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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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Hehe pushchair, I didn't realise it was a strange thing to say ???? I can't help but keep looking, I walk everywhere I can do they get so much use.
Wow that's amazing about the flutters, I could feel things early too, you definitely know when you know :) and it definitely get a early each time I think xxx

6 years ago

@Lakarmw i am going to get the Nuna Mixx with pipa icon car seat and the bassinet, if i can find it. I'm obsessed with that set. But I probably wont get it until im towards the end of the second tri.

what are you considering?

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Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago • Edited

Congrats to any newcomers that decided to join and hope for a happy and healthy nine months. I haven't really had a chance to look for new strollers. I am thinking of getting a toddler harness. Has anyone used those or know of any good ones out there? The stroller or push carriers as some of you call them lol is a 2 in 1. It has the baby carrier then the stroller. I don't want to fork out money for a 2 seater stroller if I don't have to.

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6 years ago

I currently torn between the oyster 2 and the icandy peach again, I just don't know how I can justify to myself the extra money for the peach again, last time I did as I needed a double but this time this is definitely the last baby and the other 2 are too big. Here they are. The navy is the icandy and the oyster with carrycot (bassinet) but I like the cream colour :) xx

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6 years ago


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6 years ago

And the one I'm obsessed with....

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6 years ago

Hi ladies!!!!!

Sorry I’ve been a bit MIA, but I’m back today and tried to catch up on all your posts…. Wow, time really is flying by!

Kelliria – congrats on your great test results and for your baby girl on the way!!! I listen to my baby’s heart beat with my home Doppler once a day and it’s usually between 150-161! What is your girls range at?

Dragonfly – congrats to you on your growing baby boy!! So happy to see you got what you wanted! And yayyyyy for feeling kicks now!! More than halfway there to meeting your sweet prince!

Tryingafterloss – OMG so exciting! Must’ve been so cool to see an actually form of a baby at this ultrasound! I can’t wait for that!!! When is your next ultrasound scheduled for?

Calvingirl – I’m debating telling my boss soon, because even though I’m only 10 weeks, I have a belly already and it’s hard to hide it!! How did it go with your big boss?

neomasie – I feel the same way you do in regards to eating and feeling so full! Every time I eat a meal of any kind, I feel that way. If I only snack, I don’t, but meals – every single time! I also feel nausea in the am until I eat something. I find mints REALLY help me when I get that nausea feeling any other time of the day so I carry some in my purse at all time just in case.

Lady-patton – congrats on your BFP!! Is this your first? How are you feeling? How far along are you? Have you been trying? We need details woman! lol

Lakarmw – glad to hear all is going well for you and the baby! I also have a shorter fuse than usual lol… by “pushchair” do you mean stroller? If so, I picked out a whole travel system for my baby registry – it’s a car seat, base and stroller all in one! Then I just added an extra base for my bf’s car.

AFM – I’m currently 10w5d and I had my NIPT bloodwork done last Friday 6/1 that will test for down syndrome and a few chromosomal abnormalities as well as give us the gender!! I should have those results by this Friday my doctor said, so I have been waiting for what feels like an eternity!! I pray all is well and my bf and I both hope we are having a girl! I have my 12 week ultrasound to check the nuchal translucency next Friday – and I am just SO EXCITED to see a bigger baby at that appt!!!! I listen to the HB every day on my Doppler at home and it ranges from 155-161 most of the time which I heard is a sign of a girl, but I think it sounds more like a train than a galloping horse and they say that’s more of a sign of a boy… guess I’ll find out for sure in a couple more days!!! Also have my 18 week anatomy ultrasound scheduled for August 1st… other than that I feel pretty good, just a bit of nausea in the am before I eat and sometimes around 3-5pm timeframe. I’m so excited to find out the gender and then share with all our family and friends and post it on Facebook! Has anyone else told all their family yet or are you about to as well??

6 years ago

Hi, all! Was catching up with everyone. It's hard renembering what everyone talks about!
Calvingirl, that is awesome about the flutters! I'm 13w3d and i felt a buzzing/vibrating feeling once but that's it. I can't wait.
Lakarmw, i had never heard it called pushchair either but it makes more sense than stroller! I love learning new terms from other places. I like the cream one. It looks very cosy. I am going to get a double stroller i believe. For awhile anyway.
Bb2018, my baby hb is btwn 140-150 and sounds like a train. She is a girl. My dd sounded like a horse. Guess it depends on the baby? I cant wait to hear your results! Good luck. Mine took 8 days and seemed like forever. Total torture. I told fb last week after i got gender results. I was aroung 12+ weeks, not quite 13w. My family i told about 9w.

6 years ago • Post starter

@dragonfly23 you're referring to the Doona? I think its so convenient for those early months. But it is a limited time use stroller/carrier so thats my only issue with it. By 6/7 months baby tends to outgrow it. If i had the money to get one in addition to a full travel system later on, I would definitely get one

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

@Lakarmw i am a sucker for a bassinet. There is something utterly adorable about them!

Lil 10/28/17 User image

6 years ago

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