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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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Mandy --> While I'm excited that you're feeling better about the LVN's method and I hope like hell it works, I'm so so so sorry you're having to deal with this infertility nonsense. We haven't done any IUIs yet, mainly because DH is squeamish about doing his business in a cup. And considering that my insurance pays for practically everything but IUI and IVF, it's not really an option for us considering that we're broke right now. FX that this is the month for your sticky little bean and you won't NEED to go the IVF route!


8 years ago

Jace's Mama - how are you today sweet lady?

8 years ago

Well, my first month back TTC was a bust. Today is CD1 again for me. Here's to this being the month!

8 years ago

Hi everyone!

Joined today, I'm 7 dpo and try to stay sain. Doing well for now, hope it stays this way. But am here to support you all who experience hard time in TWW.

Lots of baby dust to all!

8 years ago

@Phat, that SUCKS!!!

You know what else sucks??? ME BEING SICK!!! Blahhhhh I will never brag again about how I never get sick! However, I never get sick, I couldn't tell you the last time I was sick. I live on vitamins and vitamin C. Friday I felt great, went to dinner and on the way home I noticed my throat feeling irritated and thought hmmmm really? Got home, took a shower, and BAM like a MAC truck hit me. I was in bed with allergies, throat killing me until Sunday. Woke up Sunday and throat does not hurt but my allergies are Kicking my ass in a terrible way!!! Coughing, Sneezing, Runny Nose, etc... I just want to be better! We are leaving Friday for Phoenix until Tuesday and I will not go if I feel like I do now.

8 years ago

@jacesmama- I'm so happy to know the cramping subsided. Your last post is interesting cause I was praying for you at the kitchen table that night with my husband. I referred to you as jace'smama and I giggled and said, "to anyone else that would sound very vague, God. But you know exactly who I'm talking about and you exactly where she is in this moment..." And it's the truth :) Love you so much sweetheart! So blessed to have friends that I can pray for and vice versa. And I completely agree!...if I ever visit a town that I know one of you girls lives in, I'll definitely visit! Where do you live? I'm just outside St louis.

@2frsty- I read your blog. Very well done :) I've been thinking for a long time about starting one but I share so much of my life on here that I'd probably just copy and paste LOL. I'm sorry about the blow to your gut. I'm going through the same. My facebook feed is FULL of pregnant people. I have girls I know that have had 2 kids during the time we've been trying too. And as happy as I am for sucks! And I'm not mad at them...I'm mad at myself and my body. I mean many more kids is Princess Cate going to have before I can give birth to one! It's amazing too how it seems that I always get pregnant at the same time my other friends do but miscarry and they go on problem free in their pregnancies. I celebrate when they give birth but it hurts at the same time. Especially when I'm with their children and I know my babies would have been their age. I'm dreading when my sister gets pregnant again. Not that I dont want another niece or nephew but because it can be so hard being around baby bumps. And I feel like a horrible person because of it. My dh and I have gotten to the point that when we find out friends and family are pregnant when just throw our arms in the air like 'wth?!'. I'm exhausted but I keep going...I'm must be a glutton for punishment.

@astrid- ewcm is a pain for me. I always get it too early before ovulation so I cant base my dates off of it alone. Oh man, 60 Yep....years from now when you see the news that a 60 year old woman gave birth in the's me. That'll be my luck LOL! Cant believe I'll be 30 next year. I know I have time left but I feel horrible that dh is going on 36 and has no babies yet.

Oop....gotta run, be back on to catch up on more posts....

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

Hey all you beautiful ladies, just wanted to drop in & let you all know I'm still kicking .. not too high but still thankful. I've been trying & praying as hard as I cab to fight off this depression but it still seemed to have gotten a good hold. Its more like I've just been trying to push everything out of mind so I can function properly for my son & I'll try to deal with it all when I'm strong enough to handle it, whenever that may be. Searching for a way to be around dh, its like I can't hug or kiss him or even let him hold me cuz it just instantly makes me sad.
That's funny that you thought the same thing while praying for us Tara.U laugh at myself when I say mine too cuz it does sound so crazy. But wI know that He knows exactly who were talking about & what they're going through. I live in Pikeville Kentucky .. if you ever come close by let me know! I'd certainly love to get to meet you in person. You've truly helped me in some of my darkest times & still continue to. All of you help plat a part in keeping me sane!
I really thought I would've had more bleeding .. but really barely anything at all & now nothing .. the strong sharp cramps are picking back up tonight so I'm gonna get another motrin & soak in a hot bath now that Jace just fell asleep. I'm wondering did this count as a period & if I should expect my next 4 weeks from now? And I know my follow up appt is on Oct.6 & I'm not supposed to have sex for a while, but do I have to wait til after my appt? Not that I have any want to right now, just wondering in the off chance I get a wild hair.
Love all of you & I pray we all get our greatest blessing soon!

