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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Wow Phat thats alot, I can imagine you with twins

8 years ago

Phat- thank u

Hoping- I tried B6 but up until 3 weeks ago anything that went in my mouth came out half hour later, food, water and any type of pill. The past three weeks only about half stays in, so it's getting better. About the baby room- as stressful as it is I'm sure everything will work out fine, thank u :)
this cycle! Fingers crossed for u!

8 years ago

My ultrasound to look at these follies is schedule for 2 mornings from now at 8am!

8 years ago

@ phatgirl, pinkster and hopeful, thank you so much ladies. God knows I need all the good wishes and good luck I can get!

Phatgurl - good luck on your sonogram. May you have plenty of perfect-and-ready to be fertilized follies! I'll be checking in to see how it goes!

AFM, DPO 4 today and feeling lots of cramping but honestly I've felt that cramping last month and the month before so obviously it's nothing to obsess about!

I hope everyone is having a great week!

8 years ago

Went for my follow-up ultrasound, and there has been some growth but not much. Based on when my ovaries responded with my first round of Clomid, I go back Tuesday morning to be checked again. One 10mm on right, one 12mm on left, and still a whole bunch of 8mm. The left side can be discounted since that tube is thought to be blocked. Extremely minimal chance any eggs from that side would make it to my right fallopian tube.

8 years ago

Minimal, but possible phat...I'm missing my right tube completely, and corpus luteum from my son was from my right ovary.

Good luck!

Melissa-37, lost rt tube DH-36, MFI - low morph DD-7, conceived naturally after 26 cycles --- TTC#2 since 2006 IUI's in April, May, December 2011 - ALL BFN IUI#4-100mg clomid - Feb/12 BFP Ectopic pg ended March 2/12 IUI#5-100mg clomid - May/12 BFN IUI#6-100mg clomid - June/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#7-100mg clomid - Sept/12 BFN IUI#8-100mg clomid - Oct/12 BFP Chemical pg IUI#9- 5mg femara - Jan/13 BFN IUI#10-100mg clomid - Mar/13 BFN Counting down to our IVF in September! But wait...SURPRISE!! Aug/13- Natural, miracle for the second time while waiting for a treatment cycle to begin.

8 years ago

Lisserb - good to know!

8 years ago

phat--> I read a blog a while back where there was a lady pregnant with fraternal twins and BOTH eggs came from the opposite side of the tube!

Hoping--> Lots of cramping is a good sign! You're right of course, nothing to write home about, but nothing to mean you're out of the runnings yet, either!

pinkster--> You're really making me doubt the competency of your healthcare "professionals"! First they LOST your hubby's semen sample (how does that even HAPPEN?!) and now you're telling me that your Primary Care Doctor/GYN (I don't remember what you said that he is) had never even HEARD of Clomid until you mentioned it to him?? Where the hell did he get his medical license??! As the prize from a Happy Meal from McDonald's?!?! I'm not trying to bash all British doctors, please understand. I "am" concerned that you have had such rotten luck with this process, however. I understand that over there all infertility is referred to a specialist, but the fact that he's never even HEARD of it worries me; it's been used widely in the OB/GYN world since the 1950s for Christ's Sake!! I'm finding that bit very hard to believe. Idk if you have the option to switch doctors, but if you do - I would. He may be GREAT in other aspects, but I'm seriously concerned about you putting your life (not to mention the life of any children you might conceive) in the hands of someone who hasn't bothered to pick up a Medical Journal in the last 70 years to have seen SOMETHING about Clomid. On a positive note; I'm super stoked for this round for you!! Can I make a suggestion (as someone who EVIDENTLY has more knowledge of this medication than the Dr who gave it to you)? If this cycle doesn't work on CD 2-6, would you consider switching for the last cycle of meds that you have to using it on CD 3-7? The earlier it's taken in a cycle, the greater number of follies will be produced, whereas the later in the cycle (say days 5-9) will produce fewer follies but they should be more matured. CD 3-7 seems to be the preferred days of dosage for the majority of doctors I've seen/talked to over the years, as it is thought to have the best balance of the two. That being said, I "did" conceive Bubby on a CD 2-6 cycle! Just some food for thought! And if it doesn't work (and if the specialist is too outside the budget for you), there's still some OTC ideas that have worked for many women. There's still hope!!

Hopeful--> I'm glad the worst of the puking is at least beginning to subside! I hope it gets better and better as the days go on!

AFM: Holy GAS, Batman!! I've gotta start taking some fiber or something, because I have got some serious constipation going on from all the progesterone plus all the iron in my prenatal vitamins! (TMI) I haven't pooped in almost a week! Time to up the water intake and grab a salad! I'm stupid excited about my viability scan this upcoming Monday morning!! My symptoms seems to be ramping up, so I'm sure that everything is fine with baby - I just want to see her! (I'm pretty sure that I'm having a girl!) Any other guesses?! First official OB appointment is set for the 29th!!

On another side note: I had been taking the cheap prenatals from Target (UP & UP brand, which met all the USP requirements) with a cheap DHA supplement from Walmart, right? Idk what, but "something" made me decide to get a better vitamin from the Vitamin Shoppe; one that was vegan, food based and all organic, and a DHA supplement that was derived from wild Alaskan fish. I got home and decided to do a side-by-side comparison of the two -- the results were STAGGERING!

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8 years ago

Wow thats some brill info Frsty, thank you so much and yes I will def try that day cycle with the next clomid cycle, (if I need it), my doc is just a NHS doc who deals with every day to day prob so not into pregnancy, infertility issues, we have to go private to get that type of help and Dh is thinking about it over next 2 months, still waitin for his sperm sample though so hoping the clomid isnt wasted at the mo Im awaiting ov but getting a lot of aches either side and feeling very swollen so guessing thats a good sign, we don't get a scan so not sure whats going on in there at mo, woke up last 4 nights with hot sweats, not like me so guessing thats the clomid aww all sounds good with you though, (except the constipation, that hurts and mega uncomfortable), I like licquorice and that helps or prunes lol
How you doing phat, yet??

8 years ago

Pinkster--> Yup, the hot flashes are definitely from the Clomid. That was one of the worst parts for me. The Rosacea on my face and neck just makes them even more miserable, since it flares with hot flashes. As of yet, I haven't had many while pregnant this time, and my Rosacea seems to be at bay for the time being. Hopefully it can stay that way.

Anyone know why prenatal vitamins (any good vitamins, really) are so damn nasty??


8 years ago

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