more weeks and find out the sex at delivery. But I'm such a neurotic planner, I really wonder if I'll be able to hold out

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago • Edited

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