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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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It sounds like you're describing C7, the large bony prominence at the bottom of your neck between your neck and rib cage. It's actually the lowest of your cervical (neck) vertebrae. Without actually being their to palpate the area I'll have to take a shot in the dark, but this isnt a diagnosis, just an educated guess to direct you to proper treatment by a proper caregiver (have to say this for legal reasons LOL). If you're feeling pain when pushing directly on the spinous process (the bump) and the pain shoots downwards to the next may be a pinched nerve from sleeping in an awkward position. But the nerve could be pinched by either the vertebra itself or by a tight muscle...again dont know without feeling it for myself. Since it feels sore and painful..apply ice to the area for 10-15 minutes a few times a day. If it's nerve issues it should temporarily numb the nerve and reduce aggravation and also help with any surrounding muscle inflammation. I suggest seeing a chiropractor. If you go to your general doctor, they'll most likely prescribe pain meds but wont treat the problem at hand. A chiropractor is trained to know the difference between muscle tension and nerve aggravation. And if you're lucky, they'll have a LMT on hand to work on muscle tension in unison with the chirocare. But whatever you feel comfortable with. Hope this helps! Also, massage therapy and chiropractic work together during pregnancy is amazing!!!!! Or so my clients say lol

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

Tara - thanks. I worry about seeing a chiropractor because I was in as car accident about 10 years ago where a tri-axle dump truck hit my Ford Focus when he ran a stop sign. I went to physical therapy for a back injury for months & the doc at the time basically told me there was nothing else they could do except surgery which I won't do unless I can't walk any more. I've been really lucky & only bedridden with it twice in ten years. I have this fear that an adjustment would aggravate my lower back issue. I may just go in to talk to them & go from there. I do not tolerate pain meds well at all. They make me extremely nauseous & cranky.

11 years ago

Well, today's the day! AF is due & still getting BFN's.

I was so excited because I had a little blood in my nasal mucous yesterday & my nose feels stuffy. Both are symptoms of pregnancy from my previous pregnancies but could be from not taking allergy meds while ttc.

My cheapie WM test EvaPS look different, too. Instead of being white they have a little color to them. Not losing hope yet.

11 years ago

@Phatgurl I so hope you feel better! I myself know I need some massages ASAP! Our bed is so old and worn down we just sleep on the floor now or else we end up like Fred and Ethel in that one episode where Ethel ties Fred's pj's to the fram so she can get into bed and the mattress caves in the middle I started having so much pain in my back I just started sleeping on the floor haha

Just thought I would jump in here since I'm starting to get closer to the due date and I'm sooooooo sad. I try to be positive about everything that is going on, not just with TTC but with our financials and DH's lack of a job now that they won't tell him if he's fired or not.

I can't help but feel like it didn't happen for us this month. Yesterday I had some painful stabbing pains all across my lower abdomen like Edward Scissorhands was grabbing my stomach! It was soooo painful! Lasted for about 10 seconds and a couple times yesterday I had some stabbing pains when I tried to breathe in and I was stretched out on the couch.

I also opened up a little more to DH yesterday about how I'm starting to get really insecure about my weight. I know I can change it and lose it but I'm really not motivated. And sometimes when we're I'll see myself and feel ugly. it cme up because I told him that I was nervous to get my hair cut so short because I can't use it to hide behind. He told me that he kind of figured that was going on but didn't want to say anything because he knows it's a touchy subject. But he made me cry when he reassured me that he loved me anyway *SIGH* I'm going through so many emotions and trying to stay positive and on track with my Bible study I promised to start up again as a daily thing.. *SIGH* Please just pray for me ladies. I know that this storm will pass I just feel so helpless.

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

mooney i know how u feel hunni im going throught some of the same things .
i feel ugly and fat all the time i feel worse now ive had my hair all cut short but i know that i cut my hair for a very good reason and i know it will grow back ( i donated 18inches to make wigs for kids with cancer ) but u still feel bad about urself every now and then DH will cuddle me or say some thing and i will forget how i feel .

