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Does anyone else feel like a crazy person???!!!

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I think I might be pregnant ....I'm probably not ....could be, I'm late and crampy ....or maybe I ovulated later than I thought ...My breast feels sore, I gotta be pregnant ...maybe it's sore from me poking at it to see if it's sore. LOL! Anyone else mentally wrestling yourself ?!

Forum Founder; TTC 2 1/2 yrs; PCOS & MTHFR; 5 angel babies...Praying for a miracle!

9961 Replies • 12 years ago



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enbutler --> Very well put. I couldn't agree more.

AFM: Well, I said I wasn't going to TTC this cycle, but after I started having a few tiny cramps I checked FF and sure enough - today is supposed to be the day before O! I went and POAS with one of the last 2 Advanced Digital OPKs that I had and I got a low reading. I think that's inaccurate, since it was the first test I'd used and I think it was using that test as a baseline. Because when I ejected the test stick, it looked like this:

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That's what every "PEAK" test strip I've ever gotten has looked like. I've got one more I'm going to use tonight before I head to bed, but my cramps have ramped up nicely. So I'm going with late tonight/tomorrow as O day, then it's back into the TWW for me!

DH and I have been BD-ing every other day to let his volume build up. Last night I propped my legs up above our headboard for 15 minutes!

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8 years ago

Good luck, 2Frsty!

8 years ago

I actually slept really well last night & woke up feeling pretty good.. but now I have a bad feeling like the calm before the storm or something. Still taking advantage of this time to play with Jace, he's certainly my sunshine through all this darkness.

8 years ago

jaces, I am glad to hear you slept well. Get in all that quality time you can with Jace :-) When I am having a bad time I prefer my daughter to be attached to my hip, she is 15 so she understands sometimes and sometimes she could care less Lol

8 years ago

Jess- glad you're feeling better. I hope it continues to get better for you.

8 years ago

Jace's, i Keep praying for you so that everything will be ok.
Tara... i still miss u!

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8 years ago

Jaces --> I'm so glad that you got some rest and are in better spirits. When is your D&C scheduled for?

AFM: Today is 1 DPO. Let the TWW begin.


8 years ago

Thank you so much girls, all this support & prayers really mean a lot. I do have the strong family support but they don't understand & in glad in a way that they'be never had to feel this way. Even MT close friends that I talk to everyday, Im sure they just don't know what to say so they just don't call.. which is harder because I don't have them to talk to.
My d&c is supposed to be tomorrow but they still haven't called to tell me what time. Ill call them here in a lil bit. I need to talk to them anyway, any normal outcome I would've gotten my ultrasound pictures that she had in my hand.. I'm praying she put them in my chart cuz that'll be the only physical memory I have of my sweet angel baby, whether it was already gone or not I want it.

8 years ago

Well went in on CD12 and had 5 measurable follies!!! Holy smokes batman! 4 will mature enough to ovulate though, 1 I am 75% certain will not so we are moving forward. Funny though cause we were moving forward regardless only we were going to try at home no matter what the Dr ordered but he did clear us for the IUI :-)

Left side had 16.5, 16.8, and 12.8
Right side had 20.8 and 15.9

He said all of the larger ones will be good to go! They should all be over 18mm by IUI in the morning. DH and I decided this is our last IUI, we will be moving to IVF if everything looks good with his SA tomorrow and me having FOUR follicles we do not get pregnant then we are taking the leap of faith!

Jace's, I'm glad you are in better spirits. She should have the pictures in your file. My dr has mine from 2010 and 2011 still.

8 years ago

Praying for you Mandy!! May everything be smooth sailing for you tomorrow & go as perfect as possible..
I'm really hoping they still have the ultrasound pics, but I'm highly doubting it. My firsts with Jace got ruined (my friend was gonna surprise me by laminating them & they turned black), I called the ob office crying & asked if they still had anymore & she said they don't save them. But that was over 3 yes ago & they've moved their office into the hospital now so maybe, & under the circumstances, hopefully they'll have them.
I have to check in at the hospital at 8:15 in the morning. My husband works over an hour away & that's what time he gets off. My mom's gonna drop me off on her way to work so it sucks that I'll be waiting by myself .. just praying dh gets there in time so I can see him before they put me to sleep. They said after I check in it'll be about an hour before the surgery while they get me & everything else ready. Just nervous about being by myself - well nervous about it all. Is it weird that I'm really depressed over having my baby actually gone? I mean, I know it is already, I guess its just knowing it will be final.. I'm just not ready to let go, & honestly I don't know if I ever will be. I know you all have been praying for me just please keep it up. Its going to be a long process & I have no idea how I'm going to feel tomorrow after my precious angel baby is taken from me.

8 years ago

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