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Group for the BFPs
Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!
1366 Replies • 6 years ago
Pregnancy test calculator
Use this calculator to help you decide when to take your first home pregnancy test.
Replies (sorted by laughs)
I like the bands idea. Have heard good stuff before about them. Still trying not to worry. 7w4d, any symptom i have had has disappeared. Hopefully, i am just lucky. Fri cant come soon enough. Dd is now sick. Started coughing, sneezing and runny nose right before bed. Already woke me up trying to breathe and had to suck her nose out. Poor baby. I'm next. Lol. We always get sick together...
6 years ago • Post starter
I've not been on for a while, but what a great little group :) cam I join in? I'm currently 9 weeks and 5 days today. I had a ultrasound on Monday and we saw our little baba. We had a scan as I had some spotting and pain, baby was perfect, doing really well, but they told me I had a tiny hoematoma, limd of like a tiny bruise, which probably caused the spotting, they said it shouldn't effect baby at all, and id either spot a little more or it wiukd just dissolve, I'm still a little worried buy keeping my fingers crossed everything will be fine.
Congratulations to everyone else with their bfps. Enjoy xxx
6 years ago
Welcome @Lakarmw! Hopefully it will dissolve quicker for you and cause you no more stress!
@kelliria hope your DD feels better soon and you luck out by not catching the big! I’m praying your lack of symptoms means you’re one of the lucky ones! Please keep us posted on Friday’s scan! Xx
6 years ago
@Kellira - think happy thoughts mama! I'll be saying a prayer for you and your bean!
I feel like my symptoms are coming and going all through the day and night... the past 2 nights I slept like a baby, but the 2 nights before that I was up every 2-3 hours to pee... it's playing tricks with my mind/thoughts... but trying to stay relaxed, calm and as positive as possible!
The Chinese predictor says boy for me. I really would LOVE a girl, but I'd be happy with either - just praying I give birth to a healthy baby and we are both healthy!
6 years ago
@BB2018. My symptoms come and go too. The one that seems to be sticking around a lot is the sore boobs. I hated it with the first pregnancy and sure I am going to hate it with this pregnancy. I saw your comment on the other site and I am doing pretty good. My emotions seem to be on a roller coaster, I’m happy, sad and depressed all in a matter of a few minutes. I hope you get a girl but like you mentioned, you would be happy with either or and same with me, I would love a boy as I have a girl already and we aren’t having any more after this one. I’ve been feeling a little rough in the head and hope a head cold is not coming as it has been lingering for the past two days making my head feel wonky. When is your ultrasound and did you guys want to find the sex of the baby?
6 years ago
Nothing is scheduled yet except more bloodwork today - after today we will schedule u/s. The dr said she doesn't want me to have an ultrasound til my HCG is at least 6,000. It was 580 yesterday so it should be 6,000 by next week... I'm not too sure I'm going to stay with her... I'll see how I feel after I get my results tomorrow. My progesterone is 14.1 and I think that's a little low, esp because I've been using the cream 2x a day for 2 weeks - I felt it should be higher. I asked her to put me on supplements and she said no, not yet let's see what tomorrows blood shows... I just have a feeling I'm going to need to be on progesterone and I'd rather start it now than when it's too late... do you think I'm being neurotic?
Dragonfly - I'm sorry your emotions are all over the place - since I found out I'm pregnant, mine have been as well... sorry I'm not much help to soothe you, maybe try to find things to do that will calm you more? Take a walk, listen to soothing music like the beach or something? I need to find things myself so I'm just sharing my ideas ... I hope you don't feel like that much longer xoxo
6 years ago
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