DH will loose his job in nov but we have said to each other we are strong and can get through anything with the support of each other

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11 years ago

oooo i forgot to say are any of you other half taking any vitamins ? my DH is taking zinc of the little swimmers and he his words " im more horny " lol explains why he keeps jumping me every night when i go to bed lol was so funny bless him i like why ge like i dunno just since i been on zinc im more horny lol love it lol

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11 years ago

@Lammy We just need to keep praying for each other.

I also donated. I'm filling out the form now for Locks of Love and they took 12 inches from me. I think you saw my pics on FB. I was also holding on to it for other reasons that are not in line with what God wants for my life so getting the hair cut off was very liberating at the same time. I know that this (our) donations will make a couple children or people happy in a time that is dark like ours. Feels good to know that while we are hurting we are still putting smiles on peoples faces

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

@Lammy YES! DH started taking FertilAid for Men last Friday. He has a hard time staying up on it. He doens't always eat 3 meals a day so sometimes he has to take all 3 at once but he has started taking those with me. I got the FertilAid for Women also.

Weird but my BD drive has taken a HUGE tank lol I'm not in the mood anymore. I told Dh that it kind of has to do with the TWW nearing it's end and I'm kind of emotional but I'm not sure if that's it or not.

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

I understand Phat. I injured my back, back in 2006, and it flares up every now and then when I twist it the wrong way (last time I was just towel drying my hair). So I know the fear of aggravating but if you choose a DC that has many years experience, they'll know how to get you aligned properly. But since you feel uncomfortable (the popping sound makes me nervous ) you can try the ice therapy for a few days and see if it helps any . Keeping my fingers crossed for you today!

@Mooney & Lammy-get a book from the library about basic massage and dh can work on eachother. Massage has helped me overcome many of my body image issues. But I understand. I've always thought it would be sexy to make a sex tape with dh but I'm afraid of what I'd see...and what I wouldnt see cause of fat getting in the way . It sounds like you're getting exercise in with your walks, just make suttle changes to what you eat . While you're at the library getting a massage book, pick up a book on prenatal nutrition. It will show you how to eat before pregnancy and during the diff trimesters. They also have tons of healthy recipes! That way instead of feeling like you're on a dreaded diet...first 3 letters are DIE'll feel more like you're eating healthy for your soon to be peanut is healthy too . Sending prayers your way!!!

Finally last night. Told dh last night that I threw out so many signals that my next step was making smoke signals with my pheromones! DO ME!. So he got a nap in and pounced before bed. I feel....RENEWED rofl!!!
Dh takes normal multivitamins with zinc but he's done that for years. Besides the herbs in the Fertilitea, I've been taking prenatals since February . Now, this sounds horrible and I probably should be slapped on the wrist but I realized that by the time I finish provera that knowing my luck I'll be on my period for family reunion...I got a hotel room- I WANT HOTEL SEX! So I read up on provera dosage. Many women said the dr just prescribed 10 pills to make sure they had enough in their system to trigger AF druing withdrawal phase, but many havent wanted to wait 10+ whole days to start cycle and have taken 5 pills instead and still get AF in few days. Sooooo....yep you guessed it. After 5 pills I stopped Provera praying that period will come in a few days and be overwith by next weekend! Pray for my girls!!! **I cant believe I'm saying that!!!**

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

11 years ago • Post starter

@Tara I like that idea of massaging each other. Dh needs to read it not me! lol I already know what to do but he hardly returns the favor because of his shouloder injury which we still don't know what is going on because all the Worker's Comp surgery doctor said was there is nothing he can do. But his arm frequently goes numb and has pain... complicated.

As for the eating.. we've been eating better. Started juicing. That's taking some getting used to because although we are full there is something about the chewing motion that I feel like I"m missing haha

"Whatever is to be, must be" - Bob Marley

11 years ago

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