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Group for the BFPs

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Hi, girls! I just wanted to create a group for all the BFPs we have gotten. There have been so many lately and i have gotten to know a lot of you and i don't want to go to another forum. I feel bad talking on other groups about my bfp when others are still trying. So I figured we could talk about things in here too! I am 6w5d today. I have a 2yr old dd and am 39 yrs old. Just starting to get a few symptoms and my eye is twitching out of control. Hope to hear from my other bfp friends!

1366 Replies • 6 years ago



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I had braxton hicks with my first and had to be admitted for a week to stop the contractions. Hoping it won't be the case for me in this pregnancy.

Havw any of you ladies heard of Sneak Peek tests. It tests for gender of the baby after 9 weeks. If so, have you tried them or know someone that did and what did you/they think? Were they correct on the gender?

Last night, while sleeping I woke up and just managed to straightened my left leg and had my leg muscles tighten so bad. It's like when you point your toes towards you and the calf muscles tighten. The muscles aren't too bad this morning but man did it hurt. Is there a way to stop it from happening?

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6 years ago • Edited

Never heard of sneak peek tests are they the ones you buy from a pharmacy?....hehe have you not all ready found out it's a boy?
I had Braxton hicks a lot worse with my second, so I'm also hoping they don't get worse still third time around.
It sounds like your tensing your muscle whilst you're sleeping, I do this at times, pregnant or not, usually if I've had a busy dream, I don't think you can stop what you do whilst your asleep I'm afraid, I find stretching and massaging the muscle helps afterwards :)

6 years ago

@Lakarmw. No, it's a test you buy online. They send you instructions, send it back and they will tell you if you are having a boy or girl. I did find out but looking for a second opinion. I would just do it for fun and see what the results are.

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6 years ago

Leg cramps during the night are the worst. I never had them before but got them with dd. I would stretch during the night and the cramp would jerk me right out of bed. They say potassium and magnesium helps. I ate a lot of bananas but it never helped.

6 years ago • Post starter

I see lol, I haven't heard of anyone taking one, I don't think I'd trust one 100percent but since you have you ultrasound to confirm too I can't see how it would hurt:) xx

6 years ago

@Lakarmw. Yea, I wouldn't either. I just feel like second guessing the tech because the baby wasn't cooperating at all during the ultrasound and I would hate buy boys clothing and then find out it's a girl. I'd be heartbroken.

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6 years ago

I know what you mean, and you do hear stories about them getting it wrong too. It can't hurt to confirm to ease your worries xxx

6 years ago

@Lakarmw. I have heard stories. Even my family says, "what makes you do sure it's a boy?". I know deep down that it's a boy but have a little doubt.

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6 years ago • Edited

Cramps - I haven't gotten any yet, but Charlie horses (leg cramps) were really bad during Oscar's pregnancy. I'd wake up screaming because it wouldn't let up. Scared the crap out of DH, who would try to help till it passed. I just have the restless leg syndrome with this one which is just the uncontrollable urge to move or jerk your legs - and I take meds for that since I had that before baby (since my birth actually.) It's neurological.

Sneak Peak test - Never heard of it but I tried everything last time just for fun. The ring over the belly...the ammonia test....the box test you get at the pharmacy. This time we had the NIPT testing and I should be getting the results this Friday - that's 99% reliable, so I guess I'm finding out gender soon! We're going to do a pregnancy announcement on 4th of July, and a gender reveal that day at the party we always host for my family. We'll post the pictures of the gender reveal a couple of days later. I think we're going to do confetti cannons in the backyard. I found some that are biodegradable online.

I'm 11 wks today! I can't believe we've made it this far. I'm so nervous for next week - my 12 wk ultrasound and genetic counseling. At least I feel better. I was lucky. I had one week of throwing up, extreme nausea and migraine like headaches. They seem to have let up since last Friday. I'm just getting normal headaches now, and no nausea. Hope it stays away.

I was so excited to hit 10 wks and use my home Doppler and try to find the baby's HB, but DH freaked out and won't let me. It seems to be a trigger for him and he's afraid that they are dangerous and I'll do damage to the baby - so I won't be using my Doppler till the end and only in emergencies when I desperately need to apparently. It was a hard concession to make. I've felt the baby move 3 times so far, freak things I know. I'm hoping I'll start feeling it regularly in a few weeks. Last pregnancy I felt flutters starting at 13 wks on a regular basis. Anyone else concerned about the safety of home dopplers?

6 years ago

calvingirl :) not long til you find out... How exciting! I use my hone doppler and I have no concerns at all, I think the main advise is not to use them for reassurance instead of regular movement later on, and if you have any concerns to go see the professionals.
My friend had complications and had to be monitored with the doppler by the midwife daily for the last 8 weeks of her pregnancy, so I doubt they could be dangerous. I found our baby with a home doppler around 10 weeks and found it very reassuring xxx

6 years ago

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