8 years ago

Okay, I'm back! :)...
@xomandy- WOW! 4 follies with just femara....that's amazing!!!!! I'm so excited for you having it done by the LVN but about being annoyed at the dr. I feel like he was just dicking around on your other IUIs. OH I hope, I hope, I hope you get your sticky cement baby(s) this round!!!! I'm sorry you're sick though. But I heard it's good to have your immune system focusing on something else during the tww. I picked up a cold at our family reunion last weekend. I've been cheating on my husband with my new man...his name is Nyquil!!! ROFL. That's the only positive of being a break...I can take cold meds! I hope yours clears up quick darling.

@nightspyder- Welcome! Ok...I have to ask how you came up with your screen name. lol. Is this your first cycle ttc or have you been in the crazy game for a while?

@phat- We talk everyday but I have to say something to you on here so the other girls dont think I'm giving you the cold shoulder lol . Sooo....sup homegurl?!

Ok, I think that covers everyone. Not much going in my neck of the woods. Dh and I havent had time for days. We ordered dominos one night for dinner a few days back cause I was just too tired and stuffy to cook. Well, the pizza crust was doughy and the sauce tasted really acidic. It just wasnt right. I barely ate any and dh ate half. And since that day his lower GI tract has been a wreck. Poor guy is in the bathroom off/on all day everyday. Called the restaurant and talked to the manager about it today to see if anyone else called with same issues but alas, dh was the only one. He's doing better today though. Completely believe it was the undercooked pizza cause my stomach had issues afterwards too, just not nearly as bad. My poor dh...just want him back to his horny little self again LOL.

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

@jace'smama- Hi sugar! There were somedays that all I wanted to do was stare at the wall. I felt horrible for dh cause I'm very giggly person and always make people laugh but after my losses, I just wasnt me. Smiles were forced, laughs were few and far in between. Anytime I hugged dh I would cry and love making....took a while to be ready for that. Luckily he was very understanding and he knows that it takes a while for me to come around. I just always told him...'I'm in here in still, just give me time and I'll be back".
Thank you google...I now know where pikeville, ky is and it's flipping 8 hours from me LOL. Oh well, I'm sure God will line up a way to get me there or vice versa in the future :).
I have a feeling that your af may take a little longer than 4 weeks to come. Just depends on how out of whack your hormones are with everything right now. Your doctor will likely see the day of your dnc as cd1. You should be able to hae sex before your appointment though. Two weeks is what is recommended cause it gives time for all spotting to stop and for the cervix to close again.
I'm so glad you are feeling better physically though besides the cramping you're having tonight.
If you dont mind me asking...umm, were the doctors able to run any tests?

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

8 years ago • Post starter

@waitingonmymiracle - Thank you for the warm welcome! My screen cycle always starts at night (around midnight) and I like spyders very I guess that was the first thing that crossed my mind when registering :) I'm actually not TTC bc of some bad experience when I was. I learned that everything happens for a reason and everything that is meant to be will happen either way. And that is why I am not going crazy all day thinking about what might happen, I just think positive and wait for the outcome :) It may sound silly bc I see how many of you are TTC and putting all your hopes in every month even though you're not always successful (I really wish you were). I kinda don't feel like fitting in this group bc we use pullout method (since we believe that if it's meant to be it will happen anyway - and it allready did before) and you all are trying so hard to conceive. It just doesn't sound fair to you. But...few days ago when I was starting feeling odd (not pregnant but different), my bf said "i would be so happy if you were pregnant..". Then I started to google and found this forum and just felt the need to join and support you. Because it's easier for me to give objective opinion about your problems as I'm not going crazy in TWW (but have been insane and been going through all this several years ago so I know exactly how you feel). Back then I read lots of books and articles and thought I have figgured it all out. But guess what..mother nature has it's own way and she doesn't care what your wishes are. So I would like to contribute at least a little and give hope to all of you who are having hard time with conceiving and waiting for the BFP. The strenght is in unity! So I wish you all the best, keep your positive thoughts and don't just wish - believe! And don't forget that every dissapointment happens for a reason - for the miracle that is yet to come. My mom once said to me "At the end it's going to be OK. If it's not OK yet than it's not the end"

Strenght, power and lots of ++ to all of you!

8 years ago

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