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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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pinkster --> Sorry about the love. I always took mine in the morning, but if it DOES give you nasty side effects, you can always take it right before bed, that way you'll sleep right through most of it!

Thought I'd post the blog post I just did that goes to the page I've dedicated being the parent of an Autistic child, just in case any of you'd like a glimpse inside my life! Same kinda deal; you'll have to copy and paste it into your browser's address bar.


8 years ago

Back on the two week wait yet again, I told myself I wasn't going to test this month unless I was late, but 7dpo today, and tested this morning, wish I could hold off with the tests, but I know that will be the start of testing 3times a day till arrives.

8 years ago

Hiya ladies, how are you all doing, still waiting for to show arghhh lots of so just waitin so can start the Clomid, thankyou for all your kind words and support, hows everyone else, gotta be some good news for at least some of us this month to all -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Foreverhopefull - good luck! I always say that shit, too, and end up testing way early.

Pinkster - you're not out of the game yet.

AFM, cd33 and no Aunt Flow. Just waiting.

8 years ago

Thank you phatgirl, still AF dunno wots going on, if dont appear over night will test again tom but will be 16dpo, what about you, still no AF either, crikey been a while, bet you just want to get on now and start trying again, you have been very patient, hope this next time is YOUR time
Hows everyone else, 2frsty, foreverhopeful? Hope your all ok ladies and hanging in there for Nov babies

8 years ago

pinkster--> Things here are going OK. I'm sorry for the BFN love. Have you gotten the results of DH's semen analysis yet??

phat--> Come on, AF! Let's get this show on the road!!

foreverhopeful--> You ain't the only one who pees on her money every damn cycle! I do it constantly! I wish I could have back all the money I'd pissed on over the years ... I could retire!

AFM: *sigh*
Picking up my script for BCPs today on my way home this afternoon. I wasn't going to take them at all, but after reading some horror stories about ladies who've gone back after waiting for a leftover follicle to shrink (the ones who didn't take the BCPs), only to find out that the cyst didn't shrink and ended up being put on BCPs anyway. And after I looked at the dates, with taking them for 3 weeks and then starting the Follistim injections, I should be O-ing right around the time Matt will be coming home from NTC. (The beautiful thing is that my husband is always like a rabbit when he's been gone for a while, so I shouldn't have any trouble getting him to BD!!


8 years ago

Just found out that one of my BFFs is having another MC; a blighted ovum. The problem is that this is the 3rd loss she's had in 4 months! She had a blighted ovum that they caught at 8 weeks, a chemical the next cycle, and now she's got another blighted ovum. My heart is breaking in two for her. She's devastated. We all got pregnant at the same time in 2012 and had our babies within one month of each other. I've been TTC for 2 years with no luck; she's been TTC for 6 months and has had 3 losses. What the hell do I say to her? She's in OK so it's not like I can give her a and drink a beer with her. I feel so bad for her!


8 years ago

@2frsty- I'm sorry about your shotglasses. I dont blame you for being so upset. I cried inconsolably when I accidentally broke my late grandmother's milk glass bowl.

@pinkster- that sounds like a neat website! I cant imagine what you guys went through with the fire.
I always take clomid before bed and besides a couple of headaches, I never really had any side effects taking it at night.

@foreverhopefull- hi sweetie. I always say I'll wait but then I get so excited and want to pee on every stick in sight LOL

@phat- I hope af shows soon sweetie.

AFM- I think my testosterone is finally starting to lower. My skin has been crazy for a month now but it's finally clearing up. Been dealing with a lot of financial/baby questions lately. Dh's car is still in pieces 2 weeks later. The timing belt and pistons keep locking. He's trying everything but cant get anywhere. I think he's at the tipping point of just giving up on it and sending it to the garage. With parts and cost of fixing it, we're looking at about $600. But the mechanic that knows dh's car and said that there's a chance that it's beyond fixing. So after spending $600, we may have to scrap the car all together and get a new one. Luckily we have dh's dad's truck til then.
Then comes the new car issue. We could go with a 4 door car but I watch my nephew and his soon to be sibling (I take my nephew on shopping trips, to the park etc.) That's a forward facing car seat and backwards facing car seat in my car. No problem right now. BUT....I WANT A BABY!!!!
That means 3 cars seats or more if we have twins. 3 carseats in a car, yes...4 carseats in a So if we bought a new car, wouldnt it be a wiser decision to go with a minivan now? But if we bought a minivan now, with no kids not knowing when God will bless us with children, then we have a minivan and no family. And the money of getting a new car, puts a damper on funds for babies. I'm WAY OVER THINKING THIS!!! I was in tears the other night contemplating putting off RE treatments til my sister's kids were older but I want a child now. So right now, we're praying dh's car can get fixed. If it cant get fixed, I think we may lease a 4 door car for 2 years to make babysitting my sister's kids easier. Then when we are blessed...move onto actually buying a minivan. But what if we do a 2 year lease and BAM i get pregnant with twins on a follistim cycle. Too many what if's to even think so I'm just trying my best to give it to God to handle. Someone slap me!!!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

@2frsty- Just saw your post on your bff. That's terrible!!!!!! I'll be praying for her. Everyone on this forum that has lost pregnancy, lives too far away from me to comfort them in person too. It sucks when all you want to do is hug them. The best you can do is just pray and be there to let her vent all her feelings. You could also send a gift basket with comfort snacks, warm socks, little gifts that may provide even the tiniest bit of comfort right now.
I highly recommend a book called Hannah's Hope. It's an amazing book that helped me through the pain of my miscarriages. The writer had been through many early miscarriages and failed adoptions. I felt like I was looking into a mirror while reading the book. Her feelings were my own. The scriptures and writing really gave me peace.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Tara--> Honey, I am so sorry about DH's car! As for the minivan issue - I hate minivans!! I'd rather have a large SUV with 3rd row seating. I had a minivan when I was married to my ex, and I hated it! And with regards to the money--> I haven't the foggiest idea what to suggest. I couldn't ever do a lease, simply because with us being military we travel too much to see family. I'd be over on mileage every time!!

I just don't know how to comfort my friend. This is the 3rd loss she's had in 4 months, and I just don't know what to say. She knows about my profound infertility, and has been there for me over and again. But not being able to get pregnant in the first place is very different than suffering multiple losses.


8 years ago

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