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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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@Babydreams- Oh honey! I'm so sorry! Cysts are such a...well you know... (rhymes with ). It definitely makes sense but that totally sucks! I know it's hard right now to be positive. But know we love you and we're praying for you! And I'm praying your cyst heals up fast. Did they mention a follow up with your obgyn?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

aharris --> Girl, you GOTTA test and show us some pictures! I'll bet your eggo is preggo!

Dreams --> I am sorry about the cyst. I was hospitalized in 2006 with a ruptured one so I remember that feeling. And I know it's hard to stay positive when you keep running into walls. But you've gotta keep the faith. 12 years. I was TTC for 12 YEARS before I ever got my first BFP which turned into my beautiful boy!

AFM: Holy BLOATING, Batman! OMG! This trigger shot has given me SO much bloating and gas that it's terrible! I had to bust out my maternity pants from my pregnancy with Bubby! And what's worse is that I LOOKED pregnant!

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It is the most uncomfortable thing ever! I have trouble with constipation anyway, so all this extra gas and bloating is KILLING me! I feel like I'm one good fart away from blowing myself to the Moon!


8 years ago

BabyDreams Im so sorry lovely, I really thought this was the month for you both, so close and hoping that makes you all the stronger and better for next month now the cyst has gone, hang in there, we are here for you and will get you through every day if we have to, I really thought I was preg last month and its a huge blow when your not, lifes for living lovely and you have to carry doing that, -x-x-x-x-x- Waitingonmymirace another great explanation again on urine sample, are you a nurse or dr, well you should be, 2Frsty wow that does look mega uncomfortable and love your sense of humour, best not bring a flame near you or you will end up out of this world lol, AHarris all hopes are on you girl, let us know how you get on, fingers still crossed for you and lots of love n luck -x-x-x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

Thanks pinkster. I'm at a loss. I tested with FRER as soon as I woke up. I thought I saw a line but it vanished. I'm a week late. No period. BFN this morning. I have a digital test, its the only test I have left but I'm not wanting to waste it. So, I guess I am probably not pregnant and all those lines were evap lines. I'm so bummed out right now. I plan on waiting another week. I made Dave hide the digital Test from me. Next Saturday morning, if AF is still a no show, I will take the digital test. If its still negative I'll have to go to the doctor.

Meanwhile, I'm going to be bummed out all week..

8 years ago

Ok AHarris, thats sounds like a good plan, sending & a 100 fold your way, please please please let it be for you -x-x-x-x-

8 years ago

@2frsty- your facial expression is cracking me up !
Not to freak you out cause bloating is normal but..If the bloating starts to feel extra uncomfortable or if you notice your breathing changing (like hard to take a normal breath due to so much abdominal pressure) give your RE's emergency number a call or go up to the er. Just want to make sure your follicles arent leaking fluid into your abdomen. I'm sure your doctor covered all of this but I just so excited and nervous for you, I'd hate for you to have complications from ohss. Keep me updated!

@Pinkster- I have medical knowledge from so many sources in my brain . I was my sister's study partner while she was in nursing school. At 18 I should have probably taken boards with her lol. I worked as a vet tech at an animal hospital for years. After badly injurying my back working with a dog, I had to have physical & massage therapy. I wanted to help others the way my PT helped me, so I became licensed in medical massage therapy. Now I have 4 years of infertility research under my belt lol.

@aharris- I'm sorry love. I was so sure. Have you always ovulated at the same time each cycle?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

No, my ovulation varies. I'm just feeling crazy at this point. I hadn't had any definitive pregnancy symptoms, just some random ones. But tonight, I got really nauseated after my dinner. Still no AF and no sign of her. But also tonight I've started to have some clear/stretchy discharge, not usual at all for me. I'm really wondering what's up with my body? Why so many faint lines on three different brands of tests? What are the chances of them all being Evap lines within the time limit? Oh, and I've been having headaches. What's wrong with me? I just wanna cry..

8 years ago

aharris --> Clear and stretchy CM can be a good sign, but then (like everything else when you're TTC) it can also NOT be a sign too, ya know? Idk, Love. Short of having a beta drawn and then a transvaginal u/s done, I have't the foggiest idea what could be causing AF to be so late. Sometimes a cyst can be the culprit, but the ones that can cause it are pretty few and far between. I'm so sorry dear. You don't think there's any possibility you could've had a chemical, do you?

Tara --> I've considered it to be honest. The bloating has gone down a bit from yesterday; I have chronic constipation, and after I "went" a few times I felt a little bit better. Not a whole lot, I'm not gonna lie. What's weirder than anything is the fact that my lower belly (around my ovaries but broader than that, if that makes sense) almost feels like it's bruised from the inside. I know that the process of ovulation is a bit traumatic for the ovaries themselves, but I've never had it feel like they're bruised. But then when I think about it, I've never ovulated a litter's worth of eggs, either! And considering that DH is in school for the Army and working 7 days straight for the next 17 days, going to the ER isn't really an option; I don't want to expect my Mom to keep Bubby for an unknown period of time just so I can sit there and have them tell me either that I'm fine, or that I just need to poop. I may send the REs office a message and ask them what they think??


8 years ago

aharris --> Clear and stretchy CM can be a good sign, but then (like everything else when you're TTC) it can also NOT be a sign too, ya know? Idk, Love. Short of having a beta drawn and then a transvaginal u/s done, I have't the foggiest idea what could be causing AF to be so late. Sometimes a cyst can be the culprit, but the ones that can cause it are pretty few and far between. I'm so sorry dear. You don't think there's any possibility you could've had a chemical, do you?

Tara --> I've considered it to be honest. The bloating has gone down a bit from yesterday; I have chronic constipation, and after I "went" a few times I felt a little bit better. Not a whole lot, I'm not gonna lie. What's weirder than anything is the fact that my lower belly (around my ovaries but broader than that, if that makes sense) almost feels like it's bruised from the inside. I know that the process of ovulation is a bit traumatic for the ovaries themselves, but I've never had it feel like they're bruised. But then when I think about it, I've never ovulated a litter's worth of eggs, either! And considering that DH is in school for the Army and working 7 days straight for the next 17 days, going to the ER isn't really an option; I don't want to expect my Mom to keep Bubby for an unknown period of time just so I can sit there and have them tell me either that I'm fine, or that I just need to poop. I may send the REs office a message and ask them what they think??


8 years ago

I've been crying this morning.. I took the digital test because I just couldn't wait any longer. It was s a heartbreaking negative. So, my period still hasn't shown and I'm heartbroken and now fearful that something is wrong with me..

8 years ago

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